2022-08-13 12:16:47
14 votes, rating 6
Hello coaches :)
So, on friday 05 august, i leave my office for 2 weeks, knowing i'll have 1 week home without kids and trip cancelled... Damned, looks like a loosy week ahead. A little visit on discord and, oh, fantastic surprise, Christer announces BBT6 is back !! Woot, seems i'll get a playing week instead !!
Ok, so i create a squad, Woodies, Old World Alliance, Imperial Nobility and Halflings, all 1 point teams so i get a 7.5 point bonus
Knowing how it worked, i would have taken Khorne or Chaos Pact instead of Flings, but didn't know the new TTM rules, so, my bad, i should have read the rules !!
Day 1: Friday 05/08/2022
Starting at 18.30 server time
6 games played 2-3-1, poor start, Flings 0-2-1
Day 2: Saturday 06/08/2022
7 games played: 3-3-1, still discovering new rosters and flings appear a lot, 1-3-2 at the end of day 2
Day 3: Sunday 07/08/2022
5 games playes: 4-1-0, better !
Day 4: Monday 08/08/2022
11 games played, oof !! 6-3-2,
Day 5: Tuesday 09/08/2022
1 game in the morning to reach 30, a draw. Time to count a little, overall poor score of 15-11-4, but not that bad finally as my flings took the 4 losses and played 13 of the 30 games.
Off for the day, we come back in the evening
3 games, 3-0-0
Day 6: Wednesday 10/08/2022
7 games, 4-3-0, good job
Day 7: Thursday 11/08/2022
12 games, 9-2-1 ! hot day that we end by a loss to Ohwatch, grats to him for a nice OTTD, stopping a 27 games without loss streak :)
Day 8: Friday 12/08/2022
7 games: 6-0-1, starting with a loss vs Blackgiglio in a big fight, then 6 wins :)
At 3 in the morning, i'm drunk and at 59 games, and my TV 1400 Woodies cant find friends so i go to bed :)
Day 9: Saturday 13/08/2022, today
Needed 1 hour of activation and finally found Thoriin for my last game, a draw after a nice 1rr1 in the endzone :p
Here we are, time to shut down computer for 10 days :)
For teams:
Old World Alliance 10-5-0, TD 21-4, CAS 35-19: very solid team, i really enjoyed playing them
Imperial Nobility 11-3-1, TD 19-7, CAS 22-28, every game was difficult as often outnumbered, but probably the best for defense
Woodies 10-4-1, TD 30-7, CAS 20-30: despite leap nerf and sprint removed form catchers, woodies are still a top team, so finally not a top score, i may loose this racial lead soon.
Halflings, 6-5-4, TD 16-12, CAS 30-34, well, it was really a pain, can't thow flings on players without turnover was a bad surprise for me and random MVP doesnt help them too...
Squad does 37-17-6, not that bad ;)
Overall, thanks to all opponents, Christer and all fumbbl staff, great job, what a week :D