Posted by Cavetroll on 2010-07-06 18:18:27
I have a few coaches like this, but my 2 favorites are adambomb (4-1-1) and mwilli72 (3-1-1). We always have fun games and they are great coaches to play with (although adambomb is difficult to schedule with). On the other side of the coin, I am "THIS" coach for SavageJ (3-1-5) and GeneralMarauder (2-0-6). I will still play SavageJ as he's a friend of mine, but I avoid GeneralMaruader except in tournaments. I'm not saying I dropped out of OCCS because of GM, but.... :)
Posted by Zombie69 on 2010-07-06 18:23:14
I'm 9-0-0 vs poor propuppetmaster.
Posted by Resarf on 2010-07-06 18:41:41
Cloggy, I always dice Cloggy, he knows it, I know it.
Posted by maysrill on 2010-07-06 19:12:28
I'm not gonna call anyone out here, but I've got a coach (nice guy, too) who I'm 7/1/0 against. Just a random nuffling or two ought to have won him a couple of those, but just hasn't happened yet.
(on the flip side, I've got a handful of coaches who own me pretty good)
(semi-unrelated note: don't feel bad for Cloggy, I'm only 1/2/2 against him)
Posted by freak_in_a_frock on 2010-07-06 20:39:11
Calcium. He hates getting drawn against me. He often plays better than me during the games, but nuffle has never let him win so far. I am 5/3/0 vs him. In fact in one game he out cas'd me 10-1 and i still got a 2-0 win.
Posted by PurpleChest on 2010-07-07 18:06:18
8/0/0 vs Synn. Its absurd that he hasnt EVER even drawn against me as he is a mighty fine coach.
But he hasnt.
And never will.
Posted by vaclav on 2010-07-08 15:20:25
3/0/0 against better coach than me - Anisdrin
Posted by erased000026 on 2010-07-08 19:00:54
Maybe purplechest, its because in 6/8 games you are up in ts vs him you filthy picker:D