Posted by clarkin on 2009-02-12 12:08:24
Just a slight mistake on some of the blocking odds. Recalculated cos noticed -3db was way too close too -2db.
Blocking (no block skill)
-3DB = 70% chance of turnover
-2DB = 56%
1DB = 33%
2DB = 11%
3DB = 4%
Blocking (block skill)
-3DB = 42% chance of turnover
-2DB = 31%
1DB = 17%
2DB = 3%
3DB = 0.5%
Posted by Wreckage on 2009-02-12 15:23:09
praise nuffle!
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2009-02-12 19:40:12
I start EVERY GAME by typing
Hello enter button
Praise Nuffle enter button
I try not to mention Nuffle again unless he is dice raping me.
I want him to know that I praise him and his game.
But I don't want to become annoyed by my constant prayer.
If me opponent or I have terrible luck I say...
"That is because Nuffle HATES you."
or alternatively "Nuffle HATES me."
Then I usually say... "It's OK he HATES me too."
or "He HATES you too."
Thereby I spread the word of Nuffle.
He HATES us all afterall.
Even our success it is only to set us up for the fall.
Nuffle is fickle... but don't tell him I said so.
Posted by Calcium on 2009-02-12 20:16:31
I need an ALT+Praise NUFFLE button.
Posted by Royston on 2009-02-12 23:35:17
I don't think that Nuffle hates anyone. He can't be arsed with all that, too much effort.
Nuffle just likes to torment people for his own warped pleasures.
Nuffle taketh and Nuffle screweth you over.
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2009-02-13 05:40:47
Don't deny his HATE for us all.
It is his PURE HATRED that binds us all to his game.