30 coaches online • Server time: 00:21
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Did you know? Up until now, 1506384 players have died on the pitch.
Last seen 9 years ago
2008-06-23 22:55:12
rating 4.5
2008-06-23 22:55:12
35 votes, rating 4.5
How to solve the two ball client reload bug
-reload with .inc
-end the turn
-reload again with .dat
-problem solved
-you just can't move the ball carrier before you reload with .dat
0-5 Rookie
6-15 Experienced
16-30 Veteran
31-50 Emerging Star
51-75 Star Player
76-125 Super-Star
126-175 Mega-Star
176+ Legend
Difference in Team Ratings Number of Rolls
0-10 -
11-25 One
26-50 Two
51-75 Three
76-100 Four
101+ Five
There are shortcut keys to actions and movement
M = move
B = block
Z = blitz
H = Hand-off
P = pass
E = unselect player and/or end player turn
~ = also unselect player and/or end player turn
+ = Scroll long list of skills down. (Only on mouse over).
- = Scroll long list of skills up. (Only on mouse over).