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Old World Winter 2501

Rest of the World Winter 2501

Old World Spring 2501

The Rest of the Worlds pre seasons are finally over and the Colleges are now putting their final preparations into plan for the upcoming regionals.

Here's a quick look at how the divisions line up.


Daimatzu - Not much is known about Daimatzu as the coach decided to spend the pre season taking his team on a tour of the many drinking establishments in Nippon.

Key Player: Aika Kobayashi

Shinzei - The Shinzei Shurikens started well with a early win. But have since struggled losing their last two prep games. They have a promising player in the form of Ninja Meiko Kaji who suffered and early injury which has seen her pace slowed.

Key Player: Meiko Kaji

Horumi - The Silver Cranes had a tough going pre season with two games played and two games lost. Suffering an unimaginable three deaths and another five injuries in such a short space of time.

Key Player: Heavenly Dog

Uruchi - The Uruchi Samus look a strong contender for the Nippon regionals, winning all but one of their pre season war ups. Although they will be without the talented Uko Ashi for the first game of the season after suffering a bad knock against the Ashshair Spicers.

Key Player: Uko Ashi


Copher - The Copher Camels had late start to their pre season but managed to get in a couple of games with one win, and one loss. Talented Dervish Drogo has yet to show his true potential and Djinn Jaffa has been wowing the crowds after games, as Cophers Viziers are having him give away a free wish to one lucky patron after every game.

Key Player: Jaffa

Martek - The Martek Hashishin had a pretty lack luster pre season with two draws followed by a defeat. If the two Dark Elves can get into their groove this team could be one to watch for the season ahead.

Key Player: Amaanullah Zaidi

Lashiek - This team are definitely one to watch. The Taskmasters have got a decent well rounded squad with a few players already picking up some new skills. Their one defeat pre season came against regional opponents the Copher Camels, will this season see them get their revenge.

Key Player: Abdul Qarsan

Al Haikk - The Harriers pre season was more bad than good as they suffered a couple of defeats. One was against regional opposition the Taskmasters. There was some good though as they secured a decent victory against the Bhallukha Serpents with acrobat Asim outshining his more talented team mate Abd al samad.

Key Player: Abd al samad


Fu Chow - The Crimson Tide looked very good pre season. Winning two and drawing one of their pre season friendlies and running in an amazing eight touchdowns in three games. Their one draw came against Division rivals Shang Yang in what was a thrilling game which ended three touchdowns apiece.

Key Player: Liu "Uncoiled Dragon" Shi

Weijinn - This Young Dragons only managed to fit in two games but boy did they leave their mark, causing three deaths and six more injuries. Their famous Dragon Monks were hitting hard as were the strange and wondrous terracotta warriors. They didn't come out of those games completely unscathed themselves as Yiu Yunru was seen leaving the field, his future as a college player very much in doubt.

Key Player: Yiu Yunru

Shang Yang - The Ashshair Spicers had a mixed pre season with a win, a loss and a draw. They have some impressive players with many of them already showing improvement.

Key Player: Hwi Chao

Yuanjin - Another team with a mixed start. This team improved with every game and if they can continue on with the form they are in they could be real contenders.

Key Player: Regor's Son

Kingdom of Ind

Bhallukha - The Serpents had a troubling start to their pre season with a draw and two defeats. They really need to get Naga Chattala playing to her best to stand a good chance of winning this regions title.

Key Player: Chattala

Lakshana - The Tuskers won one and lost two of their warm up games. They have a decent player in the making with Kalki Pandey and if Kapila Kaur can continue to pull the ball out of the air the Tuskers opposition will think twice before attempting a pass.

Key Player: Kapila Kaur

Kosala - Kosala S.U. Wilcats had a pretty decent pre season without suffering a defeat. With a win and two draws to their name they must be confident that they will do well in this years regionals. Their pre season wasn't all good as their first game saw the loss of the very talented Ghatotkacha. Although tiger cultist Hidimba is more than coming into his own and could well lead this team to great things.

Key Player: Hidimba

Gandharva - The Pursuit of Happiness also fared well in the pre season matching Kosala's record of a win and two draws. But unlike Kosala, Gandharva have two key players out injured and will likely miss the teams opening game. Do they have enough depth of talent to do well without them, my gut says yes, but only time will tell.

Key Player: Virupaksa "he who sees all"

College Events

A travelling peddler has arrived at Kosala college and is selling what he claims to be an Elixir from the Fountains of Youth.

The Elixir isn't quite as powerful as he claimed but it does have some kick to it.

One of Al Haikk's players has been sleeping
around and has been found out.

To get revenge the players girlfriends turn up to all your games spurring on Al Haikk's opposition.

Fu Chow's apothecary is a pacifist and hates to see any kind of violence. He will try to patch up your opposing teams players as well as his own college players.

Bhallukha Serpents have been seen working extra hard all week on playing better as a united Squad.

It looks like the extra time training might actually pay off as the teams morale has taken a much needed boost.

One of Shinzei's players got the wrong girl pregnant. Now her father a grand magus from the colleges of magic is out for blood.

Luckily the head coach of Shinzei has managed to convince the wizard it was a case of mistaken identity.

The Colleges of Daimatzu and Horumi have printed a rude and insulting story about one of the leagues referees. As a result all the referees in the league have it in for both teams.

With the Old Worlds pre season over the Colleges are putting the final preparations into plan for the upcoming regionals.

Here's a quick look at how the divisions line up.


Kislev - The Wolves of Kislev look like the strong favourites in the Northlands with handler Arinbjorn Orlygsson impressing with his great strength.

Key Player: Arinbjorn Orlygsson

Ostermark - The OMU Manticores struggled a lot pre season, failing to score even one touchdown. If they don't get things together this could be a real bad year for the Manticores.

Key Player: Thomas Brady

Nordland - Nordland College was another team who struggled to begin with. But they managed to put together a great win against Regional opponents the Wolves of Kislev.

Key Player: Uno Larsson

Ostland - Wolfenburg College managed to stay undefeated in their pre season, with draws against the Raiders and the Woodmens and a win against the struggling Manticores.

Key Player: Sigisberht Lank


Middenland - The White Wolves had mixed pre season with a win, a loss and a draw. Their hopes for the season ahead rest on the shoulders of the much improved Carolus Pfrommer who may yet outshine his more talented team mates.

Key Player: Gerhardt Gottlieb

Reikland - The Raiders didn't fair well in the pre season with two hard defeats. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel as they managed to secure a draw in their final pre season game. And with Arnould the Reliable they have a player any team would desire.

Key Player: Arnould the Reliable

Talabecland - This team are one to watch. The Eagles went undefeated in all their pre season friendlies. A draw against the Nightguards was the only blip on an otherwise perfect start.

Key Player: Wilhelm Mehler

Hochland - Much like the Raiders the Woodmens had a tough start with two defeats in a row. Their final pre season game was much improved but it still leaves the team looking for their first win.

Key Player: Corley Hogg


Border Princes - The Ball Hawks looked very good pre season. They were the only team to win all three of their pre season friendlies.

Key Player: Valanduil

Averland - After an impressive opening display against the White Wolves the Angelfishes started to flounder. If talented handler Birkodd Sharpeye can stay fit this team may do well.

Key Player: Birkodd Sharpeye

Stirland - The Nightguards had a strange pre season being neither defeated nor victorious. With three draws to their name this team will be hard to predict.

Key Player: Vermon von Brandt

Wissenland - The Boomsticks had a turbulent start to the season as the College FUMBBL governing body made some changes to what players the team are allowed to field. This didn't stop them showing promise for the season ahead with two wins.

Key Player: Standro Fullnem


Wastelands - The Deck Hands had a fantastic start to their pre season. But a final game against the Wolves of Kislev cost them a perfect record and their most talented prospect Otto Blotto. Despite the set back they have some other fine talent coming through.

Key Player: Grant Castle

Tilea - The Buccaneers had a bad start to their pre season. Leaving the Bucs Coach fuming as his team were left to face some choice words. Their luck improved after the early disappointment with two consecutive wins.

Key Player: Pointy McStabby

Estalia - The Sworddancers couldn't really get going pre season. With a loss followed by two draws. Although Leo the Toro looks all set to terrorize the rest of the divisions defences.

Key Player: Cesare Martinez

Bretonnia - The Unicorns were another team to have a mixed start, a win, a loss and a draw. If they can get Wood Elf Clochette Fulgurante performing to his best then the team could be a surprise package.

Key Player: Clochette Fulgurante

College Events

A dusty scroll has been found hidden in your Reikland college’s library. Their brightest students have been working hard decipher its meaning. We have just been informed that the scroll holds the power of Lightning. That should put the fear into their opponents for the season ahead.

Hochland U. Woodmens have been seen working extra hard all week on playing better as a united Squad.
It looks like the extra time training might actually pay off as the teams morale has taken a much needed boost.

The Referees union in The Wasteland
have decided that referees in Marienburg deserve more pay.
As such non-professional referees will be overseeing the Deck Hands games for this seasons Regionals.

The Halflings in Averland have been staying late to train and have perfected a new technique.

The Angelfishes new Coach has had his biggest and strongest players hitting the small guys again and again until they get the technique just right.
The Halflings might be sore now, but it just might save them from harm in the long run.
News just in of a break in at Estalia college.
It looks like some old relics have been stolen and sold to their rival colleges.
The angry Sword Dancer Coach was seen entering the college security office.
I wouldn't like to be a guard on that campus right now.

Middenland college’s curriculum for this term has fallen well below par. Many of their FUMBBL players are struggling to find their way out of their dormitories, let alone find their way to the training pitch.

A wandering magician has been seen at Border Princes college campus earlier this week selling some weird and wonderful trinkets. The college requisition department are sure they have found a rare and wondrous item for the Ball Hawks to use. After days of testing the item has been found useless and the wandering magician is nowhere to be found.


The Regionals are finally over.

Let's take a look at how things ended up.

Old World


1Wolves of Kislev33008179
2Wolfenburg College310234-13
3OMU Manticores310224-23
4Nordland College310224-23

Top Players

Top StarWolfenburg CollegeSigisberht Lank11
Top ScorerWolves of KislevVyacheslav Yermilov3
Top PasserNordland CollegeRagnar Sörman2
Top BlockerWolves of KislevMord Sodsson3
Most Interceptions
Most BlocksWolfenburg CollegeRamung Topfer33
Most FoulsOMU ManticoresJorn Kroppen2
Highest PassingNordland CollegeRagnar Sörman8
Highest RushingWolves of KislevArinbjorn Orlygsson45


1Talabecland Eagles32104137
2Middenheim White Wolves32014316
3Hochland U. Woodmens302145-12
4Reikland Raiders301236-31

Top Players

Top StarReikland
Arnould the Reliable
Carolus Pfrommer
Top ScorerMiddenland
Carolus Pfrommer
Hulgo Drenn
Top PasserReiklandArnould the Reliable6
Top BlockerReiklandWalkenius of the Nightfall4
Most InterceptionsReiklandPeirce the Stubborn1
Most BlocksMiddenlandGriswold Lukas42
Most FoulsMiddenlandTristan Finstermann2
Highest PassingHochlandCorley Hogg8
Highest RushingMiddenlandCarolus Pfrommer63

1Stirland Nightguards32105147
2Border Prince Ball Hawks32014406
3Wissenland Boomsticks302113-22
4Averland Angelfish301213-21

Top Players

Top StarBorder PrincesValanduil13
Top ScorerBorder PrincesValanduil4
Top PasserStirlandEtras Barlinger4
Top BlockerAverland

Milleg Bearoak
Mathias Verter
Most Interceptions
Most BlocksAverland
Border Princes
Milleg Bearoak
Glegnar Stonesplitter
Most FoulsStirland
Nopkas Soller
Merzu Xanamin
Highest PassingStirlandEtras Barlinger15
Highest RushingBorder PrincesValanduil50


1Wasteland U. Deck Hands32013306
2Carcassonne Unicorns31113214
3Tilean Buccaneers31111104
4Estalian Sword Dancer310234-13

Top Players

Top StarEstaliaJesus Montoya13
Top ScorerWastelandChris Mixer3
Top PasserWastelandAce Duncan4
Top BlockerWastelandSkyler Pierce3
Most Interceptions
Most BlocksWastelandSkyler Pierce38
Most FoulsTilea
Alex Marcum
Highest PassingWasteland
Ace Duncan
Cesare Martinez
Highest RushingBretonniaClochette Fulgurante56

Rest of the World


1Uruchi Samus32104137
2Horumi Silver Cranes32103127
3Daigaku Daimatsu Dragons310212-13
4Shinzei Shurikens300304-40

Top Players

Top StarUruchiFamu Oye14
Top ScorerUruchiFamu Oye3
Top PasserUruchiYuji Ohno2
Top BlockerDaimatsuYuki Togawa2
Most InterceptionsUruchiMiko San1
Most BlocksDaimatsuYuki Togawa39
Most FoulsHorumi
Ishiyama Saburo
Ayaka Shimezu
Uka Mato
Himmo Tayu
Highest PassingUruchi SamusYuji Ohno4
Highest RushingUruchi SamusFamu Oye34


1Copher Camels33006159
2Lashiek Taskmasters32015416
3Martek Hashishin310234-13
4Al Haikk Harriers300316-50

Top Players

Top StarCopher
Majdi Basher Jr
Top ScorerCopher
Kasib Raqus
Top PasserMartekShaheed Alli4
Top BlockerMartekMajdi Basher Jr3
Most Interceptions
Most BlocksCopher Drogo 35
Most FoulsMartekShaheed Alli4
Highest PassingAl HaikkFarhan10
Highest RushingCopherJhaqo56

1Fu Chow Crimson Tide321010557
2Ashshair Spicers32106337
3Weijin Young Dragons31025503
4Carnival of Yuanjin300319-80

Top Players

Top StarFu ChowLiu "Uncoiled Dragon" Shi18
Top ScorerFu ChowLiu "Uncoiled Dragon" Shi6
Top PasserFu ChowVariena "Lucky Goat" Cao6
Top BlockerShang YangKing Mu3
Most Interceptions
Most BlocksFu ChowZiyi Liang38
Most FoulsShang YangWu-ku-sun Chung Tuan2
Highest PassingFu ChowLaumiel "The Lion" Maoshi18
Highest RushingFu ChowLiu "Uncoiled Dragon" Shi72

Kingdom of Ind

1Bhallukha Serpents32106247
2Lakshana Tuskers32013216
3Pursuit of Happiness311143-14
4Kosala S.U. Wildcats300306-60

Top Players

Top StarBhallukha Harishankar Sangur9
Top ScorerBhallukha
Nabendu Inderjit
Top PasserGandharvaVirupaksa
Nabendu Inderjit
Top BlockerBhallukhaHarishankar Sangur3
Most InterceptionsBhallukhaMitdeep Aminder1
Most BlocksBhallukha
Harishankar Sangur
Most FoulsBhallukhaGurdharm Balpan 2
Highest PassingGandharvaVirupaksa4
Highest RushingGandharvaVaisravana38