Create team for this league
Back in 2274, CABLEVISION didn't exist. Its technology was unknown to the world. Only RADIOWAVE was available, and only the richest people could afford one of those "speaking" devices.
BLOOD BOWL was played locally within friends or to settle village rivalaries. A Pro Blood Bowl League? No way...not even any other Pro Sport was known. Those were the old ways in the old days...but a man, a visionary called Jhon McNulty, could forsee the potential of this precious game called Blood Bowl as a pro sport.
OBBL was in the making. He traveled all over the old world seeking for teams ready to go pro. Funds were...well, how to say it politely... rare?. He had not much to offer to anyone willing to go pro...but still he continued his search.
He managed to convince a few these ones here! ok, we know...they were not Chaos All-Stars level really...but those were the first teams joining OBBL. Players all passion for the game, ready to pay for its own expenses as teams could not afford to pay them a salary...Team treasury back then was....0k gold coins....*ouch*
The rest is history...OBBL was a huge success! Money slowly but surely started flowing in season after season. Teams become richer, players more professional and phisically ready for this brutal sport.
Jhon McNulty did a fantastic job in making the game as popular as we know it is now. He introduced lots of revolutionary things to the sport like B.S.T (Bionic Skill up treatment) for players, allowed weapons, free agent market, Recruits, trades...
Are you ready to travel back to 2274 and take over one of the original OBBL franchises? Are you ready to make your team a multi-milion worth powerhouse from that miserable, moneyless original team?
Helmet | Team Name | Owner | Titles & Bio |
 | Skaag Hills Lynch Mob | sonrises | ULTHUAN SILVER RING OPEN winner -November 2275-. Founder team. |
 | Wolfstone Crusaders | KnutOlavaines | Expansion team. Joins OBBL in May 2274. |
 | Praag Ballers | Jopotzuki | Expansion team. Joins OBBL in May 2274. |
 | Magritta Monsters | captainmalkor | BASTION STAIR CHALLANGE winner -June 2274-. Expansion team. Joins OBBL in May 2274. |
 | Kobrin Kites | AdyBrooke | Expansion team. Joins OBBL in May 2274. |
 | Brandenberry Bakers | bigf | ULTHUAN GOLD RING OPEN winner -November 2275-. Expansion team. Joins OBBL in June 2274. |
 | Hasselhund Hounds | bujke | MANASA BOWL winner -April 2275-.Joins OBBL after takeover of Tobaro Terror franchise in September 2274. |
 | D'Epee Devils | Matthueycamo | VLAD VON CARSTEIN CHAMPIONSHIP winner -July 2275- . Joins OBBL after takeover of Meansville Meanstreaks franchise in September 2274. |
 | Ostermark Bandits | det | Joins OBBL after takeover of Ostland Bandits franchise in March 2275. |
 | Midnight City Marauders | Nextflux | ALICE VON CARSTEIN INVITATIONAL winner -July 2275- . Joins OBBL after takeover of Middenheim Marauders in May 2275. |
 | Southland Twilight Knights | Thoriin | Joins OBBL after takeover of Nordland Twilight Knights in September 2275. |
 | Siegfriedhof Crusaders | burnsy87 | Joins OBBL after buying Wolfenburg Sailors licence in November 2275. |
 | Wolfenburg Sailors | Laskas | THE OLD ONES CHAMPIONSHIP winner -May 2275- KING SETTRA INVITATIONAL winner -July 2274- BRASS CITADEL PRO OPEN winner -June 2274-. Joins OBBL after takeover of Marienburg Bloodthirsters franchise in April 2274. Goes Bankrupt in May 2275. |
 | Montford Manglers | Sinnyil | NEHEKHARA OPEN winner -July 2274- BLOOD KEEP INVITATIONAL winner -May 2274-. Founder team. Goes Bankrupt in December 2274. Marienburg Maulers purchase Manglers OBBL licence. |
 | Bordeleaux Paladins | Guardikai | ALTDORF COLLEGE SERIES winner -February 2275-. SWAMPS BOWL winner -November 2274-. Joins OBBL after takeover of Middenheim Marauders franchise in May 2274. Goes Bankrupt in June 2275. Helmgart Ratcatchers purchase Paladins OBBL licence. |
1. INTRODUCTION TO OBBL: Rules & Mechanics.
OBBL "in-game" rules are CRP basically. We will include a couple of minor House Rules but essentially OBBL is based on CRP ruleset for "in-game" rules.
The main changes will be in the Skill up sequence and Team Managment related stuff.
Skill up sequence will be 0,16,32,48,64,80,96 and 112 (*). We introduce the 0 (zero) spp skill up value. How does a 0 spp works? A player will always get a skill up once he finishes his first game.
There are many changes to Team managment compared to CRP: Team treasury, B.S.T and so on. It is not the aim of this introduction to go through all these changes. These will be covered in later posts.
However, there is one thing that we want to explain in here. In OBBL, you ,as a coach and General manager of your Franchise , will have access to many resources like new Recruits, Skills (B.S.T), weapons, Team Apos, RR and so on. Nevertheless, you will need MONEY to get them!. You have to BUY these resources. Money/Team Treasury Managment is essential in this league. Most of this league mechanics will spin around money/team funds managment. Lots of toys available but they all cost money!.
These 18 brave LOCAL PLAYERS have come to your facilities for a try-out! Additionally, team owners have put at your disposal 600k gold coins to scout the PRO PLAYERS market or hire a SECRET WEAPON guy.
Choose the 15 who will make the team!
All OBBL players are unique players. Therefore, they count as (0-1) for roster slot considerations and so, coaches are not allowed to buy 2 identical players.
At team creation, each coach has to decide what skill up categories will each player get on normal or double rolls (LEGAL ACTIVE ROSTER rules apply here).
***Legal Active Roster
Active roster must meet the following criteria:
(1+) STRENGTH Players
(2+) PASS Players
(3+) AGILE Players
(4+) GENERAL Players
(0-1) MUTANT Player
STRENGTH PLAYER = gets strenght skills on normal roll + GAP on doubles
PASS PLAYER = gets pass skills on normal roll + GAS on doubles
AGILE PLAYER = gets agile skills on normal roll + GSP on doubles
GENERAL PLAYER = gets general skills on normal roll + ASP on doubles
MUTANT PLAYER = gets mutation skills on normal roll + GASP on doubles
(1+) means that minimum one player in that category. (2+) means minimum 2 players and so on
***Other items at Team creation
1. Team treasury = 0 gold coins
2. Team Re-Rolls: Yes. One RR at team creation for FREE. Thereafter = Maximum 4 RR per team. Cost = 80k each RR.
3. Team Apo: Yes. FREE of charge at team creation.
4. Fan factor = 0 at team creation
5. Assistant Coaches: Not allowed
6. Cheerleaders: Not allowed
***Team Takeover
If your entry to OBBL is through taking over an existing team, team creation will follow these steps and rules below:
1. You take over an exising team and all its resources. Therefore you keep players*, treasury, bank money, apo, RR and Fan factor as they are. (*Players will suffer a slight modification due to technical issues when transfered into the client)
2. After team creation, you will be offered a click through game. You keep MVP and money earned in this game.
3. You may choose to retire existing players and hire new ones by using existing money resources (Bank or Treasury). This applies anytime during the takeover procedure or in other words, you may change your roster through shopping before and/or after click through game.
4. Legal Roster Criteria rules apply in all cases.
Money is essential in OBBL. You will need money to buy any of the multiple items you will have in offer. The aim is NOT to gather big amounts of money for the sake of it. The aim is to earn money so your Franchise can buy new players and other items that will help your team to improve and to be successful on the pitch.
***Where does the money come from?
1. Winnings after a game. This is the money that FUMBBL client allocates to your team automatically after a game. This is automatic and money goes straight to your TEAM TREASURY. Nothing new here.
2. Tournament Prizes. Once a tournament ends, all teams will get a sum of money as a reward for their performance in the tourney. This money will be transfered from the league to the team's account in THE ROYAL GOBLIN BANK OF THE SWAMPS .
All cash transfers through THE ROYAL GOBLIN BANK OF THE SWAMPS are closely monitored by OBBL league Officials (in other words, This Money does NOT go to your Team Treasury, so The League will keep track manually in an excel file and will publish updates at the end of each tourney).
***What money can buy?
a) Team Re-Rolls (max 4)
b) Team Apo
c) Recruits (Pro Players)
d) Weapons
e) Skills (also known as B.S.T)
***When do i use Team Tresuary or my account in the Royal Bank of the Swamps for payments?
a) Use TEAM TREASURY to buy Team Re-Rolls and Team Apo. You DON'T need to communicate these purchases to League Officials. You can do it when you feel like.
b) Anything else, You MUST communicate with League Officials and keep team in PENDING.
Both, Team Treasury or Bank funds may be used to complete the transaction. Sounds complicated? don't worry, League Official will guide you through the process. Just remember this, for anything that is not RR or Apo, communicate with League Admin and keep your team in pending.
4. LET'S GO SHOPPING!: Price list & Rules.
Money will let you buy different things in OBBL. Let's check which goodies are for grabs, how much they cost and how they work.
***What money can buy?
a) Team Re-Rolls (max 4)
b) Team Apo
c) Recruits (Pro Players)
d) Weapons
e) Skills (also known as B.S.T)
***Price List & Rules
a) Team Re-Rolls. 80k
*Max. 4 per team
*Buy with Treasury Money at Team page
*No need to communicate purchase to League Officials
b) Team Apo. 50k
*Buy with Treasury Money at Team page
*No need to communicate purchase to League Officials
c) Recruits (Pro Players)
*Please, Click on Recruits to get full price list
*Coaches MUST declare what Skill up category the player belongs to
*Buy with Treasury and/or Bank Money. Before taking any action, please keep team in PENDING and communicate purchasing interest to League Officials. KEEP team in PENDING until League Officials tell you otherwise
d) Weapons
*Please, Click on Weapons to get full price list and specific ruling
*Buy with Treasury and/or Bank Money. Before taking any action, please keep team in PENDING and communicate purchasing interest to League Officials. KEEP team in PENDING until League Officials tell you otherwise
e) Skills (also known as B.S.T)
*Please, Click on Skills to get full price list and specific ruling
*Buy with Treasury and/or Bank Money. Before taking any action, please keep team in PENDING and communicate purchasing interest to League Officials. KEEP team in PENDING until League Officials tell you otherwise
*0,16,32,48,64,80,96 and 112. We introduce the 0 (zero) spp skill up value. How does a 0 spp works? A player will always get a skill up once he finishes his first game
***Maximum Skills
*A player can get a max of 8 skills.
*A player must RETIRE once he gets the 8th skill. Those 8 skills may come from both, learned skills or B.S.T (Skills Shop). Doesn't matter where the skills come from, once a player gets the 8th skill must retire and becomes a STAR PLAYER.
*Team will be compensated for the money spent when moving (retiring) a player to STAR PLAYER condition.
*New Star Player will be worth his book value (real TV as per CRP) and available as an inducment to all teams. Loner skill will be added.
***House Rules
*Different House Rules may be activated/desactivated from one tourney to the other
*Fouling is done with +1 to the AV roll
*Nominate 2 players for MVP selection
*Argue the Call ON
*Right Stuff prevents Tackle skill when blocked ON
*Spiralling Expenses OFF
*Expensive Mistakes OFF
1. Head to Head
2. TD Difference
3. CAS Difference
4. Coin toss
*Cards = NO but they may be allowed in nominated tourneys
*Star Players = See "Skill up sequence ruling"
*Mercs = YES
*Wizz = NO
*Other = Yes (This includes babes, apo, bribes, RR and Master Chef)
*EURO Timezone. You'd be expected to play between roughly 18.00 to 23.00 server time
*10 days rolling deadline per round. Rolling means that we count 10 days from the day last game of a round was played
***Forfeits & Concessions
*Concessions are STRICTLY prohibited!
*Team that forfeits gets 0 points and no revenues for the match
*Winning team after forfaited match gets 2 points for the standings and rolls D6 + 30k to know match winnings. D6 + 30 k will be added to the bank account.
***Tournement/Season Length
*Depending on number of teams
*Rule should be 4 to 7 rounds per tourney/season
This is an EURO timezone League so you are expected to play roughly between 18.00 to 23.00 server time.
Please, have a look through the Group page and special attention to RULESET. If interested in joining, please PM sonrises with following info:
Please, see the application card below. Fill it in as in the example and send it back to us by PM (fill and copy-paste in a PM). Once we receive it we will start creating your CUSTOM roster.
***Application Card***
Players Skill up categories
SAW ...
BOMB ...
B&CH ...
***Application Card (example)***
TEAM NAME: Altdorf Pawns. All teams must follow a naming convention, this is as follows: "(Place team is from)(Team moniker)". Cities in the old world prefered. See a MAP of the OLD WORLD here
COACH: Sonrises
Players Skill up categories
**choose ONLY 15 players. Mark players left out as NO
*600k gold coins available to sign PRO PLAYERS
*SECRET WEAPON link. Maximum 190k may be spent on each weapon at team creation.
SAW ...Carver MVM model
B&CH ...NO
remember that you must meet the Legal Active Roster criteria. A reminder below:
(1+) STRENGHT Players
(2+) PASS Players
(3+) AGILE Players
(4+) GENERAL Players
(0-1) MUTANT Player
STRENGTH PLAYER = gets strenght skills on normal roll + GAP on doubles
PASS PLAYER = gets pass skills on normal roll + GAS on doubles
AGILE PLAYER = gets agile skills on normal roll + GSP on doubles
GENERAL PLAYER = gets general skills on normal roll + ASP on doubles
MUTANT PLAYER = gets mutation skills on normal roll + GASP on doubles
and (1+) means minimum one player in that category. (2+) means minimum 2 players and so on
*Player base cost + bionics will be refunded 100% once a player gets to Star Player level and retires ...except for injuries which will tax player depending on injury (-str, -ag, -ma , -av, -n) and number of bionics equipped. Tax will be progressive. Please note that in all cases player base cost will be refunded 100%. Injuries will only apply to refunding on bionics. Check table below:

*Star players get LONER automatically when they move from PRO/LOCAL to STAR PLAYER status
*Star Players do not count towards str5 quota or any skill quota in place. Mercs are considered Star Players in this respect
* Terrox 
280k 8-3-4-8 Block, Catch, Diving Tackle, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Strip Ball, Very Long Legs, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in November 2274 after game vs Wolfenburg Sailors
* Daniel Patterson 

290k 6-4-3-8 Block, Claw, Dauntless, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Pro, Shadowing, Tackle, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in March 2275 after game vs Nordland Twilight Knights
* Ocarin Freedom 

280k 9-3-4-8 Block, Dodge, Jump Up, Leap, Side Step, Sprint, Very Long Legs, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in April 2275 after game vs Marienburg Monarchs
* Finnius O'Butterscotch 

280k 9-3-5-8 Dodge, Jump Up, Leap, Side Step, Sure Feet, Catch, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in April 2275 after game vs Wolfstone Crusaders
* Mikoto 

260k 9-3-3-9 Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Block, Diving Tackle, Very Long Legs, Sprint, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in May 2275 after game vs Sarls Avalanche
* Luna 

230k 2-5-1-9 Block, Mighty Blow, Claw, Tentacles, Prehensile Tail, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Horns, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in May 2275 after game vs Midnight City Marauders
* Judge Dread 

300k 6-4-3-8 Block, Mighty Blow, Claw, Tackle, Two Heads, Disturbing Presence, Extra Arms, Horns, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in May 2275 after game vs Sarls Avalanche
* Chapiuto Ramirez 

200k 7-2-4-6 Hypnotic Gaze, Dodge, Side Step, Leap, Jump Up, Diving Tackle, Sure Feet, Sprint, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in September 2275 after game vs Ostermark Bandits
* Harry Brown 

290k 8-3-5-8 Block, Dodge, Jump Up, Leap, Side Step, Hypnotic Gaze, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in October 2275 after game vs Helmgart Ratcatchers
* Dagwick Duckwood 

300k 5-4-3-9 Block, Mighty Blow, Claw, Tackle, Horns, Foul Appearance, Tentacles, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in October 2275 after game vs Magritta Monsters
* Timmy the Waystalker 

250k 8-2-4-8 Block, Dauntless, Dodge, Frenzy, Leap, Loner, Strip Ball, Tackle, Very Long Legs
Inducted to Star Player status in November 2275 after game vs Kobrin Kites
* Azery Rottninged 

260k 7-3-4-8 Block, Dauntless, Dodge, Frenzy, Loner, Mighty Blow, Pro, Strip Ball, Tackle
Inducted to Star Player status in November 2275 after game vs Skaag Hills Lynch Mob
* Knungoz 

310k 7-3-5-9 Block, Sure Hands, Dodge, Nerves of Steel, Loner, Hail Mary Pass, Pass, Safe Throw
Inducted to Star Player status in November 2275 after game vs Siegfriedhof Crusaders
* Michael McClenning 

270k 6-4-4-8 Block, Dodge, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Sprint, Sure Feet, Jump Up, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in January 2276 after game vs Midnight City Marauders
* Grégory Ménard 

280k 3-5-1-9 Block, Dodge, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow, Grab, Stand Firm, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in March 2276 after game vs Siegfriedhof Crusaders
* Remigio Cortez 

310k 9-3-5-9 Block, Dodge, Tackle, Strip Ball, Side Step, Leap, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in March 2276 after game vs Southland Twilight Knights
* Brave Sir Robin 

280k 5-4-2-9 Block, Claw, Foul Appearance, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Pro, Shadowing, Kick-Off Return, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in March 2276 after game vs Brandenberry Bakers
* The Duchess 

330k 10-3-4-9 Block, Dodge, Sure Hands, Tackle, Prehensile Tail, Shadowing, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in March 2276 after game vs Brandenberry Bakers
* Orú Cyganni 

300k 9-3-4-9 Block, Dodge, Sure Feet, Very Long Legs, Leap, Side Step, Sprint, Loner
Inducted to Star Player status in March 2276 after game vs Siegfriedhof Crusaders