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Rest of the World

College Events
Old World

College Events

Before the Regionals Season starts in the spring and before Ranked Season starts in the autumn all teams must make a roll on the Random Events Table. Roll 1D100 and consult the table below for results.

1.College EventRoll on your Colleges Event Table
2.Smear Campaign
An irate political figure and old college alumni has taken up a grudge against you for leaving his son out of your college team. He is campaigning hard to get you replaced as the college coach.

Roll 1D6
The college governing body ignore the demands and assure you that you have their full support.
The college insist you put the mans son into your squad. You must fire a positional player of your choice and hire an extra Lineman. You cannot replace the positional player until after the end of this season.
3.Clerical Error
The administrative department at your college have gotten your most talented players age wrong. Your player with most SPP ages up a year. If this takes the player above senior then that player must retire.
4.To Hell in a Hand Basket
One of your players got the wrong girl pregnant. Now her father a grand magus from the colleges of magic is out for blood.

Roll 1D6
You manage to convince the wizard it was a case of mistaken identity.
The wizard doesn’t know who the offending party is so he launches a ball of fire at a large group of players. A random opponent this season gets a free wizard, fireball only.
The wizard is sure he knows the offending party. A random opponent this season gets a free wizard, zap only.
5.Insult to Injury
Your college has printed an insulting story about one of the leagues referees. As a result this season one of the referees has it in for you. A random opponents this season gets a free bribe.
6.Bad Habits
Your team has picked up some bad habits in the off season and it is starting to affect their ability to work together as a team. Your opponents for the first game of this season gets a free Halfling master chef.
7.Make Love not War
Your college’s apothecary is a pacifist and hates to see any kind of violence. He will try to patch up your opposing teams players as well as yours. All of your opponents for this season get a free wandering apothecary.
8.Postal Error
Your college courier has got in a muddle and sent your team’s playbook to one of your opposing colleges this season. A random opponent this season gets a free extra team training.
9.Hell Hath no Fury
One of your players has been sleeping around and has been found out. To get revenge the players girlfriends turn up to all your games spurring on your opposition. All your opponents for this season get a free bloodweiser babe.
10.Evil Eye
An old Gypsy witch has put the evil eye on your college. For one game this season your college loses a reroll.
11.College EventRoll on your Colleges Event Table
12.Drug Testing
The College FUMBBL governing body have been cracking down on drugs and have started doing random drug tests on all college teams. One of your positional players has been chosen to be tested before a random game this season.

Roll 1D6
The player tests clear.
The player tests positive for a mild narcotic and is banned for the 1st game of this season.
The player turns up to the drug test wasted out of his mind and then resoundly fails the test. The player is banned for the next 3 games and your college loses -5 PR at the end of the season.
13.Stolen Goods
Some of your college’s old relics have been stolen and sold to a rival colleges. A random opponent gets a free minor magic item to use against you this season. (see Special Items/Abilities)
14.Bad Publicity
A news article putting your college in bad light has been published in all the local papers around the Old World.

Roll 1D6
You manage to get on top of the situation.
Your college loses -5 PR at the end of the season.
You try to smooth things over but only end up making things worse. Your college loses -10 PR at the end of the season.
15.Old Dog, New Tricks
Your coaching skill has gotten a bit rusty. At the end of the college year lose 2 points in CR for every level you've gained.
16.Witches Brew
Your opponent’s have spiked your colleges Kroxorades bottle with a witch's concoction!

Roll 1D6
Mad Cap Mushroom potion! A random player on your team gains the Jump Up and No Hands until the end of this season.
Snake Oil! Bad taste, but no effect.
Powerful Sedative! A random player on your team gains Bone Head until the end of the season.
17.Nurgles Rot
A random player on your team has developed Nurgles Rot. (see league rules)
18.Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
An eccentric scientist has been dabbling into Chaos. Some of your students witnessed a horrifying event while passing by his estate.

Roll 1D6
Your players manage to convince the scientist that they didn't see anything.
The scientist is worried that one of your players will reveal his secret, he has hired someone to take your player out. (A random opponent this season can hire a single skilled Mercenary Lineman)
The scientist isn't all there and wont stop until he's had your players taken out, he's put a large bounty on their heads. (All your opponents this season can hire a single skilled Mercenary Lineman)
An Offer You Can't Refuse
A big league FUMBBL team has come calling and is interested in signing your most talented player.

Roll 1D6
The team comes in with a large contract offer which your player can't refuse. (Your player with the most SPP leaves your team immedietly)
You manage to convince them that the player still needs more development. (Your current player with the most SPP will leave your team at the end of this college year)
You manage to convince them that the player is not for them.
Any player that leaves your college in this way will give your college 3 PR and +2 to its next scouting roll, once the player has left.
20.House of Ill Repute
Some of your players have been visiting a house of ill repute and have picked up some nasty diseases. Roll 1D3 for the amount of players, losing 2 PR per player at the end of the season.

Roll 1D6 for each player
The player suffers no adverse affects.
The player will miss the 1st game of the season whle the disease is treated.
The player is writhe with disease and will miss the 1st 3 games of the season while the disease is treated.
21.Multiple Personality Disorder
A random positional player on your team has been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and has 3 different personalities. For every skill he gains (including those already gained) you must choose and assign a different skill for each personality. Before every season roll 1d3 to see which personality turns up for that seasons games.
Each personality will have the different starting skill from their positions pool of skills. Also each personality will gain access to a different Skill Group when gaining a skill.
No personality can have the same skill as another, except if already chosen.
(The player cannot be fired until the end of the college year, unless he suffers a permanent injury)
22.College EventRoll on your Colleges Event Table
23.I Am The Greatest
Egos are running high on your college team this season, which is causing friction on the team. All positional players on your team gain animosity for this season.
One of your players is getting picked on by the opposing colleges fans and can't handle the abuse. For a random game this season, a random positional player on your team gains bone head as they keep getting distracted by the opposing teams fans.
25.Dazed and Confused
One of your players has not been attending classes and has been partying a bit too much, getting held back a year. Move a random positional player back a year in college and give the player bone head.
26.Keg Party
Your students have been having a massive rager in the build up to the season. All Linemen on your team turn up to the 1st game of the season with Bone Head as they are still recovering from the evening.
27.F is for Failure
A player on your team fails their end of year exams. The player must miss the first 1d6 games of the season, while they are banned from sports until they can pass the critical tests.
28.Spontaneous Combustion
Students at your college have been inexplicably exploding, leaving behind a pair of smoking boots. You have hired a group of wizards from the colleges of magic to protect your players. The wizards have devised a spell of protection and have bestowed it upon your team. Unfortunately the spell can't fully counteract the effects of these random explosions. Before one random game this season, a random player explodes during training, injuring them and those around them. Make a roll on the casualty table for the player and an armour roll for 1d3 other players on your team. (An apothecary can be used to reroll the casualty roll, at the expense of the apothecary being available for the game).
29.Killer on Campus
A killer has been roaming your college campus terrorising the students and staff.

Roll 1D6
A random player has been attacked by the killer. Make a roll on the inury table.
A random player on your team has been arrested and accused of being the killer. The player will miss the 1st game of the season until the real killer is either caught or strikes again.
Fans are afraid to come to any college games. Lose 2 FF and 5 PR.
The killer has been discovered by one of your colleges professors and has been convinced they would be better served joining the college FUMBBL team. You can replace one of your Linemen with a Killer 6/2/2/8 Dirty Player, Shadowing and Stab.
30.Mascot Heist
Your college has decided to steal the mascot one of their rival colleges. Pick an opposing college in your division this season.

Roll 1D6
Your students fail in their attempt to steal the mascot losing face against your rival. Your college loses 10 PR and your rival college gains 10 PR and an extra reroll when they face yoou this season.
Your players pull off the heist of the century, embarrassing your opponents. Your college gains 10 PR and a reroll when you face your rival this season. Your rival college loses 10 PR.
31.Wizards Convention
The colleges of magic are holding a wizards convention at your college this year. For one random game this season both teams can hire a wizard.
32.Children Of The Night
The night has come and the Vampires have come for their children. Any player infected with Vampirism has a chance to become a Vampire.

Chance that the player becomes a Vampire*
Roll 1D6 for each player affected
2+ Killed but healed
3+ Seriously Injured
4+ Seriously Injured but healed
5+ Badly Hurt
6 Badly Hurt but healed

Once turned the player cannot be fired until the end of the year.
If the player was a positional or special player they cannot be replaced until the Vampire is dead or has left the team.
33.College EventRoll on your Colleges Event Table
34.The Big Match
A random game this Season is being hailed as the big one, scouts from all over the world will be there looking for new talent.

Players earn double SPP during the match. Every player who earns SPP during the match will need to make a 1D6 roll. (-1 for every 6 SPP earned)
On a roll of 1 that player get's drafted into the big league.

Any player recruited this way will leave your College immediately and your college will gain 3 PR at the end of the season, plus you can add +2 to its next scouting roll.
35.That Boys got Talent
A fan has been showing off some amazing skills that has caught your eye. You invite him to join your team.

Roll 1D6
He laughs and spits in your face. It's only then you realize he is wearing an opposing teams jersey. (A random opponent this season can hire a single skilled Mercenary Lineman)
The fan is eager to play and show of his skills. Replace one of your Linemen with a new Lineman, the new Lineman starts of with 1D6+2 SPP.
The fan is a life long fan of your college and turns up to all your games and can't believe his luck. Replace one of your Linemen with a new Lineman, the new Lineman starts of with 2D10+4 SPP.
36.Poached Player
A random Lineman on your team has been showing real promise and gains his next skill now. This has not gone unoticed by your rivals. A random college from your region have offered the player a lucrative deal, to try and entice them away.

Roll 1D6
The player decides to accept the rival colleges offer and joins their team.
You manage to reach an agreement with the player, keeping him where he is for now.
You manage to reach an agreement with the player, who is so pleased with the new deal he trains extra hard gaining 5 SPP before the season begins.
37.Foreign Exchange Student
A random specialist position from your team has agreed to swap places with a random specialist position from a random team in a random different region for the upcoming season.
38.Town Drunk
The town drunk has started appearing at your colleges games.

Roll 1D6
The drunk just so happens to be your father and his appearance is putting a real strain on your team management. Lose a team reroll for the season.
The drunk turns out to be the father of your star player. His appearance is causing the player some undue stress, putting him off during games. Your player with the most SPP gains Loner for the season.
The drunk although unpleasant is mostly harmless.
The drunk turns out to be a rich eccentric with a love of your college and a love of FUMBBL. Before every game he donates a family trinket to your team. Gain a free Magic Item Card for every game this season.
39.Grudge Match
During the off season your college has been having a major dispute with a rival college. Things have gotten so bad that you've decided to settle things once and for all, on the FUMBBL field. Select an opposing college, when you play that college this season both teams Linemen get Dirty Player and both teams get 2 Free Bribes.
40.Wax On
A mystical healer has arrived at your college, claiming to be able to remove the injuries from injured players. If your college has any players with permanent injuries then your college jumps at the chance to heal one of them, the healer claps his hands together and starts rubbing furiously...

Roll 1D6
The player recovers from his wounds and the healer takes his payment and leaves. No sooner is he out of the college gates than your player collapses to the ground in agony. Your player does not recover and will miss the 1st 1d3 games of the season.
The player recovers from his wounds and gets the all clear from your apothecary. Remove the - Stat for the 1st game of the season, but the player will miss the next game after that as the injury returns.
The player recovers from his wounds and jumps to his feet claiming they have never felt so good. Remove the - Stat from the player.
41.The Question
An unanswerable question has been posed by one of the professors at your college. The college has offered to pay for the 1st student to answer this question full college fund and some free bonus tuition as well. For the 1st 1d3 games of the season all of your players gain Loner, as they are too distracted, trying to figure out the answer. After the games a random player will have figured out the answer and gain 20 SPP.
42.College FUMBBL the Musical
Your college has been found to have some financial irregularities and have pulled the funding for your colleges FUMBBL team this year. Your players have decided to to try and raise funds for the college by putting on a talent show.

Roll 1D6
The talent show is a complete failure and your players don't manage to raise enough money to fund the teams season. You only have enough money to equip half your team, so your Linemen will have to play with second rate armour, until more funding can be found. All Linemen on your team lose 1 AV for this season.
The talent show is a success and you manage to raise enough money to fund the team for the season ahead.
The talent show was a great success, your players have managed to raise more than enough money to fund the team for the season ahead. Gain 250k free Inducement money to spend over the course of this season.
The talent show was a roaring success, your players have managed to raise much more than enough money to fund the team for the season ahead With a portion of the extra funds, you send the team on a team building seminar. Gain a Team Reroll for this season.
The talent show was a major hit, your players have managed to raise enough money to fund the team for the season ahead. Also one of your players has garnered the attention of a Vargr Breughel himself, who wants to put him in a show in Altdorf and has offered your college some generous compensation. You gain 150k free Inducement money for every game this season but your player with the most SPP will miss the season while he performs. When the player returns he gains Fan Favourite and -1 from all future draft rolls.
43.The Next Big Thing
One of your players has had a news article printed about them giving your college some much needed prestige and making the player a favourite of the crowds, although the publicity has gone to the players head giving them an inflated opinion of themselves. Your college gains 2 PR and your player with most SPP Player gains Fan Favourite and Animosity.
44.College EventRoll on your Colleges Event Table
45-54.Nothing Happens
55.College EventRoll on your Colleges Event Table
56.Blue Moon Rising
The Blue Moon has risen over the empire. Any player that has been been infected by Lycanthropy has a chance to become a Lycan.

Chance that the player becomes a Lycan
Roll 1D6 for each player
2+ Killed but healed
3+ Seriously Injured
4+ Seriously Injured but healed
5+ Badly Hurt
6 Badly Hurt but healed

Once turned the player cannot be fired until the end of the year.
If the player was a positional or special they cannot be replaced until the Werewolf is dead or has left the team.
57.Exploding Ball
One of the Professors at your college has confiscated an exploding ball from some unruly students. He has given the ball to you to dispose of, but you've had a better idea of what to do with it. For a chosen game this season you swap the game ball with the exploding ball, on the opposing teams 1st drive the ball explodes where it lands. You may hire a wizard for a chosen game and use the Fireball spell centered on the ball after it lands, on your opponents 1st drive.
58.Super Bomber Man
The Guild of Engineers have been working on a new bomb and have asked your college to test it out.

Roll 1D6
The bomb is unstable and explodes in training injuring 1d3 random players for 1d3 games.
The bomb is a success and for one game this season you can hire a Bombadier (see Wissenland).
You are so impressed by the bomb you add it to your roster for the whole season. For this season you can hire a Bombadier in place of a Lineman (see Wissenland).
59.Childhood Friend
One of your players childhhood friends is visiting from another college (random roll for both players and for opposing college).

Roll 1D6
Both players spend the night getting wasted and reminiscing about the past, failing to turn up for their colleges 1st games of this season.
The players spend the day together and then go their separate ways.
The visiting player decides to stay and play for your colleges 1st game of the season, missing their own colleges 1st game.
One of your players has managed to lay their hands on a pair on Knuckledusters. For a chosen game this season you may give a player of your choice Dirty Player & Mighty Blow.
During a break in a cabin in the woods, one of your Linemen found a mysterious book bound in human flesh. After reading from it, a portal to the demon realm opened up leaving the player the only survivor of a brutal attck from his possessed friends.

Roll 1D6
After returning to college an evil copy of your player has appeared vowing to kill him, all opponents can hire a Mercenary Lineman with dirty player for this season.
The player gains 1d6 x 2 SPP from slaying his newly returned dead friends.
The player had to chop off his own hand after it became possessed and replaced it with a chainsaw. The player gains a Chainsaw and Secret weapon (8+)
Waaagh!, I'm Uman Too
An Orc has been raised believing he is human. He has been enrolled at your college and has decided to join the college FUMBBL team. You can hire a 4/3/1/10 Orc Lineman for this year, before he works out that he doesn't quite fit in.
63.The Chosen One
A student in your college has been prophesized to be the next big thing in FUMBBL. You immedietely get him into your squad replacing one of your current positional players.

Roll 1D6
The player doesn't know his arse from his elbow and is more of a hindarence than a help. The player starts with loner and cannot be replaced until the end of the current season.
The player is no better than your average college FUMBBL player.
The player is an exceptional player and advances quickly. The player starts with 16 SPP.
64.There and Back Again
One of your Linemen has been recruited by a grand wizard to accompany a group of Dwarves to reclaim a great treasure protected by a fierce Dragon. The player is gone for 1d3+3 days and returns with a great treasure and some valuable life experience. The Lineman gains 2 SPP per day he was gone and a permanent positive minor magic item (see Special Items/Abilities).
65.Day of Mystery
Geheimnistag eve is upon us and Morrslieb and Mannslieb are both full in the sky. Weakening the borders between the realms of man and the realms of chaos. Many strange occurences have been happening accross the world.

Roll 1D6
The Skeleton of a long dead player from your college has been seen walking around your college stadium reliving past memories. For the 1st full moon of this season you may hire a single skilled Skeleton Merc (see Stirland).
One of the students at your college has been possessed by the spirit of a long dead serial killer. For 1 game during the 1st full moon this season you may hire a Killer 6/2/2/8 Dirty Player, Shadowing and Stab.
The students at your college have been playing pranks on each other all day and have left some elaborate tricks around your college stadium. you and your opponent may buy 3 dirty trick cards each for the match during the 1st full moon this season.
The Blood God, Khorne has taken notice of your college. Any SPP from casualties earn double points during the game on the 1st full moon this season for both teams. If there is a clear player who causes the most casualties, they will be bestowed with horns after the game.
The Changer of Ways, Tzeentch has set eyes on your college. Before the game on the 1st full moon this season your talented player will be swapped. Roll to randomly select a new positional player to become the new talented player, removing the extra skills from the old player. The old talented player gains extra arms as a gift in return. (If you don't have a talented player you will gain a new one).
The Prince of Pleasure, Slaanesh has been spreading pain, pleasure and excess accross your college campus. A random player has been partying too much to Slaanesh's delight. The player will miss the game of the 1st full moon this season. The player will gain Claw in return as a gift from the Dark Prince.
66.College EventRoll on your Colleges Event Table
67.Medical Trials
Medical Trials are being held at your college, offering large sums of money for anyone who is willing to participate.

Roll 1D6
Placebo - The player experiences no side effects.
Anger Issues - A random player on your team starts to see red whenever he enters the field of play, that player gains Frenzy and Wild Animal.
Horny - A random player on your team is becoming increasing horny, he gets turned on by almost anything, on top of that he has started to grow horns, that player now gains Horns (Obviously).
68.Go For It
Your team has been practising sprint drills excessively in the build up to the season, all of your Linemen gain the sprint skill for this season.
69.Blessed Be
Whilst walking through the woods one of your players comes upon a mysterious lake. From beneath the water a ladies hand emerges and beckons the player near. Unable to resist temptation your player approaches the hand and kneels in awe. The hand reaches down and bestows a blessing on the player. For one game this season a random player on your team gains a blessing. (see Special Items/Abilities)
70.Dawn Of The Dead
An imbalance in the cosmos has caused the dead to keep coming back to life in and around your college. Whenever a player on your team dies this season, they will return as a zombie. Zombies return to the the team with 1 less MA, 1 less AG, gain Regeneration and can be kept until the end of the current college year. (Zombies return with all SPP and Skills already earned).
71.Lurve Potion
You have managed to slip a love potion into one of your opposing players drink, during the game the player keeps falling into a trance thinking about the object of their affection. Pick an opposing college in your league, a random player on that team gains really stupid when you play them.
72.The Wall
Your team has been practising a new tactic in pre season and are now ready to implement it. All of your Linemen gain Stand Firm for the 1st game of the season.
73.Magic Sponge
A local apothecary has donated some of his unused goods to the college. Most of the items have been snapped up by the various other departments. Luckily you've managed to lay your hands on a mystically imbued sponge, said to heal all ills. The sponge will remove a niggling injury permanently from a player and can be kept to be used at a later date.
74.Sponsorhip Deal
Your college team has been offered a lucrative sponsorship deal.

Roll 1D6
Goreniers Beauty - All Linemen gain Foul Appearance for the season.
Kroxorade - All Linemen gain Sprint for the season.
Bugmans Brewery - Free Keg for every game this season.
Tenn and Penners - Free Magic Item Card for every game this season.
Zonko's - Free Dirty Trick for every game this season.
Orcidas - 100k Free inducement money for every game this season.
75.Hero ComplexOne of your players has been seen running around town in a cape attempting to save damsels in distress. The experience is having a positive affect on the player, although he turns up to each game battered and bruised. The player gains 1d6 SPP in between games but you must make an armour and injury roll for the player before the start of every game. (An apothecary can be used to reroll any casualty rolls the player suffers, although it will come at the expense of the apothecary being available for the game).
76.Toxic SpillAn apprentice apothecary has been experimenting with dangerous chemicals and caused a minor explosion in a laboratory at the college. An area of the college has been cordoned off while the dangerous chemicals are being disposed of. Unfortunately one of your players was exposed to the chemicals and must miss the first 1d6 games of the season. During the players recovery he starts to exhibit some strange changes gaining a random mutation for every 2 games missed.
77.College EventRoll on your Colleges Event Table
A mad scientist has been experimenting with cloning. A positional player of your choice has been cloned 1d3+3 times. The player can be replaced when dead or injured until you run out of clones. All clones after the original player will start with deacy as they are not quite as resilient and will re-join the team with the same SPP, skills and age as the player now.
79.Warp Stoned
While out partying a random player on your team has been exposed to illegal substances cut with the tiniest hint of powdered warp stone.

Roll 1D6
The player has a bad trip, but nothing bad happens.
The player wakes up with a random mutation.
The players body attunes to the warp and they gain M skill access.
80.Blood Oath
A random player on your team has unwittingly saved the life of a Snotling fan. Until this player dies or leaves the squad, a Snotling will be available to join your college team. As the Snotling has sworn a blood oath, every Snotling in its family will give its life for this player.
81.Groundskeeper Willie
Your colleges groundkeeper is a huge FUMBBL fan and refuses to leave the pitch until after each of this season games has kicked off. For the 1st drive of every game this season gain a Groundskeeper with secret weapon 2+ (see Wissenland)
82.Peoples Champion
A random player on your team is a popular figure in your college and attracts a lot of attention. Your college gains 2 cheerleaders while this player is on your team and the player gains the fan favourite skill.
83.Stadium Upgrade
Your college stadium is being refurbished. Lose 2 FF at the start of this season and gain +10 PR when the year ends.
84.Tactical Genius
One of your players has started to get a great blood bowl mind and gains Pro and 2D6 SPP.
85.Inklorious Bastards
Whilst on a tear up at the college frat party one of your players drunkenly got a tattoo from a dangerous looking Dwarf. The college are not happy and have asked the college of magic to send a wizard to remove it. A random player on your team gains a dwarven rune tattoo for the first 1d3 games of this season. (see Special Items/Abilities)
86.Training Camp
Your college have splashed out and will be sending you to the newest state of the art training camp throughout the college year.

Roll 1D6
The camp was a scam.
You learn a thing or two, gain 5 points in CR at the end of the season.
The camp has completely re-imagined your coaching technique, gain 10 points in CR at the end of the season.
Your work with local charities has not gone unnoticed.

Roll 1D6
Your face is on the cover on the local rag.
News of your generosity has made it's way around your college campus. Your college receives +5 PR at the end of the season.
Your face and the college is all over cabal vision, your college receives +10 PR at the end of the season.
88.College EventRoll on your Colleges Event Table
89.Extra Training
Your team has been working all week on playing better as a united Squad. Get a free extra team training for the first game of this season.
90.Master Chef
The global cabal vision show Master Chef, headed by world renowned Halfling Chef Cordon Ramsbottom is filming at your college. For one random game this season, gain a free Halfling master chef.
91.Dusty Scroll
A dusty scroll has been found hidden in your college’s library. You have your brightest students decipher its mysteries.

Roll 1d6
It is nothing more than a recipe for Meat Pie.
The scroll holds the power of fire. Get a free wizard for one game this season.
The scroll holds incredible power. Get a free wizard for every game this season.
92.Juiced Up
One of your Linemen has been experimenting with a new drug.

Roll 1d6
The drug is a placebo.
The drug makes the player feel no fear. One of your Linemen gains Dauntless.
The drug makes the player unnaturally strong. One of your Linemen gains +1 ST.
93.Team Building Exercise
Your college has invited you to it's annual staff team building exercise this year.

Roll 1d6
You're social awkwardness keeps you from making any new relationships.
You make a few new friends and impress some of the staff. For one game this season you can hire your colleges tier 1 star player for free.
You leave a lasting impression on everyone involved in the team building exercise. For one game this season you can hire your colleges tier 2 star player for free.
Bloodweiser is holding its annual beer festival near your college, get a free bloodweiser babe every game for this season.
95.Prestos Magical Emporium
A wandering magician has arrived at your college selling some weird and wonderful trinkets, some of which he claims have magical properties.

Roll 1D6
The magical items are fake.
The magical items are all but useless, you find one item with one use left in it. Get a free minor magic item for one game this season.
Some of magical items hold a charge. Get a free minor magic item for every game this season.
6.The magical items are all useless, but one, which is bursting with power. Give a single player on your team a permanent positive minor magical item. (see Special Items/Abilities)
96.Apothecaries Apprentice
A student at the college has showed remarkable skill in medicine. Your apothecary has decided to take him on as his apprentice for this season. Get a free wandering apothecary for every game this season.
97.Hard Times
One of the leagues referees had fallen on hard times and is looking for some extra money. Get a free bribe for one game this season.
98.Elixir of Youth
A travelling peddler has arrived at your college and is selling what he claims to be an Elixir from the Fountains of Youth.

Roll 1D6
The potion is a fake.
The potion has some kick to it. Get a free bloodweiser babe for a game of your choice.
The potion has some healing properties. Get a free Wandering Apothecary for a game of your choice.
The potion has amazing healing properties. Fully cures a single player on your team from any permanent injury.
The potion is real it fully cures a single player on your team as well as makes him younger. Push one of your players ages back a year as well as remove any permanent injuries from the player.
The Potion can be saved to be used at a later date.
99.College EventRoll on your Colleges Event Table
100.Double DownRoll twice more on the Random Events Table.


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Pie Eating Contest
Halfling Chefs have been visiting Colleges holding pie eating contests. A random positional player from each college has stuffed themselves so full they end up putting on far too much weight and have to spend extra time in training before they are allowed to go back on the FUMBBL field. These players will miss the 1st game of the season while they work off the excess weight.
4-5.Bake Off
Halfling Chefs have been visiting Colleges holding bake offs. The smells floating around the Colleges grounds are helping to inspire all College FUMBBL players. All teams get a free Extra Training for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Averlands Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3
Border Princes

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Money Makes the World Go Round
The Colleges have raised the ticket prices for all games this year. The decision has not gone down well with the fans. All colleges lose 2 FF to a minimum of 2 before the start of this season.
4-5.Money, Money, Money
The Colleges have been spending excessively large amounts of money to promote this seasons tournament. All Star players cost 50k less to induce this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire the Border Princes Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Le Grand Tournoi
The grail knights have been hosting jousting tournaments around the world. The spectacle of it shines a light on the barbaric nature of FUMBBL, as such all colleges lose 5 PR.
4-5.Grail Quest
The grail knights have taken an interest in this season’s games and rumours are they will be attending many. As a result flocks of ladies are heading to the stadiums in droves. All colleges get a free bloodweiser babe for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Bretonnias Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Private Practice
The rich and influential have bought up all the apothecaries. This has left the colleges struggling to find health care and all teams must do without an apothecary for the coming season.
4-5.Bull Run
Estalias famous toros are being shown off to all of the colleges this season. As a precaution extra apothecaries are being placed in each city to deal with any injuries that may be inflicted by them. All colleges get a free wandering apothecary for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Estalias Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.New Balls Please
The college FUMBBL governing body is trying out a new ball. The only problem is the ball is covered in large piercing spikes. For this season all games are played with a spiked ball.
4-5.Referee's Strike
The Referee's union has gone on strike, due to a lack of funding. They are refusing to officiate any games until the matter has been rectified. All teams get a free bribe for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Hochlands Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Recruitment Drive
The professional FUMBBL leagues have come calling. All teams must roll 1D6 for their player with the most SPP. The player will leave your team to join a professional FUMBBL team on a failed roll.
  • 2+ for Experienced
  • 3+ for Veteran
  • 4+ for Emerging Star
  • 5+ for Star Player
  • 6+ for Super Star
  • Legends will leave automatically if by some chance you manage to have one.
Colleges will gain 3 PR and +2 to their next scouting roll for any player that leaves this way.
4-5.X Factor
A selection of this seasons players are extremely talented and pick things up incredibly quickly. The next 2 non Linemen that join all colleges this season will start with 16 SPP.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Middenlands Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Silver Bullet.
Werewolves are being hunted throughout the land. All Lycanthropes must make a roll on the injury table, ignoring regeneration.
4-5.A Norscan Werewolf In Kislev
A solar eclipse has caused panic throughtout the world. Morrslieb is full and the wild hunt is upon us. Due to this rare occurence an unusually large number of Werewolves have been seen roaming all over the world. Many players have suffered attacks from wild animals and the college is worried that some players have been infected with lycanthropy.

Roll 1D10 for all teams
  • 1. A random positional player has suffered serious injuries in an animal attack and will miss the first game of this season.
  • 2-9. Some of your players have some minor scratches, but there seems to be no adverse affects.
  • 10. A random human positional player has been bitten by a Werewolf, becoming a Lycan. See Lycanthropy.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Kislevs Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Old Wives Tale
A dodgy playbook has been making the rounds around the college campuses claiming to be the ultimate play. Positional players will spend all season trying to get this play to work often at a price. All positional players gain Loner for this season.
4-5.The North Remembers
Gleemen from around the Old World are travelling to all the colleges telling tales of great feats of heroism, inspiring the stars of the future. All teams get free extra team training for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Nordlands Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Dwarven Ingenuity
Some bored Dwarves have decided to spice things up this season by laying traps around the college stadiums. All colleges can buy a dirty trick card for every game this season.
4-5.Words of Wisdom
Old college alumni are visiting the colleges spouting words of wisdom. All teams get free extra team training for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Ostermarks Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Too much! Too young!
Their has been a large amount of partying before the start of this college season. All Linemen in the league will turn up to the 1st game of the season with Bone Head as they are still drunk.
4-5.Let the Blood Flow
Bloodweiser are doing a promotional tour to all the colleges. All teams get a free bloodweiser keg for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Ostlands Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
The colleges of magic are trying out new ways to make things explode. To this end all teams can hire a wizard (Fireball only) for D3+1 games this season.
The colleges of magic are celebrating one of their magus’s 50th birthdays. To commemorate this all teams can hire a wizard (Zap! only) for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Reiklands Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Stake Night
Vampires are being hunted accross the land. All Vampires must make a roll on the injury table, ignoring regeneration.
4-5.Blood Drive
The Vampire council are having their annual meeting. Due to this yearly occurence an unusually large number of Vampires have been seen roaming the world. Many players have suffered attacks from wild beasts and the college is worried that some players have been infected with vampirism.

Roll 1D10 for all teams
  • 1. A random positional players has suffered serious injuries in a vicious attack and will miss the first game of this season.
  • 2-9. Some of your players have some minor scratches, but there seems to be no adverse affects.
  • 10. A random human positional player has been bitten by a Vampire and has become a Fledgling Vampire. (See Vampirism)
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Stirlands Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Non Contact Sport
The parents of students have been complaining about the deaths and injuries to thier young starlets. Colleges have been forced to try to make the game less violent. As such for this season games can be played with no players on the LoS.
4-5.Black Market Extravaganza
A large shipment of magical items has disappeared from the Talabeclands bazaar and has started appearing in all corners of the Empire and beyond. All teams can buy a magic item card for every game this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Talabeclands Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Tilean Temperament
The referees are not taking any stick from anyone this season. As a result argue the call will not be in effect for the season.
4-5.Greased Palms
The referees union pockets have been filled nicely and they are feeling lenient this season. All teams get a free bribe for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Tileas Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Paper Armour
The colleges have been supplied with dodgy armour. While they wait for some proper armour to be deliverd some of the team will have to play without. For the 1st game of the season all Linemen will play with an AV of 7.
4-5.Exotic Goods
A large shipment of magical items has arrived from the new world. People have come from far and wide to purchase something truly wonderful. All teams get a minor magic item for D3+1 games this season. (see Special Items/Abilities)
6.Star Player
Your team can hire the Wastelands Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3Under Scrutiny
The college FUMBBL governing body is cracking down on fouls and illegal weapons. Secret weapon rolls for all teams have been removed and banned players with sneaky git are no longer sent to the KO box, for all games this season.
4-5.Inventors Club
The engineers guild have paid off colleges officials to allow them to show off thier amazing inventions. All colleges can give a Lineman a Chainsaw (secret wepon 8+) for the season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Wissenlands Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

Al Haikk

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Cirque du Soleil
The circus has been doing the rounds and the lure is just too much for some young FUMBBL players. All teams must roll 1D6 for their player with the most SPP. The player will leave your team to run away with the circus on a failed roll.
  • 2+ for Experienced
  • 3+ for Veteran
  • 4+ for Emerging Star
  • 5+ for Star Player
  • 6+ for Super Star
  • Legends will leave automatically, if by some chance you manage to have one.
4-5.Freak Show
A circus of mutants has been travelling the land. Colleges have been taking advantage of this and a freak can be hired in place of a Lineman to play permanently for your college.

Rol 1d6 for each team to see which player they can hire.
  • 1. Prehensile Tail
  • 2. Claw
  • 3. Big Hand
  • 4. Extra Arms
  • 5. Two Heads
  • 6. Horns
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Al Haikks Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Bad Karma
For this season a lot of your colleges students bad deeds have started to catch up to them. All of your Linemen will gain loner for all games this season.
4-5.Good Karma
For this season a lot of your colleges students good deeds have started to catch up to them. All of your Linemen will gain Pro for all games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire the Bhallukhas Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Be Careful What You Wish For
A grand vizier has promised one random player will bestowed grand riches at the end of this college season. Due to this, players are becoming distracted with thoughts of what they will do with this wealth, distracting them from making even the simplist of plays. All Colleges lose a team reroll for this season.
4-5.Magic Lamp
A mysterious benefactor has given all the colleges in the league a Magic Lamp with a Genie inside, who can grant your greatest desire. All colleges get a free extra training for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Cophers Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
A disturbing documentary has highlighted some bad attitudes and unsafe practices by college FUMBBL coaches and the colleges they coach out of, bringing college FUMBBL into disripute. All colleges lose 5 PR at the end of the season.
4-5.Kabuki Theatre
The Kabuki Travelling Theatre is making the rounds looking for some new talent. As a result many of the colleges girls are turning up to games in the hope if getting noticed. All colleges get a free bloodweiser babe for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Daimatzus Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

Fu Chow

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.You Disgust Me
An ancient evil mask has been unearthed, sending a shockwave through the land. When the shockwave finally passes on, many citizens of the world have been infused with part of the spirits being. All Linemen will gain disturbing presence for this season.
4-5.Dig Site
An ancient Elven ruin has been found, some minor magical items have been discovered and given to the colleges to use for this season. All teams can buy a magic item card for every game this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Fu Chows Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Way to Peace
The Holy men of Gandharva have finished a great ritual promoting peace. Linemen have been blessed with a minor protection spell making players think twice before striking them. All Linemen gain foul appearence for this season.
Spiritual healers from all over Ind have set off on a spiritual journey to the many temples and shrines scattered across the four empires. All colleges get a free wandering apothecary for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Gandharvas Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Slow Learner
This years curriculum has been found wanting. As a result, college students around the world have been lagging behind in their studies. Many players workloads have increased and fatigue has started to set in. All positional players gain loner for this season.
4-5.Call to Arms
The legends of old and new have felt the call of the field again. All teams can hire one of their star players for D3+1 games this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3
6.Star Player
Your team can hire the Horumi Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
A great disease has spread through the land, leaving games mostly being played behind closed doors. All teams lose 2 FF to a minimum of two before the start of the season.
4-5.Wrath of the Gods
The Gods of Ind demand more blood and have decided to bring their wrath down on the blood bowl field. All colleges get a free wizard for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Kosalas Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Don't Touch the Talent
College FUMBBL players have been asked not to block the better players on the opposing teams to avoid injuring them. All positional players gain foul appearence for this season.
4-5.Warhammer's Got Talent
A selection of this seasons players are extremely talented and pick things up incredibly quickly. The next 2 non Linemen that join all colleges this season will start with 16 SPP.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Lakshanas Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Press Gangs
Pirates and Raiders have been enslaving young FUMBBL players all around the world. All teams must roll 1D6 for their player with the most SPP. The player get's taken and enslaved on a failed roll.
  • 2+ for Experienced
  • 3+ for Veteran
  • 4+ for Emerging Star
  • 5+ for Star Player
  • 6+ for Super Star
  • Legends will leave automatically be taken, if by some chance you manage to have one.
4-5.Let the Rum Flow
The Pirates of Araby have been turning up to games with large amounts of rum. All teams can hire a Bloodweiser Keg for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Lashieks Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Poison Touch
Rumour has it that the Martek Hashishin have been lacing the gloves of players with deadly toxins. All Linemen gain weeping daggers for this season.
4-5.Deeper Pockets
Referees are all feeling extremely greedy this year. All teams get a free bribe for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Marteks Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3
Shang Yang

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Match Fixing
Some college players have been taking bribes to throw games. All positional players gain loner for every game this season.
4-5.Sword for Hire
The Colleges have been spending excessively large amounts of money to promote this seasons tournament. All Star players cost 50k less to induce this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Shang Yangs Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Deadly Weapon
The Shinzei master assassins have decided to make games more deadly and swapped all of this seasons balls. All games this season will be played with a spiked ball.
4-5.Deadly Trap
The Shinzei master assassins have decided to make games more deadly and laid many traps around the college stadiums. All colleges can buy a dirty trick card for every game this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire the Shinzei Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
There is an imbalance in the cosmos which is trying to right itself. Too many things have been going right so all teams lose a team reroll for this season.
4-5.and Yang
There is an imbalance in the cosmos which is trying to right itself. Too many things have been going wrong so all teams gain a team reroll for this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire the Uruchi Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3


1.Nothing Happens.
The Celestial Emperor of Cathay has decided to show how great his wealth and power is. All colleges can hire a Terracotta Warrior with decay, for one game this season. see Weijin
Cathays famous military strategists are visiting the local colleges to impart some much needed wisdom. All teams get a free extra training for D3+1 games this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire the Weijins Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3

1.Nothing Happens.
2-3.Monkey Business
The monkey king has decided to spice this seasons games up and has laid many traps in and around the colleges in preparation for this season. All fouls this season are done with a +1 modifier.
4-5.Monkeying Around
The monkey king has decided to spice this seasons games up and has laid many traps in and around the colleges in preparation for this season. All colleges can buy a dirty trick card for every game this season.
6.Star Player
Your team can hire Yuanjins Star Player for one game this season.

Roll 1D6

  • 1-3. Tier 1
  • 4-5. Tier 2
  • 6. Tier 3