Create team for this league
\o/ Welcome to the LSL - London Stunty Leeg \o/
Proposed Rule Variants for this season:

Sneaky Git functions as Guard on foul assists

Banned Sneaky Git players are sent to the KO box instead
League Regulations
Each round of matches will have a 10-day dead-line, but coaches are very much encouraged to complete matches faster than that as often as possible.
The deadline for the next round will be set as soon as all the matches in the previous round have been played.
Please contact a commish if there are issues scheduling your game. Allowance of up to 2 days beyond round deadline can be agreed if discussed and so long as it doesnt become a habit with specific coaches.
Scoring and the Divisional system
5 points are scored for a win (or win by forfeit)
2 points for a draw
1 point for a loss
0 points for a loss by forfeit or concession
Tie Breakers (for purposes of deceding qualifers for KO rounds)
Net TD+Cas
Net TD
Net Cas
TD scored
CAS scored
Coin toss
(Note on forfeits: If both coaches are judged to be equally responsible for the match failing to be played, neither team will get any points from the match.)
So: play your games! Just turning up and hanging on for the final whistle will get you a point!
Coaches who consistently forfeit or concede matches will be kicked from the league. Concessions are allowed but
very strongly discouraged.(Teams are meant to get maimed, it's Stunty!)
Additional Seasons and team progression
*Assuming enough interest in season 2... this is intended as a perpetual league so you can use the same team in the following season or a new race can be chosen.