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Ogre-hio Open Charity Tourney

Group managers: Widram, Morpheous
Charity Tournament???? For what? A while back there was a huge fundraiser for a little 6 year old girl named – Mia. Her father passed away quite unexpectedly. Leaving mom and Mia alone. Now this really touched home for me. I have 2 older kids, 29 and 28, and I have a 10 year old daughter who is my world. Not to pull on heart strings or anything, but I just turned 50 this year. My older kids have had 28+ years more with me that my little one will never get. I spend as much time with her as I can, making every minute count. Tomorrow is never a guarantee. I could not even begin to imagine the pain that my wife and my daughter would be in without me with them. I can only imagine the pain and sorrow that Mia and her mother feel everyday with that emptiness. So we are running this tournament, where the proceeds will be given to the little girl to use for school, an outing to make her day, whatever she wants to use it for. A child that young shouldn’t ever have to go thru what she is going thru. Lets all pull together as a community, roll some digital dice, and play some games for Mia!!!

Tournament organizer: Schawn Hennessy aka Morpheous from the US
Co-Tournament Organizer: Bob Kitchen (Felix Catlin) aka Heff from the UK

Every coach will receive a set of tournament dice posted to them.

4 Rounds of Swiss pairing.
1 Game a week for 4 weeks – Contact opponent via Discord or FUMMBL or Both
All games scheduled will be based on UTC time – This means if you are playing from North or South America, you will be expected to make arrangements to play based on European time zones. Europeans WILL NOT be required to meet North American time zones for games.

***NOTICE*** You are NOT considered fully registered until you have:
1. Paid for your registration
2. Completed the online registration (We need to know where to send your dice)
3. Logged into FUMMBL, Created your team and submitted for entry

***NOTICE*** If these are not completed by the registration end date your payment will be considered a “Gift” for the cause (thank you so much for your generosity), the tournament will proceed without you, and no refund will be given.

Limited Number of Seats to the Tourney – 40 Coaches maximum. First Paid and Registered reserves spot.
Registration is MANDATORY - do not PM me or Heff and ask us to sign you up.
Registration Starts: Sunday, August 30th, 2020 - 6am US Eastern Time
Registration Ends: Sunday, September 13th, 2020 - 11:59pm UK Time
Cost: £10 – paid via paypal (FRIENDS AND FAMILY PLEASE) to bob_kitchen@hotmail.co.uk

Online Registration Link (need to know where to send the dice) : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwkVNpI_Jj6kTCl7_teHbHKNVsM36srwyxMEqyEAFxAhI-BA/viewform

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/MQZu7AY

Link to the Tournament Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/250392909624651

Tourney Start: Monday, September 14th, 2020
Tourney End: Sunday, October 11th, 2020 - 11:59pm UK



We will be having a small raffle for a few things that people may or may not want. Items will be included in your dice mailing if you win. Drawing will be held after the the last game is played. It will be a live stream on twitch. Link to be displayed in discord. Drawing will be verified by the Goblin Law firm of Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe.

Ticket costs are:
1 for £1
6 for £5
13 for £10
30 for £20

Sign up and let us know how many raffle tickets you want so I can get them into the digital bucket Then paypal the finance mister and sexy Co-TO Heff via paypal (FRIENDS AND FAMILY PLEASE) to bob_kitchen@hotmail.co.uk
This is NOT a share the love raffle. You will receive all items that your name is drawn to win. For each winning entry that is drawn, your total raffle tickets will be reduced by 1 for the next drawing.

Raffle Link Sign Up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_U1ZfNoHJ-S3-Vs-v-mL7gOQRpYpSS2qOsWr15TTzbp3G6A/viewform
Raffle items Link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.744011416450014&type=3

***NOTE*** If you have an item you would like to add to to raffle pool, PLEASE feel free to contact us. Hop on Discord and send Morpheous or Heff a Message, send a message on FUMBBL (same names), or email me at BBSchawn@gmail.com


Tournament Rules and Regulations

4 games, 1 Game per week. Rounds will start on Monday, End on Sunday. 4 rounds of Swiss pairing and point totals to determine winner. There will be a Tournament Champion, Stunty Cup Champion, and best Ogre Team Champion. We will be using ANY team available for creation on FUMBBL from the normal teams, Stunty Leeg, and Secret League.

***NOTICE*** GAMES WILL BE SCHEDULED IN DISCORD (preferred) and on FUMBBL. IF you do not have discord, please download it and install it. Please make your Discord name for the channel the SAME as your FUMMBL coach name to make for easier scheduling.

-Tournament will be a resurrection style tournament. So any injuries your team suffers will not carry over to the next game, and any SPPs they earn will not go towards any additional skills. The roster you start the tournament with will be the same for each round you play.

Team Building

Team builds are a 1,250,000 coin roster. All Non-Ogre teams, due to being a little nervous about being on the pitch with these gargantuan man-children, MUST TAKE BOTH an Apothecary and Bloodweiser Babe. ANY TEAM NOT able to take an apothecary must take 2 Bloodweiser babes instead of just 1. In essence, any non ogre team starts with 100,000 less for team building. This is the Ogre-Hio Open after all. Ogre teams are NOT required to take an apothecary or a bloodweiser babe.

If you are looking for team information, positions, costs, and star players use the following:

Main 26 Teams: https://fumbbl.com/help:LRB6RaceStrategy
Stunty Leeg: https://fumbbl.com/help:StuntyRosters
Secret League:https://fumbbl.com/help:SecretLeague

Link for How to create your tournament team and submit for entry: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dz_PH4ydUnqxTb1KXw-v0hskPRjKJF2c/view?usp=sharing

ONLY the following Inducements are allowed:

Bloodweiser Babes (MUST PURCHASE 1 FOR ALL NON-OGRE TEAMS, 2 For ANY Team Unable to take Apothecary)
Master Chef
Star Players
Star Players: If two teams play each other and have the same star player, they will both be allowed to field the Star. Must have 11 Players before a star can be taken. Star may NOT be part of the initial 11 Players.

Rosters that include inducment of ANY kind MUST BE LISTED IN THE TEAM BIO along with cost.
You will need save that amount of the inducement from your starting 1,250,000 to pay for the inducement during the match. There may be extra money for inducements give based off of TV Values during a match. ONLY USE WHAT YOU HAVE DESIGNATED FOR YOUR TEAM TO SPEND ( Example: if you are a halfling team going for the stunty cup, and you only spend 1,100,000. You designate 50,000 for a Bloodweiser babe and you designate 100,000 for a master chef in your team bio but are given 200,000 because of being the underdog. (YOU ONLY SPEND THE 150,000 total and ignore the rest.) Or a better example would be you are playing an Ogre Team and your TV is way lower because of the disposable Gnoblars. Only spend and buy the inducement you stated you were purchasing.

Again, these inducements and their cost must be listed in the team BIO.

Skill Packs
Players will not gain skills with SPPs earned during the tournament.

All skills must be assigned before applying to the tournament.

4 Normal Skills / 2 Doubles Skills - With no player having more than 2 additional skill improvements add. (Yes, you can put both doubles skills on the same player). Skill purchase is NOT part of the starting 1,250,00

4 Normal Skills / 4 Doubles Skills - With no player having more than 2 additional skill improvements add. (Yes, you can put both doubles skills on the same player). Skill purchase is NOT part of the starting 1,250,00


-Ogre Teams are defined as the Ogre and Gnoblar team ONLY. Ogre Kingdoms do not count!! Gnoblars teams do not count! Snotling Teams do not Count!
- Ogre-fic Ogre Team: Top Ogre Team that is not 1st, 2nd, 3rd
- Stunty Cup eligible teams: Goblins, Halfling, Lizardman no Saurus, New Snotlings, any team from the FUMBBL Stunty Leeg
-Normal Skills are defined as a skill that are available to a player on a normal skill roll.
-Doubles Skills are defined as a skill that are available to a player on a doubles skill roll.


Win=30 points
Tie=10 points
Loss=0 points

Points Awarded for Touchdowns and Casualties. Bonus points are a maxed out at 3 pts per category. These points will be added to total overall score. EXAMPLE: if you score 3 TD and 3 Casualties, you will gain a max of 6 additional pts.

All 4 rounds of tournament will be conducted using a swiss pairing system to handle matchup. All tournament point totals after the 4th round will determine the Tournament, Best Ogre Team, and Stunty Cup Championship winners. In the event of a tie for any of the awards will be settled in the following way.
Tie Breaker 1 – Most TD
Tie Breaker 2 – Most Cas
Tie Breaker 3 – Straight up, Live streamed, simultaneous die roll for all involved.

Sportsmanship is not encouraged from the coaches, it is required! To make sure that everyone who attends will have fun. The Tournament directors will issue a warning to anyone who is taking away from the fun environment we are looking for. If the behavior continues you will be asked to leave the tournament. Arguing with the tournament directors or in any way showing them up can also result in a warning.
***An important note on sportsmanship: Fouling 16 turns in a row or running up the score is not poor sportsmanship. But gloating and ridiculing your opponent while doing so is. Remember we are here to have a good time.

Best Sportmans Award will not be presented at this tournament as everyone is expected to be a good sport unless you want Ogre lovin’!

Awards will be distributed with a “Share the Love” mentality. This means, you can only win 1 award. If you qualify to win more than award, you will be given the choice as to which award you would like to receive. Then the next one who qualifies for the award will be the recipient.

The following awards will be presented at the conclusion of the tournament:

Tournament Champion (1st Place) - Trophy and Champion Dice
2nd Place – Trophy and Champion Dice
3rd Place - Trophy and Champion Dice
Brutal Art of the Block (Most CAS Inflicted) - Trophy and Champion Dice
Fleetness of Foot and Finesse (Most TD Scored) - Trophy and Champion Dice
Stunty Cup Champion - Trophy and Champion Dice
Best Ogre-riffic Ogre Team - Trophy and Champion Dice
Wooden Spoon – in this tournament will be called ”The Mary-Anne Endeavor Award” (Fewest tournament points) – This just gets a big shout out. Sorry

Trophies are from Hungry Trolls and will come unpainted with a base that you can use future table top play for like a turn, score, or reroll counter.

Again… All dice AND awards will be shipped to you. Blue and Red Dice are for everyone. If you receive one of the awards above, your dice will be swapped for a set of the Blue Championship dice. The are one of 21 sets made.
Link to the Dice: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=3394089233983656&set=oa.744011416450014