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Group managers: turtlecreature
This is a group for playtesting some experimental and (hopefully) fun rosters set in the world of the Iron Kingdoms (Warmachine/Hordes).

Anyone interested in joining, please send turtlecreature a fumbbl pm.

Warmachine Teams

  1. Cryx Thralls: Cyborg undead creations of the Nightmare Empire, fast and durable but lacking in agility
  2. Cryx Blighted: Twisted by the blight of the Dragonfather, these are essentially the Chaos of the Iron Kingdoms. Faster than chaos, though they lack widespread mutation access
  3. Cryx Ghost Fleet: These undead pirates are a mix of strange players, like flaming ghosts and zombie crows and the eternal Revenant Crew.
  4. Cryx Dark Host: The Banes are the elite undead warriors of Cryx, slow but strong and backed up by hosts of semi-corporeal wraiths
  5. Cygnar: The most advanced nation in Immoren, the standard Cygnaran roster features a versatile playstyle, a bit slower than Old World humans but resilient and good at passing.
  6. Cygnar Trenchers: Cygnar's main military force, the rugged trenchers lose the passing elements for a stronger running/bash team.
  7. Cygnar Storm Division: The Storm Division are slow yet hard to budge, and some still sneak their characteristic electric weapons onto the field
  8. Cygnar Warjacks: Cygnar's warjacks are among the most advanced in the world, and they field teams of them accompanied by trencher and/or gobber mechaniks.
  9. Khador: Rugged and determined, the Khadorans may not have the training or organisation of the Cygnarans, but they have more strength thanks to the mighty Man O' War armour worn by their blockers, and their faith in the Motherland of course
  10. Khador Agents: Unlike most Khadoran teams, these agents of the Motherland are fragile but have some of the most skilled human players around
  11. Khador Legion of Steel: The Legion of Steel's Iron Fangs, trained for hunting warjacks, lack core skills but are tough and great at bringing down bigger opponents.
  12. Khador Warjacks: Khador's warjacks are huge, strong and slow. The team has massive amounts of strength but is very slow
  13. Protectorate of Menoth: The Protectorate of Menoth's standard team are a rag-tag mix of holy warriors and religious fanatics. Practically speaking, they are cheap and play dirty.
  14. Menite Zealots: The Zealots of Menoth are cheap and plentiful even by the standards of Protectorate teams, with the curious exception of the elite Daughters of the Flame
  15. Protectorate Exemplars: Heavily armoured, solid fighters, the Knights Exemplar are Menoth's elite crusaders
  16. Protectorate Flameguard: The Temple Flameguard are good supporting players, playing alongside the incredibly resilient Order of the Wall
  17. Retribution Houseguard: This elven team is made up of the unique house troops of the houses Shyeel and Ellowuyr, alongside the standard troops of the houseguard.
  18. Retribution Dawnguard: The dawnguard are slow, well-armoured elven warriors with a slow yet reliable passing game
  19. Retribution Mage Hunters: The elite assassins of the Retribution, the mage hunters are deadly fighters but lightly armoured and expensive
  20. Convergence of Cyriss: The devoted of the Machine Goddess Cyriss, the Convergence are human souls in clockwork bodies. Their teams have strange organisation but are quite versatile
  21. Cephalyx: The bizarre Cephalyx are psychic alien creatures that live deep underground, with all kinds of strange powers. They are supported by drudges, monstrosities, and even psychically controlled players
  22. Rhul: Teams from kingdom of Rhul consists of slow sturdy dwarves and big strong ogryn, and their mechanikal creations.
  23. Talion Charter: Talion teams are ragtag pirate bands made of humans, trollkin and gobbers, and their press gangers can "recruit" others to the team
  24. Mercenaries: The humans of the steelhead company form the bulk of mercenary teams, supported by the warjack hunting devil dogs, trollkin and gobbers

Hordes Teams

  1. Circle of Orboros: The wild folk of the Circle Orboros are lightly armoured except the wolf-headed Warpborn who are big, tough and regenerative
  2. Circle Tharn: The warrior-women of the Tharn are lightly armoured but agile, and the ravagers are big and brawny but few in number
  3. Circle Constructs: The druidic stone constructs of the circle are very strong but lack any kind of agility
  4. Legion of Everbight: The legion of everblight are made up of blighted Nyss elves and burly blighted ogrun. They have a great mix of strength and agility but are expensive
  5. Legion Striders: The legion's elite elven scouts, strider teams lack ogrun and are thus a more traditional elven team, one of fast fragile runners. They also have plenty of stab players
  6. Legion Grotesques: Grotesques are the most twisted creations of Everblight, their agility and wings make them incredibly mobile, but they are expensive and lack organisation or agility skills like most elves.
  7. Skorne: The Skorne empire's teams are all ruthless and unforgiving. Their standard team has a lot of versatility, between the venators, resilient cataphracts and frenzied nihilators
  8. Skorne Cataphracts: The cataphracts are Skorne's elite armoured warriors, tough and hard to budge, and can be accompanied by the fire-throwing incindiarii
  9. Skorne Immortals: The extoller caste preserve Skorne's great warriors in bodies of stone to keep their souls from the void, and take to the field accompanied by these "immortal" warriors
  10. Trollbloods: The lovable blue-skinned brutes of the Iron Kingdoms, trollbloods are quite slow but they play a strong running game, with many very skilled positionals
  11. Trollblood Pygs: Pygmy trollkin, or pygs, are small yet sturdy and cunning, taking to the field alongside full-sized trolls and dire trolls for support, as well as their tiny offshoots, the whelps.
  12. Trollblood Northkin: The northkin hail from the northern kriels, and they are faster than most trollbloods though more lightly armoured. They are also well known for bringing the giant bears of their homeland onto the pitch, with varying degrees of success
  13. Farrow: Violent hog-like people, the Farrow may be slow but they are vicious dirty players
  14. Gatormen: The gatormen of the blindwater congregation are natural fighters, strong and durable. However, they are not numerous and thus rely on other swamp dwellers like bog trogs to make up the numbers.
  15. Blindwater Swamp Dwellers: Separate from gatormen teams, the other inhabitants of the blindwater swamps make their own teams, consisting of frog-like croaks, swamp gobbers, bog trogs, and things weirder still
  16. Grymkin: The terrifying grymkin are nightmare fairy tale creatures from hell, all claws and teeth and scary hollow eyes. Playstyle-wise they are a cheap, skilled, yet fragile undead team

Work In Progress

  1. Bog Trogs: Fish people from the swamps
  2. Crucible Guard: The forces of the Golden Crucible, equipped with advanced alchemical technology
  3. Infernals: Demonic invaders from another dimension
  4. Llael: A small nation whose teams rely on help from others
  5. Morrowans: Angels and skeletons and knights oh my
  6. Dhunians: The worshippers of the mother goddess Dhunia, made up of trollkin and farrow, with a few gobbers in the mix
  7. Strange Bedfellows: Pact between the Convergence and Cryx, with a few Cygnar players in there too
  8. Disciples of Agony: Skorne using farrow and gatormen to bulk out their teams
  9. Warriors of the Old Faith: Pact between the Protectorate and Khador, with players that are overall quite fast for either
  10. Legion Beasts: The dragon-spawn of Everblight
  11. Thamarites: Worshippers of the dark god Thamar
  12. Grymkin Imps: The little mischievous creations of the Grymkin