Ottawa U had a long history of.. non athletics. However, they liked to attend matches, as they had an excellent biology program, and they found that by helping the medical section and volunteering as wandering apothecaries, they could get a lot of valuable specimens.
In the process, they collected, well, a lot of blood and brains. Which obviously were gross to look at. So they started wearing grey 778899 and garnet 8b0000 to hide the guts, and the players starting calling them the BBs, since they cleaned up the blood and the brains.
And then one day, a team was missing. The BBs walked onto the pitch, thinking it was half time clean up, and the announcer, who had been trying to delay announcing the teams, since only one team was there, immediately jumped and announced 'and their challengers, the BBs!'
And, from that day forth, Season 33, Ottawa U had an NCBB team. We rant about the NCBB here. Fan of stats here.
Hex color codes
#15194a = ucon dark blue background overall background
#ccddff = ucon light blue player background
#ededed = ucon very light grey player background
***Note to end lines in blanks i have to put in like 4 or 5 "placeholders" so it returns to the next line
Emerging Star
Star Player
uzombie2.gif for zombie
uwight1.gif for male wight
uwight2.gif for female wight
umummy2.gif for mummy
ughoul3.gif for frenzy ghoul
ughoul1.gif for sure hands ghoul
ughoul2.gif for guard ghoul
ughoul4.gif for wrestle ghoul
gral blodshuker for Starr?
OTT 34-37
GAL 33-36
OTT 33-36
OTT 33-36
OTT 33-36
Emerging Star
Star Player
uzombie2.gif for zombie
uwight1.gif for male wight
uwight2.gif for female wight
umummy2.gif for mummy
ughoul3.gif for frenzy ghoul
ughoul1.gif for sure hands ghoul
ughoul2.gif for guard ghoul
ughoul4.gif for wrestle ghoul
gral blodshuker for Starr?
Graduates *Players who graduated on time
OTT 34-37
GAL 33-36
OTT 33-36
OTT 33-36
OTT 33-36