Create team for this league
The secret Splatterfest is an offset of Oceania Secret Blood bowl league.
Here the dead rise again to feed on the blood of their victims. This competition starts on the week of Halloween:
The following teams are allowed in only their virgin (Rookie form). This is either a straight Knock out or a double elimination dependent on numbers.
Ka-Sabar Teams Lybaras Teams
Mahrak Teams
Numas Teams
Rasetra Teams
Zandri Teams
Necrarch Teams
Lahmian Teams
Blood Dragons
Undead Pirates
Strigoi Teams
Von Carstein Teams
Sylvania Pact
Were Teams
Golem Teams
Ethereal Teams
Dust Goblin Teams
All teams must induce a Wizard
All teams must induce a Chainsaw
All teams must take 2 Bribes
No other inducements an be used
The first round must be played on or before Halloween unless prior arrangement has been made and explained to Trickey. Further rounds should be fired every 3 days at a maximum unless prior notice has been made.
On request losers in this tournament can play in one off Frog off matches.
Enjoy the Blood.