Create team for this league
Clone old teams from Box & Ranked to the 2016 League Division
Hopefully they may be able to transfer to 2020 in all their glory if 2016 dies.
1. Decide which team you want to clone.
2. Create an O[L]C copy of that team using this link.
The team name should feature [OL16].
The team's players should have the same position with the same squad numbers as the original team.
3. Buy re-rolls, apoth etc
4. Add a link to the original team to the new team's bio.
5. Sign the team up to this group.
6. Sign up for the O[L]C 2016 Cup/Swiss AND ALSO to [SL16] Open
If you wish to clone another coach's team (up to a maximum of 2000TW), It would be polite to ask permission first.