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Group managers: ClayInfinity
<i>The Southern Chaos Wastes...

This vast mass of land occupies near all of the southern hemisphere yet very few of it's secrets are known to any.

For centuries, brave and foolish explorers of every race conceivable have set off to conquer this strange and dangerous land. Countless expeditions have left the shores of the Old World in search of fame, questing for glory, in hope of incredible wealth... very few have returned.
Of those ships that have made it back, there have been none that have not either had their crews turned from able bodied seamen to gibbering madmen, or else mysteriously lost their crews altogether...

Oft nights, at an alehouse, somewhere in the Empire, talk will turn to the Southern Wastes. The stories are as plentiful as they are fanciful. The disputes as heated as they are foundless.
Nobody can rightly claim to know if there's even life down there in that vast and barren wilderness.

There is, however, one thing that all men agree upon. If there is life down there... surely... undeniably... they must play BloodBowl!</i>

<center><b><u>SIGNING UP!</center></b></u>
The SWL is one of FUMBBL's largest structured leagues and has been set up as the 'National' League for the Oceanian region.
We are mostly Australians, but we also have a few Kiwis, and now a Japanese coach! We foster (pun) an Australian culture but welcome anyone from a similar timezone (an also expats who are willing to adapt to our timezone).
Signing up is easy, simply send an email to <b>swladmin@hotmail.com</b> advising of who you are and that you'd like to join and one of the admins will get back to you with some help on what kind of team to make and how to get them into the League.

<center><b><u>LEAGUE RULES</u></b></center>
Star Players are allowed.
Wizards are allowed.
In short, everything in the LRB that the client and FUMBBL cater for is allowed.

Any issues you might have with extremely fast scoring or extremely violent bashing are your own and are not shared by this League. Anything goes here.
That being said though, our aim is for everyone to enjoy themselves and play as much of this great game as they're able to, and in a characterful and exciting environment. Remember that, and everything else will come together.

Games will be played weekly and every coach will be expected to be active on the Forums.
Unheralded and overdue games will be forfeited but hopefully we've got a decent bunch here at that won't happen...

<b><u><center>LEAGUE STRUCTURE</b></u></center>

From Season 9 onwards, the SWL Divisions will be organised as follows...

<i>The hallowed fields upon which run those few players good enough to compete in the Premier are like unto the halls of the Gods. It is here that many a young player's dreams are realised...</i>

The most prestigious Division in the SWL, the Premier is a Round Robin League with 8 teams competing to be crowned SWL Premier Champions!
At the end of every season, the bottom half of the Premier Division is relegated to the Conference Divisions to be replaced with the two Conference Winners and two Conference Runners Up . The champion is the team that comes first past the post - no playoffs!
Premier Division... this is where the best of the best are found

<i>Professional level Blood Bowl at it's best, the Conferences host the best teams in the land barring only the mighty Premier teams themselves. There is one thing and one thing only that goes through the small minds of the players in this Division... promotion to the Premier...</i>

Gateways to the Premiership, the Conference Divisions host the SWL's up and coming teams.
Sitting in the SWL hierarchy just below the Premier Division there are two Conference Divisions.
Each Division operates, as does the Premier itself, as Round Robin Tournaments with 8 teams apiece. The winner and runner up at the end of the season from each of the Conferences will promote to the Premier for the following Season at the expense of the bottom four placed Premier teams, who will then each join one of the conferences.

At the commencement of every season, a TR Cap of 200 applies to the Conference Leagues. All teams must comply. Teams may progress to higher TR's as the season progresses.

<i>Amateur level Blood Bowl , the SWL Regional Leagues have bizarre cup names and equally bizarre personalities. The SWL Regional League is where young and up coming teams battle seasoned has-beens on the way out... </i>

Just like the Conference Leagues, the Regional Leagues operate as two 8 team divisions that play a round robin of 7 games. Winners and Runners Up are awarded promotion to the Conference Leagues.

At the commencement of every season, a TR Cap of 150 applies to the Conference Leagues. All teams must comply. Teams may progress to higher TR's as the season progresses.

This is the entry point for all newcomers to the SWL. It also acts as a training ground for our regular members' backup teams and also just a place to get plentiful games within the SWL community.
It is set up as one huge Open Round Robin Tournament, where anyone can play anyone else at any time and, once more, for any reason. You can only play each other team in the Pool once each, but there are plenty to play so just go for it!
To prevent teams in the QPool from becoming the mightiest teams in the competition (which they otherwise would, given their freedom to essentially play unlimited games) there is, again, a constant 'salary cap' in operation. No team at any time in the QPool may begin a game when their Team Rating is higher than 150. This creates a unique coaching challenge within the QPool and has proved a very successful innovation from the masterminds behind the SWL.

<u>Any coach with a team in one of the higher divisions is allowed a second team within the QPool to act as a backup for their main team, or else to just have more fun with, or whatever.</u>

<b>The Little League Divisions</b> operate much like the Main Divisions, except that al team are Stunties.

<b>Main Division Scoring</b> (Premier, Conferences, Regional) will be as follows...

<b>Win: 5 points
Draw: 2 points
Loss: 1 point
Forfeit Loss: 0 points</b>

Ladder positions for Teams with tied scores will be determined based on... Head to Head, TD Difference, Total TDs, CAS Difference, and Total CAS (in that order).

<b>QPool Scoring</b> is purely based on games played and <b>1 point</b> will be awarded for each game played.

<center><b><u>LEAGUE AWARDS</u></b></center>

<b><u>The Twahnlow Medal</u></b>
Every match in every Division will attract Twahnlow Votes for the top 3 performing players (3 votes for the best, 2 for next best, and 1 for third best player). The number of votes given to each player is decided by Twahn himself, who replays every match and picks who he believes to be the best example of what it is to be a true great in the SWL.
The player with the most votes at the season's end will be awarded the coveted Twahnlow Medal! There is one award given for each of the Divisions.
Pride is the only benefit of this Award...


<b>Clayinfinity</b> is current Commissioner of the SWL. All rulings are finally, but I am always willing to hear new ideas and debate issues. I am not a rules lawyer, but my one pet hates is forfeits! Use the admin hotmail account or feel my wrath! (Which is hairy and sticky! LOL)

<b>Snorri's</b> work in creating our #swl channel match reporter, Bob Borc, and also in creating <a href=http://members.optusnet.com.au/stonierd/swl/twahnlow-rs.html>The Twahnlow Ladder</a> has truly been inspiring stuff. Thanks mate, you the man.

As of Season 8, Snorri has been given admin rights and can assist with all queries if Clay is not about...

<b>Toonie</b> is our most recent administrator for the site. Toonie is on the #swl channel frequently and can assist with all league rulings and arbitrations.

<b>Twahn</b> is the Founder of the SWL. He was the Commissioner until Season 8, but retired gracefully after a long service to the League. He shall always be a friend to the SWL and has the odd team thereabouts...

<b>Neverborn</b> is a long term player in the SWL and is actually a fumbbl approver... be nice when pestering him.

<b>chunky04</b> is mighty friendly and knowledgable young man and has full admin access to all SWL workings. Manager of the Veterans League.

<b>JoeKano</b> is the editor of the <a href=http://fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=2851>SWL's Channel BB</a>, our fluff generator.
Thanks Joe! Great work! ;)

Communication is the key to understanding, and understanding is the key to a successful league...

We will have a couple of threads running in the <b>Forums</b>, one for Game Times and Results to be posted in and another for League news and fluff.

<b>Group PMs</b> will be sent by myself at times whenever important league issues arise. Please be mindful of these and respond if necessary.

<b>IRC</b> is, of course, a far more powerful tool than the Forums to get things resolved. <b>#swl</b> is our League channel and I will endeavour to be there every Sunday and Thursday night. I'll be there at other times whenever possible, and encourage everyone else to be as well.

<b><u><center>ORGANISING GAMES IN THE DIVISIONS</center></b></u>
The best way to organise games in a structured Tournament like this one is to PM your next opponent as soon as a game is ready to be played. List your preferred times for playing, and ask what is good for them.

We will be playing a game a week. They will not organise themselves! Waiting until your opponent is online at the same time as yourself and PMing or IRCing them with "wanna play?" is not a sufficient means of organising games.

As soon as any game times are organised, please post them on the appropriate Forum Thread (to be created once the league starts) so that your peers can buy tickets to the game and come along to cheer for you / jeer at you! ;)

Watching other players' games is fun, gives you insight to the way they play, and strengthens the sense of community.

<b><u><center>DIVISIONAL CUTOFF DATES</b></u></center>
<b>Games are to be played at a rate of one week per round.</b>
Deadline for every game is Monday Evenings. Check out #swl on IRC for details of current league news progress.

Games that have not been played by the cutoff date for that Round are in danger of being forfeited.
The victor (if any) of such games will be decided by the League Commissioners.

Late games are tolerated, within reason, only if an email is sent to <b><u>swladmin@hotmail.com</b></u> explaining the reasons and proposed play date.

<b><u><center>HALL OF RECORDS</b></u></center>
<u><b>Season 1</b></u>
Premier League Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=23818>League of Exhumed Gentlemen</a>
South East Regional Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=30524>Corporate Fraud Chain Gang</a>
South West Reginonal Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=30939>Southern Scumbags</a>

<u><b>Season 2</b></u>
Premier League Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=23828>Carlton United</a>
Division 1 Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=30941>Slumbering Skink</a>
Division 2 Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=27551>Creepers</a>

World Champion's Cup: <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=260571>Carlton United 3 - 3 Necrophilia United (for Svenska Ligan)</a>

<u><b>Season 3</b></u>
Premier League Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=30524>Corporate Fraud Chain Gang</a>
Division 1 Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=23965>Adelaide Anvils</a>
Division 2 Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=30967>Prince Reagents</a>
Division 3 Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=55768>Bright Lights</a>

Gentlemen's Picnic Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=30941>Slumbering Skink</a>
Gentlemen's Picnic Runners-Up = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=56006>Southside Stone Smashers</a>

World Champion's Pre-Cup Qualifier= <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=340760>Corporate Fraud Chain Gang 2-3 Corp PEsquera de Norska (Spanish Champion)</a>

<b><u>Season 4</b></u>
Premier League Winners= <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=23941>Zen Adepts</a>
Division 1 Winners= <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=24083>Blue Mountain Dragons</a>
Division 2 Winners= <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=55768>Bright Lights</a>
Division 3 Winners= <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=56006>Southside Stone Smashers</a>
Division 4 Winners= <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=72507>Western Sydney Wonders</a>

<b><u>Season 5</b></u>
Premier League Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=24083>Blue Mountain Dragons</a>
Division 1 Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=23828>Carlton United</a>
Division 2 Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=46019>Lords of War</a>
Division 3 Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=65272>HFC</a>
Division 4 Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=67027>Fyord Frollikars</a>
Division 5 Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=85896>Elven Dodgers</a>
Division 6 Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=89613>Australian Crawlers</a>

Gentlemen's Picnic Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=55771>I-House</a>
Gentlemen's Picnic Runners-Up = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=56006>Southside Stone Smashers</a>

<b><u>Season 6</b></u>
Premier League Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=20196>Maniac Mammalians II</a>
South East Conference Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=57897>Gumbeast United</a>
South West Conference Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=56006>Southside Stone Smashers</a>
Region A Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=88958>Peno Pancakes</a>
Region B Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=95334>Karaz Krasherz</a>
Region C Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=87504>Brouhaha</a>

Gentlemen's Picnic Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=56006>Southside Stone Smashers</a>
Gentlemen's Picnic Runners-Up = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=45912>Archfiends of Atrocity</a>

<b><u>Season 7</b></u>
Premier League Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=56006>Southside Stone Smashers</a>
North Conference Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=66026>Wicker Men</a>
South Conference Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=53080>Black Crowes</a>
East Conference Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=95334>Karaz Krasherz</a>
West Conference Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=94804>Wanna Beatin</a>

<b><u>Season 8</b></u>
Premier League Winners = <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=23819>Warlizards</a>
North Conference Winners = TBA
South Conference Winners = TBA
East Conference Winners = TBA
West Conference Winners = TBA