The most important rule of the Elven Kingdoms is DBAD.
All other rules should be considered subject to change at all times, based on the whims of admin-in-chief.
Available teams:
All new teams start with a budget of 1100 TV. All new teams must be fresh!
Since we are playing Round-Robin please do only submit one team per coach. Otherwise you could end up playing yourself.
League participation:
All coaches are required to complete the season they've signed up for. If you repeatedly fail to show up for your games, or fail to make reasonable attempts to schedule your games, you may be kicked out and potentially banned for multiple seasons. If you need to forfeit a round or drop out of the league, please let an admin know.
Currently we are planning to play Round-Robin format for the league and depending on the number of participants we would create divisions of 8 to 12 teams considering the timezone of the coaches if possible.
Playing your games will be incentivised with 1 point, even if you loose the game. A win will be awarded with 4 points and a draw with 2, while an illegal concession or a no-show will be 0 points.
Tie-breakers will be: heads-up, TD difference, TDs scored, CAS difference, CAS infliced. If after that there is a draw between two teams the admin will flip a coin or in case this is a matter of 1st or 2nd place of the division a championship-game with overtime may be scheduled.
Coaches are expected to start scheduling early and give reasonable options for game times. If in doubt, follow the principles of common sense and common courtesy.
We encourage the scheduling to happen on the Fumbbl Discord server, but this is not required, and FUMBBL PMs are valid in any situation where a match might have to be adminned. However, coaches should try to stick to one or the other during any single round whenever possible.
Timeouts are not allowed. If an opponent is taking an unreasonably long time and is unresponsive about it, take it up with an admin instead.
Conceding is not allowed, unless it is a legal concede. A coach can legally concede when their team doesn't have the three players required to set up a line of scrimmage.
Between seasons:
Between seasons, any niggles on the team have a chance to be healed. A d6 roll is made for each niggled player, and on a 4+ the niggle is removed (3+ if the team has an apothecary).
Currently the ruleset represents a season of 15 games. This may be adjusted according to participation to represent the effective length of a season.
Re-Drafting with a base budget of 1100k and a current cap of 1350k will be considered. TV cap may be subject to change depending on the actual season length.
Standard 2020 rules on the pitch.
2020 rules for skill progression.
After a game, the coach nominates 6 players, and a roll is made to select one of these as MVP.
Inducements and star players:
No mega-stars, everything else as per official 2020 rules with the exception of overdog treasury spending on inducements. Star player availability for individual teams can be found on the team pages.
The complete ruleset may be viewed