A private war between two Chaos factions has emerged from the Chaos Wastelands.
In one village, the hordes of Azmo, sweeping a path of destruction (and perversity) wherever they travel.
In their path? The Azmo Hunters. Lead by the brilliant, if not a little camp, Hubert Grayson the 3rd.
As the mists of Chaos descends, which tribe will triumph? Which will be trampled into the ground, and then buggered by the amoebas of Nurgle?
Several battles in and it looks like another faction has arrived.
The camp armies of Romolus, Overlord of the Butt-Lover Wastes, has stepped into the frey.
Will the armies of Delta and Azmo be trampled by this camp crusade? Will the armies of Romolus get sent back to the cabaret scene with their tails ripped off and shoved up their own backsides?
Only time will tell....