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On certain mornings, as the first rays of light radiate from the dawning sun, a long white cloud can be glimpsed in the distance over the rippled blue waters off the coast of the Southern Wastes. Tormented by the stifling heat and relentless dry winds turning their skin to leather, the Blood Bowl tragics are contemplating an off-season going to seed and withering like weeds under a good dose of 'Roundup".

Then one day in late December, a voice is heard drifting over the waves.
"Cricky dick! Bro, stop stuffing ya face with greasies and come here. Can't be sure based on the togs, but there is some pakeha cuz over other side."
"Sheez Bro, you ain't wrong."
"Now that Chrissy is done, you think that they might be wanting a tiki tour over here and play some Bloodbowl?"

The sun-addled brains absorbed the word 'Bloodbowl,' triggering an involuntary response. Before you could say, "couldn't see the road to the dunny if it had red flags on it," all the blokes and mates got a into g, grabbed their gummies went sailing off to Aotearoa to find Waikikamukau and play Bloodbowl in cooler climes.

"Sweet as. Hey bro, rattle your dags and make sure the chilly bin is chocka with L&P, get your nana to jack up some savs and pavs, and don't forget the chocolate fish from the dairy. This going be a piss up large, so better make sure that zambuck is around in case some dag carks it"

The Waikikamukau Bloodbowl Festival.


Open to all SWL teams, new and old, not currently playing in SWL proper. No TV limit and no age limit, so whether you are an LRB4 legendary team or a CRP rookie, you are welcome.

Format. Swiss chess scheduled rounds with seeding based on TV with overtime to avoid draws. Basically, the meaner and nastier you are, the more likely you will play together for the first couple of rounds.

The festival will use all the optional rules for Claw, Piling On, Right Stuff, Sneaky Git, and Stand Firm. So any dirty fouling 'flings and more than welcome to come and put the boot in.

The festival management has done a great deal with the local wizarding guild and got them to sponsor each game with some special items. This is pot luck, but every team will receive 100 gold to spend with the guild on CARDS before each match.

Prizes are to be determined, but as with all festivals, everyone is a winner.

Sign up here, post here and lets have a great off season blast before SWL starts afresh in 2017

The Waikikamukau Festival kicks off on Boxing Day!! 26th of December, the day after Christmas ;-)
Better than a Halfing Chef's pastries, Mrs. Smack produces the best lard bun wrapped gravy and meat morsels in the Southern Wastes. Guaranteed to hit the spot, a Mrs. Smack pie, pasty, or sausage roll is the nourishment of choice amongst Southern Wastes Blood Bowl fans.

Long term denizen of the Southern Wastes <<<deposed>>> has secured Mrs Smack as naming right sponsor for SWL Fringe SMACKS. Fast, furious and fun for players and fans alike, PM ramchop or subscribe to the SWL Fringe Touneys Forum Topic to keep in the loop.

SMACKS are KO tournaments of at least 4 Fringe teams. Arranged at the drop of a hat in SWL discord, or perhaps flagged a little ahead of time in the forums. Fringe Teams, old and new, big and small, loved and hated, can stretch their legs and show they still have what it takes to win something.

TV restricted SMACKS are for those terrified to match up to the big boys. First-round TW must be at or below the stated level. Subsequent rounds, TV increase, cannot be more than skills gained, winnings won, or fan factor ummm factored.

The Greatest SMACK is of course the unrestricted OPEN

And a new addition. Sevens SMACKS, open TV. Max 7 on the pitch, minimum two on LOS, and none in the wide zone.

Smack Winners
"" floatleft
2515 March
11 Orcs, 1 Cup

"" floatleft
2516 December

"" floatleft
2515 March
Seattle Sirens

"" floatleft
2517 December
Fungal Finks

"" floatleft

2516 September
Technically Minded
"" floatleft
2517 December
Dick Tracy's Detective Agency

2517 November
Cheeky Darkies


"Listen on! Listen on! This is the truth of it. Fighting leads to killing, and killing gets to warring, and that was damn near the death of us all. Look at us now, busted up and everyone talking about the Great War! But we've learned! By the dust of them all, we've learned. Now, when men get to fighting, it happens on the pitch, and it finishes on the pitch! Two teams enter; one team leaves."


Post your team below by August 11th @ 7pm (Sydney time) to apply

Another year has passed, and it is back!

After two hard years on the Thunder Road, Fringetown has this year decided to open the gates to any team that dares enter!.


  1. • A Fumbbl tourney for the Australasian time zones with weekly rounds
    • Open for any [L]eague team of the default ruleset, new or old (not open to active SWL teams, unless leaving SWL proper)
    • Max roster size: 14 players
    • Three rounds Swiss with overtime; then top half (rounded up to 2, 4, 8, etc.) plays TV-seeded King of the Hill. The winner plays the reigning Thunderdome Champions. The bottom team in the Swiss stage will have to face The Wheel (read on, read on)
    • No extensions
    • Banned Sneaky Gits goes to KO box
    • All teams receive 300k extra inducement money allowance for each game, to be spent like this:
    50k to be spent on 1 Dirty Trick
    100k to be spent on bribe(s)
    150k that must be spent on a player(s) with the Secret Weapon Skill (including Mercs with SW like Loonies and Deathrollers)
    • You must spend as much of the 150k in this way as possible, and you can also add other (regular) inducement cash to hire, for instance, a Mercenary Deathroller. Any spare money after your maxed out secret weapon purchases may be spent as normal
    • Note: Elves not having access to Secret Weapons, must instead spend this 150k on a combination of Cards/Apothecary/Babes/Bribes
    • Take care getting the inducement buying phase right!

    • If mistakes are made during the inducement phase, you can have the game restarted by Fumbbl staff (i.e., ramchop ;-))


... unless you want to know all about the prizes, the fluff, the secret weapons, and the rostered star players.

The tournament has three stages.
  1. Thunderdome Swiss
    Thunderdome Knockouts
    The Thunderdome Final

A tournament in Fringetown (aka godforsaken place) named after the local Blood Bowl stadium. A slightly oval-shaped astrogravel pitch, with a massive overbuilt steel dome that spectators climb onto.

Fringetown (aka filthy pit of swine) has rigged the Thunderdome with all kinds of traps and weapons. They have also rigged the draw -- making sure the biggest teams face off towards the end of the knockouts.

Note: The Champions don't compete in the tourney and are automatically qualified for the Thunderdome Final. If the Champions are unavailable, the last game of the Thunderdome Knockouts doubles as the Thunderdome Final. The reigning champion may enter a new team in the tournament. However, this means forfeiting their chance to defend the title.

***Did you know...
When the Thunderdome hosted the final of the Big Guy Cup between two local ogre teams, the Big'un Bogans and the Bogan Bigwunz, the game had to be suspended at halftime as the entire Thunderdome collapsed under the weight of several hundred cheering ogre fans climbing back on after their half time snacks. They played the second half a whole year later. Then as a Goblin 7s game.

"Two teams with a gutful of fear!
Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls,
dying time's here!!

This is the fight for the Grand Prize. The reigning champions compete to keep their prize for another year, while the challengers will be trying to take it off of them.

The loser must get ready to Face the Wheel!

  1. • Avoid Wheel
    • 100,000 gold coins
    • Gain the service of Master Blaster* as long as the team remains Champions
    • A permanent Secret Weapon of choice on a player of choice** (and no SW skill***)
* They come as a pair, and you must take both. Should one of them leave (retired), the other will follow
** You cannot pick Master Blaster
*** The Southern Wastes respect the Thunderdome champions, and referees won't ban this Secret Weapon player

Ball & Chain* 1+ ST7, Ball & Chain, No Hands
Blunderbuss 4 HMP, Pass, Strong Arm, Sure Hands
Bombardier** 2 Bombardier, Accurate
Chainsaw 1 Chainsaw
Hidden Blade 1 Stab
Pogo Stick 3 Leap, Very Long Legs, Sprint
Stilts 2 Leap, Very Long Legs

*B&C gives ST 7 and caps player to MA 4 (can be increased later). The number of skill slots varies on starting strength.
**Caps player to AG 3. You cannot give it to a player with Pass access.

"The little one is called Master. He's the brains. He runs Underworld.
The other one is Blaster. He's the muscle.
Together they can be very powerful."


Halfling Chieftain
Dodge, Leader, Right Stuff, Side Step, Stunty
TV 50,000


Human Blocker
Bone-head*, Block, Disturbing Presence, Fan Favourite, Guard, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate
TV 180,000
* represents Blaster's only weakness.

"Bust a Deal and face the Wheel.

Justice is just a roll of the dice. A flick of a coin. A turn - of the Wheel."

Fringetown will punish the losing finalist AND the bottom team of the Swiss stage with one of the following (roll a d10):
  1. 1) Death - team loses two random players
    2) Hard Labour - 2 random players gets -AV and Thick Skull*
    3) Amputation - 2 random players get No Hands
    4) Underworld - 2 random players get Bone-head + Disturbing Presence**
    5) Forfeit Goods - remove treasury from team
    6) Gulag - team exiled from Fringetown (can never re-enter this tourney)
    7) Spin Again - re-roll the result
    8] Imprisonment - all players get MNG
    9) Acquittal - all players go free
    10) The Fringe chooses - limited time forum poll for the appropriate punishment
* permanently weakened physique but mentally strong after hard labor
** reeking and traumatized after repeated pig torture

Deep in the Southern Wastes...

...desert winds race uninterrupted across endless leagues of scorched earth. Ever erratic, the winds this particular day offer up the fractured remains of a skull as it comes skittering across the sands. For an age, it has wandered the desert like a nomad, seemingly doomed to the mercy of the winds, but finally, its path has now terminated at this barren piece of ground marked out in the middle of nowhere. A behemothic orc spots the skull as it comes to rest, and looking immensely pleased, wanders over and straps the skull to his shoulder pad.

This is the Fringe... there may not be much else, but there is Blood Bowl!

The SWL Fringe is the entry portal for new coaches to the Southern Wastes League and is home to most non-league Blood Bowl in the Southern Wastes. In these barren lands, new legends are born, and old legends come to die. Play free-standing fringe games versus other roaming teams; train your team for the next Fringe Tourney; raid Old World tournaments and bring back trophies & glory to the Wastes; prime your team for the SWL through the grueling Trial of Blood; or stand in/on the rookies' way/throat as one of the Blooders.

As with the SWL, to participate, you must be living in an area within the broad GMT+7 to GMT +12 timezones. (Usually, this consists of Australian/New Zealand and East Asian areas). Each coach is allowed any number of [L]eague teams. These can be any team you like, a brand new team, an SWL team, or a [L] team that once played elsewhere but has migrated to the Fringe. Once in, however, they're ours! No dodging in and out of the group except for when raiding Old World tournaments.

Southern Wastes League - 'nuff said.
SWL Channel BB - stories, interviews and news from the league.
#SWL chat room - join the league chatroom. #SWL is now on Discord. IRC is dead. Long live IRC.

CBBA - competition between the established Old World Universities.
SSL - Southern Survivalists League. The only way out... is death.
NAF Online Tournaments - NAF group for Australasian timezones.
DIBBL - Deserted Isles Blood Bowl Leeg is a Kiwi league.

AUSBOWL - The no. 1 resource for fantasy football in Australia.
NZBBN - The Home of Tabletop Fantasy Sports in Aotearoa.

Southern Pioneers
Fringe Smackdowns
Fringe Tournaments
Fringe Top 30
NEW!! Fringe Tour
Guild Bifrost
Champions Cup Challenge
Southern Wastes Warlord Showdown Group Page
Waikikamukau VIDirty Rotten Filthy Scummushoomy
Double Glazed CupTwo Catchers, One Throwertussock
Thunderdome 15Late Showtussock
Waikikamukau VSquishy and Breakable [DIBBL]OrcCleaver
Thunderdome 14Freezy Treesramchop
Waikikamukau IVTechnically MindedGrod
Thunderdome 13Late Showtussock
Waikikamukau IIITechnically MindedGrod
SWL Birthday Cup 2516Technically MindedGrod
Waikikamukau IIDhingo InitiativeBalle2000
Thunderdome 12Blackwater BlitzChavo
Waikikamukau IBlackwater BlitzChavo
Christmas Carnage 2512Bush CobrasBalle2000
The Great War...
The Trial of the Exploding KegGongoth Gargantuansalmic85
Thunderdome 11Artesian ApparitionsSnorri
Need for Speed ChallengeNorsemen of ApocalypseOldBugman
Donut CupBig Dan's FreebooterzPatrician
Gentleman's Picnic '06Southern Waste GreenskinsSandune
Lad's Picnic '06Aus for Germany '06erikekers
Gentleman's Picnic '05Southside Stone SmashersSandune
Page design by Balle2000.