Season I Deadlines
Round 1 - 28 Nov 2021
Round 2 - 8 Dec 2021
Round 3 - 18 Dec 2021
Round 4 - 30 Dec 2021
Round 5 - 9 Jan 2022
Round 6 - 19 Jan 2022
Round 7 - 29 Jan 2022
Round 8 - 8 Feb 2021
Round 9 - 18 Feb 2021
Round 10 - 28 Feb 2021
Round 11 - 10 Mar 2022
Round 12 - 20 Mar 2022
Round 13 - 30 Mar 2022
Discord Channel
Click here to join!
White Isle rules
This league is for old BB2016 teams from the WhiteIsle League. Only old teams from WIL can join. But will be welcome!
League Regulations
Each round of matches will have a 10-day dead-line, but coaches are very much encouraged to complete matches faster than that as often as possible. So, the deadline for the next round will be set as soon as all the matches in the previous round have been played.
Individual Roster Cap
None. Get big.
Birthday Potions and Kickstarter Gifts
For the purposes of maintaining a level playing field, please do not use birthday healing potions or any other scrolls or potions from the FUMBBL Kickstarter in WIL.
An extension of up to 2 days can be given if both players are sure to get the game played in that time. (N.B. Sometimes this extension will not be available if this will delay the start of another tournament but this will be indicated in group PM's).
If they can't guarentee that the game will be played the game will be forfeited on the deadline.
The rules used for forfeiting are based on the official FUMBBL tournament rules and are as follows:
-If no coach contacts the staff the forfeit will be random in a league neither team will get the points. In a cup then it will be random unless one coach has obviously been absent.
-If only one coach contacted the staff that coach goes through to the next round.
-If both coaches contact the staff I will look at the circumstances. This might result in a random forfeit or a certain team forfeiting.
Scoring and the Divisional system
Scoring System
5 points are scored for a win (or win by forfeit)
2 points for a draw
1 point for a loss
0 points for a loss by forfeit or concession
(Note on forfeits: If both coaches are judged to be equally responsible for the match failing to be played, neither team will get any points from the match.)
So: play your games! Just turning up and hanging on for the final whistle will get you a point!
Coaches who consistently forfeit or concede matches will be kicked from the league. Concessions are allowed but very strongly discouraged. The leagues and cups will be short so teams can easily be retired afterwards and a new team started.
Team Retirements
Not allowed! ;)
Tie Breakers
Net TD+Cas
Net TD
Net Cas
TD scored
CAS scored
Coin toss
Note the Commissioner/WIL Admin group will put forward changes in the league to the community before bringing them in to get feedback and opinions from the players. They are also open to suggestions on changes from the community to make things better. However they will have the final say on any changes.