This tournament will run on knockout elimination and the one true victor will recieve a shiny trophie via email to display on there team Bio. This is entirely experimental but so any one wanting to give advise on running the tournament is welcome. Im also looking for someone with an understanding of fumbbl groups and leagues. They will be joint Zlatlan cup organisers.
Rule 1. Only Amazon and Lizardmen
Rule 2. No wizards or Star players
Rule 3. Must have at least 1 coach for Lizardmen and 1 chearleader for Amazons
Rule 4. Beginner teams only i.e. TR 100
Rule 5. No Conceading....Ban from next tournement. If a participant Exits through any means then if they cant organise a reload with in the next 2 days then a ban will be placed on the for the next tornement and if missing for a week then a complete ban from any tournaments.