The FUMBBL Tour is a Scheduled Knock Out Tournament, consisting of 32 teams, we will run as many Tours for each event as demand allows.
These events will run 6 times throughout the year. In Febuary, April, June, August, October and December.
Each tournament will run to a schedule of 1 week per round, with no extensions allowed.
Coaches may only enter 1 team per event.
These tournaments will start between ten pm and midnight server time on a Wednesday evening.
After the first event all subsequent events will be seeded by Tour points already won that year. So the top 32 entrants, by Tour points, will be placed into the first draw, and so on. This means those not interested in the Tour Points, or only playing occasionally should be able to largely avoid some of the more hardcore tournament players. it also should allow for people to catch up to the leaders easily in the draws other than the top one.
FUMBBL Official Tournament Rules will apply.