This is it.
The Show.
The Big Time.
Open to SSS teams that have played in at least ONE SSS match so far this season.
All teams enter a 21 day Open Round Robin tournament. The top 6 teams advance to a KO (top 2 teams recieve 1st round byes)
<br><b>Overtime:</b> <u>Overtime is played "Sudden Death" for KO games.</u><br> What does that mean? It means the first team to score in overtime gets the win. This is meant to speed up games and try to avoid the dreaded coin toss wins/losses. The client does not support this feature, so players are instructed to just click through the game once the game has been decided.<br>
Last team standing is crowned the SSS Champ!
The end-all-be-all of the SSS!