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---><B><U><font color="black">League History:</U>
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---><B><U><font color="black">Initial Eligibility:</U>

Once the 16 coaches are chosen, there will be a draft. This will determine the order, in which coaches get to choose their team's race. Allowing fairness in the racial selection method.

All teams, must at a minimum, have a filled out team bio. It must contain a team history (can be brief) and also have basic team information... such as... Team colors, stadium name, head coach name, team captain name, and a team symbol/emblem (can be a written description).

All teams will begin as newly created [L] teams. There will be a salary cap at the end of each season to try and allow everyone a fighting chance, each year.</font></B><!---
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---><B><U><font color="black">Game frequency:</U>

Games are to be played according to the schedule. 1 game/week - though a rolling schedule is in place, if you are able to play ahead, then you are allowed to do so. There will be two breaks during the season to give the League Officials an opportunity to compile stats and do some League write-ups. Once at mid-season and once at the end of the season (right before the play-offs).

After the championship game, there will be an All-star game, for the League's top players/coaches. Each coach will nominate two players from their teams. Two rosters will be made using the HTML team editor, using all the nominated players (one team per Division). To determine who will coach the All-star game, there will be a vote by all the coaches in each division to see who will represent them. Since the All-star game is strictly an exhibition match, it will have no effect on the players involved.

There will also be a minor league division. Coaches are allowed to make [L] teams and play in an open format. If one of the minor league teams is within the salary cap, they are eligible to swap teams (as long as the meet the NFL race restrictions). Wheeling and dealing among coaches is acceptable as well. Meaning that arrangements can be made to have a multiple team swap, if the coaches wish to swap races. The minor league follows all the same rules as the NFL proper (the Rules, Dirty tricks and League Action sections).</font></B><!---
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---><B><U><font color="black">League Format:</U>

The league will be separated into two, 8 team divisions. The divisions are called, Blood and Glory.

Each Division will play a round robin, one match against every team in the League (15 games per season). The top three teams per division and the top two remaining teams (overall), will play in a knock-out style tournament for the League championship. Seeded according to rankings. Best plays the worst.

There will be no more than two of each race type and/or eight Bashy* and eight Agile** teams, for variety reasons.

* = Bashy teams are any team with four or more players with 4+ ST and/or six or more players that have block, as a base skill (access to these players is all that's needed, they don't have to be active players).

** = Agile teams are teams with four or more players with 4+ AG and/or six or more players that have dodge, as a base skill (access to these players is all that's needed, they don't have to be active players).</font></B><!---

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---><B><U><font color="black">Team Ethos:</U>

Each team must select a team ethos at creation. This ethos can be changed at the beginning of each season, but it requires firing the previous head coach, firing the team captain and discarding a team reroll. Each ethos has pros and cons, so choose wisely:

<u>Despicable ethos:</u> -2 penalty to the roll of getting caught by the League when employing dirty tricks. The cost of employing dirty tricks is reduced by 10k (5k minimum cost). Despicable teams may purchase up to 3 dirty tricks per match. Up to 3 players on the roster may take the dirty player skill and up to 5 foul actions may be made per half. Every player on the team is considered a "dirty player" by the league, regardless of how many foul attempts they have.
<u>Dirty ethos:</u> -1 penalty to the roll of getting caught by the League when employing dirty tricks. Dirty teams may purchase up to 2 dirty tricks per match. Up to 2 players on the roster may take the dirty player skill and up to 4 foul actions may be made per half. Any player on a dirty team with 3 foul attempts or more, is considered a "dirty player" by the league.
<u>Standard ethos:</u> Up to 1 player on the roster may take the dirty player skill and up to 3 foul actions may be made per half.
<u>Fair-play ethos:</u> -1 penalty to the opposing team's roll of getting caught by the League when employing dirty tricks. Fair-play teams may not purchase dirty tricks in consecutive matches and may only purchase 1 per match maximum. Up to 1 player on the roster may take the dirty player skill, up to 2 foul actions may be made per half. Only players on the fair-play team with 5 foul attempts or more, is considered a "dirty player" by the league. Every dirty trick purchased against a fair-play team costs an additional 5k.
<u>Honorable ethos:</u> -2 penalty to the opposing team's roll of getting caught by the League when employing dirty tricks. Honorable teams may not purchase dirty tricks. No players on the roster may take the dirty player skill and only 1 foul action may be made per half (only if the opposing team has fouled first). No player on this team will ever be considered a "dirty player" by the League, regardless of how many foul attempts they have. Every dirty trick purchased against an honorable team costs an additional 10k.<!---
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---><B><U><font color="black">Scoring System:</U>

+30 points for a win
+15 points for a draw
0 points for a loss
-5 points for a forfeit
+/- 5 points per touchdown scored (for/against)
+/- 2 points per casualty inflicted (for/against)</font></B><!---
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---><B><U><font color="black">Dirty tricks:</U>

Teams may attempt to use dirty and underhanded methods off the pitch, to gain an advantage over their opponents. There are multiple methods that can be used...

<u>Kidnapping</u>: You hire some thugs to kidnap an opposing player... pay 40k and roll a D6.
- On a 1, the kidnappers decide to kidnap one of your players instead, keeping your money and ransoming your player back to boot. You may pay an additional 40k or your player misses the next match (if he must be fielded, place him in your end zone and both coaches ignore him for the game).
- On a 2-4, the thugs kidnap the wrong player. Randomly roll to see which opposing player will miss the match (if he must be fielded, place him in your end zone and both coaches ignore him for the game).
- On a 5+, the thugs get it right and chosen player misses the game (if he must be fielded, place him in your end zone and both coaches ignore him for the game).

<u>Assassinations</u>: You hire the local assassins' guild to "rub out" an opposing player. Pay 60k and roll a D6.
-On a 1, the assassin gets caught by the opposing team. In return for his freedom, the assassin, agrees to go after the team that hired him instead*.
-On a 2, the assassin is successful... killing one of the player's entourage instead. All future assassination attempts against this player are rolled with a cumulative -1 penalty. He's now on his guard.
-On a 3, the assassin only manages to injure the player. He must miss the opening kick-off, due to this minor injury.
-On a 4, the assassin manages to seriously injure the player. He must miss the next game completely, due to the injury.
-On a 5, the assassin misses the mark, but manages to kill the team mascot instead. This disheartens the team and they must discard a team reroll.
-On a 6, the assassin manages to fulfill his contract. Targeted player is killed and must be retired from the roster immediately.

* =Roll a D5 and add +1 to it and apply the results to the assassination table again. This time, the results are applied to the hiring coach's team.

<u>Buying the Toss</u>: You attempt to pay off the ref into swinging the coin toss in your favor. Pay 10k and roll a D6.
-On a 1, the referee gets called up to officiate a more important game at the last minute. The new ref, flips the coin normally.
-On a 2, the referee isn't very subtle and gets caught by the other referees. The other referees re-toss the coin normally, unless you spend an additional 10k to buy them off also.
-On a 3-6, the referee uses a weighted coin and flips the coin in your favor. Your teams automatically wins the toss (pick as normal on game start, but your opponent must kick or receive as per your instructions).

<u>Bribing players</u>: You attempt to buy off an opposing player for the next game. This trick cannot be targeted against a "team captain". Pay 20k and roll a D6.
-On a 1, the player accepts the bribe but double crosses you.
-On a 2, the player refuses the bribe and informs his coach of the attempt. Subtract a -1 to the "league action", dirty trick table roll.
-On a 3-4, the player accepts the bribe. During one turn of the next game, you may force that player to take no action. It can be any turn, but you must tell the the player's coach at the beginning of his turn.
-On a 5, the player accepts the bribe and is unhappy with his team. You may choose to force the player to take no action for two turns next game.
-On a 6, the player accepts the bribe and is very unhappy with his team. He skips the next match completely (if he must be fielded, place him in your end zone and both coaches ignore him for the game).

<u>Night on the Town</u>: You hire escorts to take opposing players out on the town the night prior to your match. Pay 10k and roll a d6.
-On a 1, the opposing player has a good time and suffers no ill-effects.
-On a 2, The opposing player has a real good and must miss the opening kick-off. Randomly roll to determine which player is effected.
-On a 3-5, one opposing player had too good of a time and miss the first half of the game. Randomly roll to see which opposing player misses the half.
-On a 6, one opposing player is had such a good time that he got arrested and will miss the entire game. Roll randomly to determine which opposing player is effected.

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---><B><U><font color="black">Salary Cap (TR/TS):</U>

The salary cap will be the average of all the play-off teams from the previous season.

Current Salary Cap: TBA.</B></font><!---
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---><B><U><font color="black">Awards:</U>

There will be awards for various achievements within the League (player and coach based). Each award will give a bonus to the next season salary cap number.

<U>Player Awards</U>
The Platinum Codpiece: Awarded to the player who earns the most SPP in a season.
The Blood-soaked Hobnail: Awarded to the player who has the most foul attempts.
The Necklace of Skulls: Awarded to the player who inflicts the most casualties in a season.
The Winged Helm: Awarded to the player who has the most completed passes in a season.
The Platinum-etched Boots: Awarded to the player who scores the most touchdowns in a season.
The Platinum Shoulder Pads: Awarded to the player who receives the most MVP awards in a season.
The Golden Cloak: Awarded to the player who receives the MVP award in the all-star game, from the Glory Conference.
The Bloody Cloak: Awarded to the player who receives the MVP award in the all-star game, from the Blood Conference.
The Golden Crown: Awarded to the player who receives the MVP award in the League Championship game, from the Glory Conference.
The Bloody Crown: Awarded to the player who received the MVP award in the League Championship game, from the Blood Conference.

<I>Note: Player awards add +1 to their team's salary cap number.</I>

<U>Coach Awards</U>
The Ruby Chalice: Awarded to the Coach who suffers the most casualties in a season.
The Platinum Shield: Awarded to the Coach who surrenders the least amount of touchdowns in a season.
The Platinum Blade: Awarded to the Coach who scores the most touchdowns in a season.
The Broken Blade: Awarded to the Coach who scores the least amount of touchdowns in a season.
The Open Gate: Awarded to the Coach who surrenders the most amount of touchdowns in a season.
The Chalice of Skulls: Awarded to the Coach who inflicts the most casualties in a season.
The Platinum Fist: Awarded to the Coach who has the best winning percentage in a season.
The Limp Fist: Awarded to the Coach who has the worst winning percentage in a season.
The Platinum Dagger: Awarded to the Coach who uses the most "dirty tricks" in a season.
The Broken Dagger: Awarded to the Coach who uses the least "dirty tricks" in a season.

<I>Note: Coach awards add +2 to their team's salary cap number.</I>

<U>Team Awards</U>
The NFL Trophy: Awarded to the team that wins the League Championship.
The Glory Trophy: Awarded to the team that wins the Glory Conference Championship.
The Blood Trophy: Awarded to the team that wins the Blood Conference Championship.

<I>Note: Team awards add +3 to their team's salary cap number.</I>
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---><B><U><font color="black">Rules:</U>

1. The number of dirty players allowed per roster is dependent on each team's ethos.
2. The number of foul actions allowed per half is dependent on each team's ethos.
3. You must comply with the fluff-based rules or you will be ejected from the League. As the League staff, we cannot force you to do some of the things in this League, although we can boot you if you refuse to play nice.
4. There will be a match report format that you will be required to fill-out after each match (a cut and paste, fill in the blanks, type of thing). You will have two days to fill it out, special circumstances will allow an extension. We encourage the reports to be written in a nice fluffy manner, but it's not required.</font></B><!---
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---><B><U><font color="black">League Action:</U>

Any "dirty player" sent off for fouling might incur a suspension and/or fine from the League. Although, it depends on the severity of the foul results...

-Failure or Stun: No League action.
-KO or BH: 10k fine.
-SI, no permanent injury: One game suspension.
-SI, permanent injury, RIP : One game suspension and 10k fine.

<I>Note: A "Dirty Player", is any player with 5 or more foul attempts in a single season. The League officials are keeping an eye on them.</I>

Any team caught employing "dirty tricks" may face forfeiture of that game...

If you employ a "dirty trick", roll 2D6 at the end of the game.
- On a 4 or lower, the League catches you red-handed*. The game counts as a forfeiture in the standings, regardless of the actual results.
- On a 5+, your team has done well covering it's tracks. No effect.

* = You may set-up a hearing to argue the evidence (this allows you to reroll the d6), albeit, hearings are expensive... costing 30k.

<I>Note: Forfeiture due to League action is considered a forfeit in the standings and the team's standing points will be adjusted accordingly.</I></font></B><!---
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---><center><a href=""><font color="black">Necessary Fluff League Forum</a></center><br /><!---
---><center><font color="black"><B>IRC channel - #Fluff</B></center><br /><!---
---><center><left><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y193/Darkzen2484/Bloodbowl%20stuff/dedbullia8th.jpg" width="300" height="75"></left><!---
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---><right><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y193/Darkzen2484/Bloodbowl%20stuff/mgdgu7th.jpg" width="300" height="75"></right></center><!---
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