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Group managers: celas, Da_Todfatha
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v497/Da_Todfatha/NWL2-1.jpg"><p class=MsoNormal><span lang=ES-TRAD style='font-size:30.0pt'>
<marquee behavior="Scroll" align=center scrolldelay=100><b>Season 18 Jackson's Submission Fighting!!

<marquee behavior="Scroll" align=center scrolldelay=100><b>Veteran Division Champions: Eternal Flames & Ebisquious Graveyard</marquee>

<marquee behavior="Scroll" align=center scrolldelay=100><b>Fringe Division Champions: Altdorf Brigade & Northern Rotters</marquee>

<p class=MsoNormal><span lang=ES-TRAD style='font-size:15.0pt'>
<marquee behavior="alternate" bgcolor="#000080" align=center scrolldelay=300><font color="#ffffff"><b>Strive for Premiere!!!</b></font></marquee>

<u><b><font color="#ffffff">SCHEDULING MATCHES</font></b></u>
This really shouldn’t need to be stated but each season we see a few coaches act angry they were penalized for not getting a game played. Here in writing is a surefire way to not get penalized (stray from this path at your own peril!)
<b>1)</b> You must notify the division commissioner before the deadline if you need an extension. This implies that at least one of you tried to schedule the match on time. Without this knowledge, we MUST assume both coaches are to blame. Extensions of <3 days will normally be granted, anything more will be denied without a very good reason, and is at the discretion of NWL Staff. Needing frequent extensions indicates lack of dedication or lack of time available and NWL Staff may suggest taking a break from NWL until you are better able to meet the time requirements.

<b>2)</b> You should contact your opponent via PM by halfway through the ROUND to play your game. Failure to do this will obviously not get the game in. If you plan on being out of town or otherwise limited or awol for a period of time, let your opponent and the commish know ahead of time.

<b>3)</b> Any game not played on time without notification by either coach to the division commissioner may be forfeited by midnight of the day it is due (typically we do forfeits the morning after the deadline). We will not guarantee that you will get an extension (depending on how much time you need or when you started to try scheduling) no matter what division you are in.

<b>4)</b> There are penalties for late matches and forfeits. Two unexcused forfeits and you are removed from the league. Failure to respond to your opponent before a deadline will result in -5 league points (see also Forfeit points below)

<b>5)</b> Please respect the other coaches in the league by completing games on time. This does not apply to most of you; but please be aware that one game alters the entire schedule of your division and that most people have RLs and have to plan some things ahead of time.

<u><b>Racial Parity</b></u>
To make certain that the league is not dominated by one type of team, NWL will always maintain a balance of bashers, ballers, and betweeners. The groups are composed as follows:

<b>Bashers:</b> Chaos, Chaos Dwarf, Dwarf, Khemri, Rotter, Orc, Pact
<b>Ballers:</b> Dark Elf, Elf, High Elf, Skaven, Wood Elf, Slann,
<b>Betweeners:</b> Amazon, Human, Lizardmen, Necromantic, Norse, Undead, Vampire.
<b>Other:</b> Halfings, Goblins, underworld creepers, Ogre.

Not all races need to be represented. However, there will be restrictions on the number of each type allowed (see the Draft).

<u><b>Divisions</u></b> The NWL is structured into 3 Divisions. Premier, Veteran and NEW.

<u><b>NWL Premiere Division</u></u></b>
This is the best of the best, beating each other senseless in hopes of attaining the coveted NWL Champions
Trophy, or at least to avoid being relegated to the Vet division, and the loss of prestige that such demotion would include. This is the top
of the food-chain. The bottom 4 teams in this division will drop to the Veteran division.
Some Flexibility is required to keep the NWL Premier as competitive as possible. Promotions occur at the end of the season and are intended
to create turnover. However, commonsense is required to maintain competitive balance as well. This is the Premier Division, after all, so we
want it to be as competitive as possible. With this in mind, promotions/demotions will be with a minimum of 25% and a Maximum 50% of the
teams in Premier dropping. How many teams drop will be determined at the end of the season so the only way to protect your team from demotion
is to place within the top 50% of the division. (for more details see Promotion/Demotion below)

<u><b>NWL Veterans Division</u></b>(TV AVG)
This division is comprised of the up-and-coming talent or the premiership dropouts on their way
to retirement. Either way the competition is fierce. The top teams will move up to Premiere.
Each season after promotions/demotions, the TV Average will be determined. Any teams below this number will be
allowed to play 2 preseason matches. Coaches interested in playing these games will PM the Division Commissioner and he will set up a random
draw tournament for all interested teams. Games must be played within 1 week. The season will then begin in earnest.

<u><b>NWL NEW Division</u></b>
All new teams will begin in the NWL New Division. Along with developing your team for competition in the upper levels, you should consider
yourself an applicant to NWL. You should try and be as active as possible in Chat #NWL and conduct yourself in a pleasant manner. At the end
of the day, we’re all here for some fun playing bloodbowl, so don’t be a jerk!
The NEW Division will use the TV Average from Vet as a Cap. The Division Commissioner will create 4-team round robin tournaments. Coaches
involved in these tournaments will be required to play all 3 games before being placed in a new tournament. Obviously it is in your team's
best interest to play games and build up in preparation for moving up to the big leagues.

<u><b>Division Commissioners</u></b>
There are a number of staff members in the NWL. Each division will have one commissioner that will oversee all rules clarifications, determination of forfeit points, etc. The division commissioner will never be a coach who plays in that division. If there is any dispute with a decision made by a division commissioner, then it should be brought to the overall league commissioner (currently Da_Todfatha). DO NOT ask the league commissioner to make a ruling until you have discussed it thoroughly with your division commissioner and remain unsatisfied. DO contact the league commissioner after you are unable to work things out with a division commissioner. If you are having scheduling difficulties or questions, please PM the individual divisional commissioner of the division in which your team is playing.

<u><b>Scoring</u></b> The emphasis will be on winning.
<b>Win - 3 points</b>
<b>Tie - 1 points</b>
<b>Loss - 0 point</b>

<b><u>Forfeit Guidelines</u></b>
Maximum points for a forfeit win is 3 (minimum 0).

You can earn the 3 if: you were available to play before and after the deadline, contacted your opponent before halfway through the deadline,

and notified the commissioner before the deadline that you were having difficulties BEFORE the last day of the deadline.

If you did not contact/respond to your opponent by halfway through the deadline a forfeit win is reduced by 1.

If you did not contact the division commissioner before the last day of the deadline a forfeit win is reduced by 1.

If the first time you scheduled your match was for the last day of deadline or later a forfeit win is reduced by 1.

If your schedule was at least in part responsible for not getting the match completed a forfeit win is reduced by 1.

The maximum amount for a forfeit loss is 0 (minimum -5).

Use all the above rules guidelines plus, if you failed to show up for a scheduled match you earn -1 points for a forfeit loss.

If you informed the league ahead of time that you will be on vacation for an entire round, you will earn 0 points and your opponent will earn

3 points. (but hopefully you can get your game played either before you leave or right when you get back!)

Please note that division and league commissioners may interpret these rules when they deem it is not a clear cut situation.

There can be forfeit ties too.
Forfeit Tie max points 1 (min -2)
Follows same rules as other forfeits.

<b><u>End of season Tiebreakers</u></b>
Tiebreakers will be determined by head-to-head record or, in the case of a forfeit/unplayed game, TD differential, followed by CAS differential for the respective season. Additional tiebreakers will be added if deemed necessary.

<b><u>Playing Matches outside of NWL with your NWL team</u></b>
It is not allowed for NWL teams to play outside of the NWL. Teams doing so will be immediately dropped from the league.

Concessions are allowed, as we adhere to LRB 6.0. Keep in mind, the bonus money, and SPP’s can really give an unwarranted boost to your
opponent. (see League Integrity below) Also, since most coaches that concede say they did it to help their team survive, the lack of
gate-money, and the possibility of losing some of your best players because of the concession, your cowardice may prove to be your downfall.
If you give up when you are already leading 1-0 for example, then shame on you anyway. Survival is nothing, Winning is everything.
losses by giving up and skipping your turns will be 0 league points as normal and not considered a concession. Concessions via the client will result in -5 league points.
Also, a client concession in back to back seasons, regardless of how it is done will result in suspension of the offending team and coach. Seriously…man up and play your games.

<b><u>Mid-season retirement</u></b>
Mid-season retirement is not allowed in any form except where mentioned in the rules for NWL NEW. We are a fixed schedule league. Our
seasons are not that long. You have signed up to play the season, not 2 games, or until you lose, or until you don’t feel like it any more.
You have signed up to play 1 game every 7 days from the start to the finish. This “commitment” thing should have been explained to you at a
much earlier age than now. I’m sorry if the RNG didn’t roll your way. Or if you decided Halflings aren’t your cup-o-tea, or whatever. Each
season we ask if you want to continue with the same team. That is the time to do some soul-searching and ask yourself if you can commit to
completing another season. If you can’t there are several options, none of those options are to play a couple games into the season, concede
the match giving your opponent a huge windfall, and promptly retire the team so as to cause problems for everyone else. It’s disrespectful to
the league and it’s disrespectful to the other coaches. We as a league value each of you as a coach and a person, but we simply cannot
tolerate this sort of sabotage. Mid-season retirements will result in a coach’s suspension from the league for at least a season (a coach
suspension includes all of a coach’s teams).

<b><u>League Integrity</u></b>
Here’s the deal. No one is forced to participate in this league. We are all here willingly to play some bloodbowl. But once you’ve signed
up for a season, you have committed to completing it. If that’s too much to ask, then there are Divisions designed specifically for you, but
this isn’t one of them. So because NWL is a fixed schedule league, every time a coach decides to do something other than play all of his
games, it affects the Integrity of the League. If you are going to take some sort of action, or inaction, with your team that could possibly
affect someone else in the league please pm me or someone else on staff to see if it’s a good idea or not, or simply assume it will have a
negative affect and simply do not do it. Any action that affects the integrity of this league negatively may result in a team or coach

<u><b>The Draft</b></u>
All new coaches must enter the NWL via the draft. More details can be found at the NWL NEW Division homepage, but prior to a season starting, new coaches (and coaches wanting to retire teams and start over) will submit to the NWL Commish their draft selection preferences. The draft is organized to insure both racial parity across the three divisions. Any drafting coach who wants to play a stunty team or vampires will automatically get that choice. Otherwise when you submit a draft list, just write the groups in order of preference (e.g., 1 - betweener, 2 - basher, 3 - baller) So your first choice will be betweener. We go to great lengths to allow everyone to play the type of team they want.

<b><u>Promotion and Demotion</u></b>
The ultimate goal of the league is to win the premiere division. Therefore, your fans will NOT allow you to avoid promotion. If your team is promoted, they will have a crazy confidence in your team’s ability to succeed at the next level, no matter what shape your team is in.

After each season is complete the bottom 4 teams from Premier automatically drop to the Vet Division. The Top 4 finishing teams in Vet will move up. The TV AVG for each division will be calculated after all promotions and demotions occur. Teams below this AVG will be allowed 2 preseason matches. This will allow an influx of teams coming from the NEW divison to have preseason games.

Teams who qualify for a preseason match will indicate their willingness to their Division Commissioner, the Commissioner will create a random draw round robin tournament for the corresponding teams. These 2 preseason matches must be played within one week.

<b><u>Going on Sabbatical</u></b>
A coach who wishes to take a season or two off may do so (as long as the coach is in good standing). The team may return to the same division as long as another team from that division who was not being demoted is dropping completely out of the league AND returning to the league does not violate the race restrictions. Coaches must declare the intent to return to the league before the draft takes place.

<img src=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ByfZrLhEldc/TARvWaYmTCI/AAAAAAAABIs/LsGUioIxfxo/s320/Premier+Trophy.jpg>Trophy 1</img>
<img src=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ByfZrLhEldc/TArMNP5g7zI/AAAAAAAABJM/ZVJ_4IS4SXU/s1600/Premier+Trophy+III.jpg>Trophy III
<img src=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ByfZrLhEldc/TArMNTlpssI/AAAAAAAABJU/h9mofC7csI0/s1600/Premier+Trophy+IV.jpg> Trophy IV</img>
<img src=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ByfZrLhEldc/TAsjw5OvsCI/AAAAAAAABJc/-4FwUYDjC2o/s320/Premier+Trophy+V.jpg>Trophy V</img>