<div align="center"><img src="http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn315/rawmessiah/LiveBowl-logojpeg.jpg"></div>
<div align="center"><H3>DATE & TIME TO BE ANNOUNCED (WHEN THE GROUP HAS MORE PLAYERS)</H3></div><div align="center"></H5>
<i>LiveBowl - Stunty</i> is a group dedicated to LIVE BLOOD BOWL. This means [L] Stunty teams will play on a regular basis, mostly during Saturdays, from 10.00-18.00.
When you join this group - with a new team or an old one with max. 130 TR - it does NOT mean you have to play when there is a tournament. I will simply put up a time/day and see if there is enough interest in it. A Group PM will be sent to announce any new tournaments so you won't miss the action!
How to join a tournament? You simply PM me and I will add your team to the 'Tournament List' on this group's main page.
<H5>IMPORTANT: Do not apply to a tournament if you aren't sure you can make it, and you must have the time to play from 10.00 to 18.00.</H5>
Irc Channel on tournament day: #LiveBowl