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Group managers: RawMessiah
<div align="center"><img src="http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn315/rawmessiah/Logo-svamp-JPEG.jpg"></div>

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<H5><u>What is Blackbox Arena?</H5></u>Blackbox Arena promotes the Blackbox system, spicing things up a little bit. A coach earns points for his team by performing well, and there is a monthly trophy that can be won.

<H5><u>Rules</u></H5>1 team/coach.

<H5><u>Scoring</u></H5><b>1 SPP = 1 Point</b>

<u>Win</u>: 5 points
<u>Draw</u>: 3 points
<u>Loss</u>: 1 point
<u>Concede</u>: -25 points

+ <u><b>Fans' Week</b> / <b>Touchdown Galore</b> / <b>Guts N Gory</b></u>: See under 'The Arena Month'

<b>Reporting the Score</b>: When you have finished a match, simply PM with the match link.

<H5><u>The Arena Month</H5></u>In a month there are three phases: <b>Fans' Week</b>, <b>Touchdown Galore</b> & <b>Guts N Gory</b>. Thus, a month is divided into three categroies, where the first ten days represents the Fans' Week, the next ten days Touchdown Galore and the remaining days of the month Guts N Gory. These weeks earn your team extra points, as shown below.

<b>Fans' Week</b>: A match that the coach plays during these days give an additional <u>2 points</u>.
<b>Touchdown Galore</b>: A TD gives an additional <u>2 points</u> but a conceded TD gives the team <u>-1 point</u>.
<b>Guts N Gory</b>: A CAS-result earns the team an additional <u>1 point</u> and a conceded MNG/INJ or RIP-result earns the team <u>1 point</u>.

<H5><u>Monthly Trophy & Medal</H5></u>Monthly, the best performing team with the highest scoring points will go home with the Blackbox Arena <a href="http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn315/rawmessiah/Trophy-JPEG-75.jpg">Trophy</a>.

The team who has the best overall performance (points divided by matches) goes home with the Blackbox Arena <a href="http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn315/rawmessiah/Medal-JPEG.jpg">Medal</a.

<a href="http://fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=15094">Forum Thread</a>