This Block is Currently hidden the \ after the id=Draft] prevents BBCode from adding an extra return line
This part is showing because it isnt hidden, by hitting the 2nd toggle it will go away
This is group one and doesnt show until you hit the toggle
This is group two and currently shows it doesn't=hidden - don't forget to end blocks /block
Toggle button three is on a different line from 1 & 2 because i didn't put a \ after it the return puts it to a new line
I add \\\ with returns to help myself better see the "sections" by block=hidden then typing this will never show it is a note to self
I use two \ return lines to help me see things that are linked but still need separation.
Since this is all hidden the returns don't bother anything either
The Three return lines before the toggle group give us the viusal space so everythign isnt right on top of one another
Inaugural season: Season 7
We are angry. And we are Bulls.