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Group managers: Enigma179

The Blood Bowl half of the league runs like so; teams are divided into 2+ conferences, and scheduled in a fixed round-robin format. Game deadlines are every Wednesday at 11:00 bbtime, you are NOT allowed to play ahead (playing your next round game before the current round's deadline is reached, even if both teams are ready), and you get 3 points for a victory, 1 point for a loss, 0 for a loss, and -1 for a forfeit or concession, unless the concession was before a kickoff where you could field 2 or less players. Please mark concessions that fall under the latter category in the match report, as otherwise I will not check the replay for it, and thus will give you the -1 penalty. At the end of the season, the coach with the highest points title is crowned conference chapion! Now on to the FBB...

<b>The Primary Draft</b>
Once all teams are created, locked into their schedules and ready to play, every conference is assigned another conference. All the coaches in that conference are playing Fantasy Blood Bowl using the players in their assigned conference.

Ex. Conference A is assigned Conference B. All coaches from Conference A will make their fantasy rosters from Conference B's teams and players.

Every coach in the team receives a 1100k budget (no you can't use this for your team and no it's not real site gold) to draft with. The entire league is given half a week (from Wednesday 11:00AM to Sunday 11:00AM bbtime) to send in their draft list via PM to me; this is a list of up to 25 players from your assigned conference, organized like so in descending order from your favorite draft pick to your least favorite.

Player #, Name, Team, Player's Team Value, Race, Position

Ex. I want to draft a rookie human lineman named Bob from the team Bobbing Fishes, and he is player #7. I would send in a PM to the admin (me) that reads this

7, Bob, Bobbing Fishes, 50k, Human, Lineman

Of course, since you have up to 25 slots, you probably want more than one player on your draft list. Please separate all players by linebreaks just to make things easier on the eyes. Also please note that while for Season I only rookies will be available, in future seasons the player's skills and +stats must be included in their Team Value, although injuries will not.

After all the draft lists are sent in, hopefully before the deadline, I will draft all the fantasy rosters, which unfortunately for now must be done in private, as I'm sure not many of the IRC channels would appreciate people barging in like that. I sort out the coach priority list for each conference completely randomly. The top coach on the list will get the first player on his draft list automatically. I then move onto the second coach; he gets the highest player on his draft list who hasn't already been taken. This continues on all the way down to the bottom coach until we reach the top again, rinse and repeat. This cycle continues until all the coaches have A)reached 11 players on their fantasy roster, B)reached the bottom of their draft list, or C) ran out of money.

As you draft players, their Team Value is deducted from your treasury, and they are added to your roster for the season. Draft results are posted to the forum in the form of the current rosters for all coaches and all of their current treasuries (all of this information is public)

After the Primary Draft comes the Secondary Draft.

<b>The Secondary Draft</b>
This is where the coaches finish off their rosters, the unlucky ones who didn't get 11 can get to a full lineup, and the ones who did can get a few reserves. After the results have been posted, the Secondary Draft immediately opens, and runs until 11:00 Wednesday bbtime. There are a few differences between this draft and the primary draft however;

1. This draft is optional, and if you don't wish to participate, just don't send in a secondary draft list
2. Your draft list may only have up to 10 players
3. The players you may have on your roster max out at 16 this time
4. You only have as much money as you have leftover from the Primary draft
5. The coach priority list is reversed

Once the secondary draft is done, I again go through all the lists and add players to the team until the conditions mentioned previously are met. As soon as results are posted to the forum, coaches have until the next Wednesday deadline to send in their starter lists for the season!

<b>The FBB Season</b>
During the season, the only thing you need to do with your FBB roster is send in your starter lineups, and play your own Blood Bowl matches. Starter lineups are the players that you use to get points each round; you may only select 11 players per round to be eligible to get points for you. The deadline for sending in starter lineups is always one week before the deadline of the actual round.

Ex. The deadline for your starters of round 1 to be PM'd to me is the week before round 1, or in other words, the day that round 1 begins.

Try to keep up with your FBB players; if one gets injured, killed or retired you will want to send in a different list of starters for the next round, replacing him with one of your spares. Also, perhaps look at the future opponents; if you see that your mighty blow tackle beast is about to go against some wood elves next round, perhaps consider putting him on the list, but if his next match is up against dwarves, consider instead putting up another player.

Features such as trading or free agents may be implemented in later seasons, but for now we're going for a relatively simple in-season game, for both the players and the admins.

At the end of the season, all the points that your players got in their matches are tallied up, and the coach with the most points per conference is crowned FBB champion! For the next season, all rosters are wiped clean, and every coach is once again given 1100k to spend on players, as the cycle is renewed.

Points are gained based off the player's performance during the game. Players get points for just about every statistic tracked by the client aside from turns spent on the field, and may also get bonus points in addition for carrying out certain notable feats. Here is a rundown of all the current ways for players to get points.

TD: 7 Points
CAS: 5 Points
INT: 5 Points
COMP: 3 Points
PASS YARDS: 1 per yard, can't get negative points
RUSH YARDS: 1/2 per yard, can't get negative points
BLOCKS: 1/4 per block
FOULS: 1/4 per foul
MVP: 0 Points

LARSON (1 Td, Cas, Int and Comp): +8 BONUS POINTS

<b>Other Rules</b>
It's worth noting a few rules here. First off, if you're not planning on playing the FBB portion of this league, probably not a good idea to sign up considering that's the entire point of it. Second, due to the nature of the league, "playing ahead of schedule", that is, playing your next round matches before the current one ends, has a good chance of screwing up the system. Therefore, it is kindly asked that all coaches avoid playing any games for the next round until the current round comes to an end. Aside from that, there are no rules for on-pitch behaviour aside from; be courteous, and have fun!