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Timezone | SWL (Sydney) |
Teams | 24 maximum |
Divisions | 4 when full |
Schedule | 10 days/round |
Format | Round Robin |
Playoffs | 3-round KO tournies |
Check it | |
Stunty | Ogre |
Core | Amazon, Necromantic, Ogre, Old World. |
Secret | Black Ark, Forest Goblin, Rasetra. |
Choose | Pick a stunty team, or be assigned random Core-only, or be assigned random from all. |
Time Zone | Our default for the league is Sydney time, at server +10 hours in southern winter, northern summer time. By default, games are organised in Sydney time unless coaches agree otherwise ("@bobborc time swl" in discord to check). If you can play Sydney evenings regularly enough (roughly server 8:00 to 13:00 starts through the year, or Sydney 6pm to 9pm) you're welcome to come along, we have coaches in from all around the world, though US coaches often find it a bit tricky. |
Extensions | Extensions are granted at the capricious whim of the almighty BigBullies. The HatchetMan decrees that he is brought in to any PMs organising late matches. Please have a time to play already organised if possible, and please include the axeman early if he seems needed. |
Custom League | Teams must be created through this page, link near the top right. Assigned teams are recruited with 1250k to spend, and have a few minor adjustments to help their life in the blasted Southern Wastes. |
Two Free Cards | Teams in the Southern Wastes are nothing if not resourceful, smuggling in ancient artifacts or planning heinous dirty tricks to gain any edge they can on their opponents. The fans love the unpredictability of it all. +100k for Cards only, use it or lose it to a maximum of eight cards may be taken including the two free ones. |
Cash Money | Team winnings is effected by Spiralling Expenses on teams of 1750 and over, and also Expensive Mistakes can happen when trying to hold onto 100+ savings. Spend your money on fun inducements like goblin bribes and halfling chefs, eh, plus always room for more Dirty Players! |
Custom Star Players | The Southern Wastes has a few old stars around from the days of yore, looking to earn their keep by playing invitationals to lop-sided match ups, These magnificent speciments won't grace the pitch every game, but should make a difference when they do. |
Wizards everywhere | The regulation and common peace among Wizards is long gone in the Southern Wastes, they'll drop a Fireball on anyone's tight cage for a sufficient sum of money up front. Sometimes they even knock players over with it! Rumors of enfroggenating foes have proven true, roll ST+ on target and then squish it! |
NO Timeouts | The HatchetMan desires matches be played at a good pace but such skulduggery such as timeouts will not be tolerated. it would be expected that if an opponent is taking too long, a player would kindly ask them to hurry it up. any further issues may be taken to the admins. |
NO Concessions | Concessions disgust the HatchetMan. In fact, as the fans desire blood and the heaping on of misery, there will be grave punishments for the weak of heart. Concede and your best non-permed player will leave the team, you are ineligible for any awards, and you get -3 pts to start next season. Conceding twice is a permanent ban from the SSL. |
Spiked Ball (madness) | A failed pickup or catch roll at any time results in the such failing players being stabbed, and it'll keep stabbing and stabbing and stabbing and stabbing if it can. This will result in a turnover if the stab breaks armour on any player on the moving team. |
Right Stuff (boost) | Right Stuff cancels Tackle when a Right Stuff player is blocked by a Tackle player, too small to keep hold of. |
Sneaky Git (change) | Sneaky Gits are banned for fouling like a normal player but then sit in the KO box might and sneak back on later! Sneaky Git also functions like Guard for assisting fouls, sneaking in some extra help. |
Fouling (boost) | Players get +1 to break armour when fouling, so please remember to foul, especially the good players, extra especially if they have niggles. |
Skill Rolls (forced)* | Players must take all stat gains (choose +MA or +AV, take +AG, take +ST), even if you rolled doubles (e.g. 5+5). *Stunty teams (Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Underworld) ignore this rule, nuffle also takes pity on such lowly teams. |
NO player retirements | Retirement?? RETIREMENT??!??! The very mention of the word fills the HatchetMan with rage. ST3 Minotaurs... Blockers so maimed they struggle to get up... All this fills the crowd with joy. Always remember kids, the only way out... is DEATH. |
Divisions | The Red Mountains are our stunty home, the place for the weakest and most damaged, the least able new squads, and any stunties who want to pick on them all. The Blasted Plains, the Paintree Rainforest, and the Whipsundays are home to the rest, with the first place team holding their division from season to season and everyone else being reassigned to minimise repeat games in our small league. |
League Points | 4 win (or forfeit win); 2 draw; 1 loss; 0 forfeit. |
Tie Breakers | If two or more teams end on the same points total at the end of a season, the tie is settled accordingly. 1. Head to Head results 2. TD diff average 3. TD for average 4. Cas diff average 5. Cas for average 6. Coin Toss |
Post Season | After their last game, and taking on the Wheel of Misfortune as appropriate, any team short of a full roster of 13 full time players and no money to fix that, should let league admin know they need a helping hand. Sufficient funds will be provided to buy all the positions you want, and then your remaining treasury will be stripped. Stunty teams may ask for as many players as they like. |