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Talented Players
Additional Rules
Nurgles Rot

Talented Players

  • At the start of every year colleges will gain a new Talented player.
    • Talented Players start with 20 SPP and two extra skills from their designated discipline. They also gain extra skill access, depending on their position, (S) for Strength and (G) for Passing and (G) Agility.

  • A dice roll will be made to determine the Talented players position.
    • 1-2. Strength Positional.
    • 3-4. Passing Positional.
    • 5-6. Agility positional.
    You do not have to hire the player immediately.
    The player can be placed in a pool, from which you can draw from later.

  • If a team loses a talented player through death or retirement they cannot be replaced until a scouting roll has been made.

  • For each talented player lost, a scouting roll will be made at the start of each Season, adding +1 to the dice roll for every season that passes.
    • Roll 1d6 - On a roll of 6+ your team gains a replacement Talented player.
    • A natural 1 is always a failure.

  • Teams cannot have more than 3 Talented players on their team at one time, with the exception of those earned through Random Events, CR and PR.


  • At the start of every college year, colleges can put 2 players into rehabilitation clinics.

  • Players put into clinics will be out for the whole Winter, but have a chance to remove permanent injuries.

  • Coaches can select one permanent or niggling injury per player, that they would like to try and remove.

  • At the end of Winter, a 2d6 roll on the Recovery Table will be made for each player in the clinic:
    • 2 - The surgery goes disastrously wrong and the player dies.
    • 3-5 - The surgery fails miserably, the player keeps his -stat and returns to the team after 1d3 +3 games.
    • 6-8 - The surgery is mostly successful, but the effects of the injury flare up from time to time. The player removes the -stat but gains a niggling injury and returns to the team after 1d3 +3 games.
    • 9 - The surgery is a success. The player removes the -stat and returns to the team after 1d3 +3 games.
    • 10 - The surgery is a great success. The player removes the -stat and returns to the team after 1d3 +2 games.
    • 11 - The surgery is a fantastic success. The player removes the -stat and returns to the team after 1d3 +1 games.
    • 12 - The surgery is nothing short of miraculous. The player removes the -stat and returns to the team after 1d3 games.

  • Players with niggling injuries do not have to roll on the recovery table and are automatically cured of niggling injuries, but must miss the whole of Winter plus 1d3 +1 games.

  • Players with Regeneration have a greater chance to recover and recover a lot faster than normal players.
    Add +1 to all recovery rolls and divide the amount of games to recover by 2 (rounding up).

  • A natural double 1 will always result in death


  • Every year your players will age a year, moving up to the next stage of college.

College Years
  • Freshman

  • Sophomore

  • Junior

  • Senior

  • Any players that have played at least one game for their college over the course of a college year will age at the end of the autumn season.

  • After four years of college, your players will have graduated from their college and will have to leave to find their own way in the world.


  • Human players that get injured by a Vampire will gain Vampirism.

  • Certain events may trigger the Vampirism and the player may turn into a Fledgling Vampire.
    • +1 to all stats, up to a maximum of 6/3/3/8.
    • Animosity, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration, Wild Animal.
    • Skill access will be decided at the League Commisioners discretion.

  • Fledling Vampires cannot be fired until the end of a college year.


  • Human players that get injured by a Lycan or a Werewolf will gain Lycanthropy.

  • Certain events may trigger the Lycanthropy and the player may turn into a Lycan.
    • Gain Regeneration.
    • Skill access will be decided at the League Commisioners discretion.

  • When a game is played during a full moon your Lycan will turn into a Werewolf.
    • 8/3/3/8 Claw, Frenzy, No Hands, Regeneration, Wild Animal

  • If your Lycan is MNG when he turns into the Werewolf the MNG will be removed.

  • At the start of every year, roll 1D3 to determine which games the full moon will occur for this seasons games.
    • 1. 1st, 4th & 7th game.
    • 2. 2nd & 5th game.
    • 3. 3rd & 6th game.

Nurgles Rot

  • Human players that get blocked or fouled by a player with Nurgles Rot may become infected with the disease.

  • Roll 2D6 for each player blocked or fouled by a player with Nurgles Rot after the game has finished, adding +1 to the roll if the played got injured. On a roll of 11+ that player has contracted the disease and gains Decay.

  • After (ST+AV)x2 amount of games the infected player will succumb to the disease and perish.

  • Halfway through the infection, the players appearence will deteriorate giving the player Foul Appearence.

  • Three Quarters of the way through the infection, the players appearence will deteriorate further giving the player disturbing presence.

  • Players with Nurgles Rot cannot be sent to the Rehabilitation Clinic.

  • Players with Nurgles Rot cannot be fired.

  • If a player with Nurgles Rot misses more than 1 game through injury, then all other players on the substitutes bench must make a Nurgles Rot roll, adding +1 to the roll for every consecutive game after the first.


  • Colleges have an infinite supply of students for colleges to pick from to play for their college FUMBBL team.

  • Coaches can pick and choose which players they wish to play certain games, but must never have more than 15 players selected for their first team.

  • Each college has a maximum number of players for each position on their squad that cannot be exceeded.

  • To replace players in their first team, coaches must fire the current player in their first team and replace them with either a new player of the same position or unretire a player of the same position from their past players list.


  • If a coach has a higher CR (Coach Credibility, see the Ranking System) level than you, then you get 100% of the inducement money to spend.

  • If a coach has a lower or equal CR level to you, then you get 50% of the inducement money to spend.

    • Available Inducements include:

      0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs: 50k

      0-3 Bribes: 100k

      0-4 Extra Team Training: 100k

      0-1 Halfling Master Chef: 300k

      0-2 Wandering Apothecary: 100k

      0-5 Dirty Trick Cards: 50k

      0-5 Magic Item Cards: 50k

      0-1 Wizard: 150k (Zap! Only)

      0-1 Star Players
      • Tier 1 150k
      • Tier 2 200k
      • Tier 3 250k
      Available Star Players will differ depending on which season it is.
      (see below for availability)
      • Regionals & Cup Qualifiers: Tier 1 Only
      • Ranked & Lower Tier Cup: Tier 1 & 2 Only
      • Top Tier Cup: Tiers 1 through 3

    • Inducements will not be available in the Winter Season.

Additional Rules

  • All MNGs will be removed at the end of each season.

  • Claw does not stack with other skills that modify armour rolls.

  • Piling On player is knocked out when rolling a double on armour or injury rolls.

  • Banned sneaky git players are sent to the KO box instead.

  • Right Stuff prevents Tackle skill when blocked.

Drafted Players

At the end of each year, Big League teams will scour the Colleges for new talent.

Roll 1D6 for every player who's total skills cost 70k or more.
On a roll of 1 that player has been drafted by a Big League team.

  • -2 from the dice roll if the player has +ST/+AG
  • -1 from the dice roll if the player has +MA/+AV
  • -1 from the dice roll if the player played in this years Ranked Premier Division
  • -1 from the dice roll for every place the player holds on the All Competitions list
  • -1 from the dice roll if the cost of the players skills =100k or more
  • -2 from the dice roll if the cost of the players skills costs =120k or more
  • additionally -1 from the dice roll for every 10k over 120k the player costs

  • +1 to the dice roll per permanent injury the player has
  • +1 to the dice roll at the end of the players Freshman College year
  • +1 to the dice roll if it is the end of a Coaches 1st year
  • +1 to the dice roll if the player played in this years Ranked Division 2
  • +2 to the dice roll if the player played in this years Ranked Division 3
  • +2 to the dice roll if the player has Nurgles Rot

Any player drafted to the big leagues will leave their college immediately for the Big Leagues.

Colleges will gain some prestige depending on what year the player is in when they gets drafted.

  • Freshman +3 PR and +2 to the colleges next scouting roll.
  • Sophomore +2 PR and +1 to the colleges next scouting roll.
  • Junior +1 PR.

Players Fate

At the end of the next College year, you can decide to find out the fate of this player.
You can choose to delay finding out the players fate for up to 3 years.
For every year you delay, you must make an armour and injury roll for the player, adding +2 to armour and injury rolls for each consecutive year.

Fate Roll Modifiers
  • +1 to the dice roll for every year you delay.
  • -1 from the dice roll for every permanent injury the player has.

Fate Table Year 1
2-3.The player got killed during their 1st few games.
4-8.The player played many games in the Big League never really making a name for themselves.
9.The player played many games in the Big League making some friends along the way, returning as an Ambassador for your College. For every year the player stays in the big leagues, your College gets 150k to spend on inducements for every competitive tournament in the upcoming college year.
10.The player suffered a career ending injury, they have returned to the college looking at a new career direction as a FUMBBL Coach, for the next College year gain a random Level 1 Coach (see Coaching Staff).
11-12.The player becomes a well known FUMBBL player and returns to the College on occasion as a Tier 1 Star.
13.The player won the hearts and minds of the fans becoming a Star on the FUMBBL scene and returns to the College on occasion as a Tier 2 Star.
14.The player had meteoric rise becoming a FUMBBL legend and returns to the College on occasion as a Tier 3 Star.

Teams can never have more than 3 Stars at a single Tier Level. If at any time a 4th is gained, a randomly selected star from that tier will retire/die.

Ranking System

Coaches will earn a Coach Credibility (CR) and Colleges will start to gain Prestige (PR) as the seasons go on.

At the end of each College year, your CR and PR will be totaled up. When you have accumulated enough points your CR or PR level will increase.



Coach Credibility

CR can be increased by winning games, leagues or tournaments.

  • Win +1 CR (+1 per CR level the Coach is above you)
  • Lose 0 CR (-1 per CR level the Coach is below you)
  • Draw 0 CR (+1/-1 for every 2 CR levels the Coach is above/below you)
  • Win a League or a Knock Out Tournament +5 CR
  • Runner Up in a League or a Knock Out Tournament +2 CR
  • Win a Regional or Knock Out Tournament with 3 different Colleges +10 CR
  • Win the Ranked League with 3 different Colleges +20 CR

CR cannot be gained/lost in the Winter Open.

CR can never drop below your current level and never below zero.
CR can never go above 200

You will also start to gain some benefits when your CR starts to reach certain levels

6 CRProspect+1 Assistant Coach
16 CRSteady+1 Team Reroll
31 CRReliableHire a Level 1 Coach
+1 Assistant Coaches
51 CRDependable+1 Assistant Coaches
Pick 2 Specialist Classes
76 CREsteemedHire a Level 1 Coach
Pick 2 Specialist Classes
176 CRRenowned+1 Assistant Coaches
Promote a Coach to Level 2
Pick 2 Specialist Classes

CR is used when applying for a new coaching position.
If two or more coaches apply for the same job, the coach with the higher CR will be given the job.

Specialist Classes
Coaching Staff

When you CR increases you will be able to hire better Coaching staff for your team.
(You can only have 1 Coach from each talent pool
and once chosen this cannot be changed.)


A cheat will try to win by any means necessary.
  • Level 1 - 700k in the Spring and Autumn seasons to spend on Bribes or Dirty Trick Cards
  • Level 2 - You can replace a Lineman with a Chainsaw Wielder
    Chainsaw - 6/2/2/8 G Chainsaw, Secret Weapon +8

Miracle Worker

A miracle worker knows how to get the most out of your players.
  • Level 1 - 700k in the Spring and Autumn seasons to spend on Bloodweiser Babes or Wandering Apothecaries and +1 to all rolls on the recovery table.
  • Level 2 - 450k in the Spring and Autumn seasons to spend on Wizards

Talent Scout

A talent scout has an eye for spotting great talent.
  • Level 1 - Gain +1 Talented Player immedietely, raising the maximum amount of Talented players your team is allowed.
  • Level 2 - Gain +1 Talented Player immedietely, raising the maximum amount of Talented players your team is allowed and add +1 to all scouting rolls

Tactical Genius

A tactical genius knows every trick in the book.
  • Level 1 - 700k in the Spring and Autumn seasons to spend on Extra Team Reroll
  • Level 2 - +1 Team Reroll


Agents have contacts everywhere and are able to hire Star Players for your team.
  • Level 1 - 700k in the Spring and Autumn seasons to spend on Tier 1 & 2 Star Players
  • Level 2 - an additional 500k in the Spring and Autumn seasons to spend and you can now hire Tier 3 Star Players


Operatives are specialists in disabling opponents teams.
  • Level 1 - Halfling Master Chefs now cost 150k to induce and you also gain 300k in the Spring and Autumn seasons to spend on them.
  • Level 2 - Twice during Spring and Autumn seasons an operative can try to assassinate an opposing teams player. Make an armour roll for the chosen player.

    If successful roll 1D8 for the result.
    • 1-4 The attempt fails.
    • 5-7 The player is injured and will miss the game.
    • 8 The attempt is successful.

Brokers know where to find a good deal and can supply your team with many weird and wonderful items.
  • Level 1 - Your College gets 7 Minor Magic Items/Spells to use in the Spring and Autumn seasons (see Special Items/Abilities).
  • Level 2 - You can replace a Lineman with a Magical Item (see Special Items/Abilities).

When you reach the rank of Dependable onwards you will be able to choose 2 players on your team to become Specialists. These players will gain a new stat line and selection of skills. The 2 players can be from any position on your team (excluding specials) and each Specialist Class can only be taken once. Specialist Classes can only changed if/when you join a new college.

Strength Positional

Battering Ram 70k - 7/3/2/9 Horns
Skill Choices: Break Tackle, Juggernaut, (G)
Center 90k - 5/4/1/10
Skill Choices: Guard, Stand Firm, (G)
Safety 80k - 7/3/2/9 Strip Ball
Skill Choices: Tackle, Wrestle, (G)
Wall 70k - 5/3/2/10 Stand Firm
Skill Choices: Block, Fend, (G)

Passing Positional

Leader 60k - 6/3/3/8 Kick Off Return
Skill Choices: Fan Favourite, Leader, (P)
Quarterback 50k - 7/2/3/8 Accurate, Pass
Skill Choices: Fend, Sure Hands, (P)
Running Back 50k - 7/2/3/8 Dump Off, Sure Feet
Skill Choices: Nerves of Steel, Sure Hands (P)
Showboat 50k - 7/2/3/8 Kick Off Return, Catch
Skill Choices: Side Step, Sure Hands, (P)

Agility Positional

Acrobat 50k - 7/2/4/7 Leap
Skill Choices: Jump Up, Very Long Legs, (A)
Full Back 50k - 6/3/3/8
Skill Choices: Fend, Guard, (A)
Runner 50k - 8/2/3/7 Sure Feet
Skill Choices: Shadowing, Sprint, (A)
Wide Receiver 40k - 7/2/3/7 Catch, Nerves of Steel
Skill Choices: Diving Catch, Dodge, (A)


Brawler 50k - 5/2/2/10 Block
Skill Choices: Dauntless, Stand Firm, (G)
Crowd Pleaser 40k - 6/2/2/9 Fan Favourite, Side Step
Skill Choices: Diving Tackle, Jump Up, (G)
Kicker 40k - 6/2/2/9 Kick, Hail Mary Pass
Skill Choices: Dirty Player, Sneaky Git, (G)
Tough Guy 40k - 3/3/2/10, Thick Skull
Skill Choices: Grab, Stand Firm (G)
Linemen join your pool of players available to become talented.

College Prestige

Colleges will begin to gain PR as they bring home Trophies and for having outstanding players in their squad.

  • Win a League or a KO Cup +5 PR
  • Runner up in a League or KO Cup + 2 PR
  • Finish bottom of a League - 2 PR
  • Win the Ranked League Premier Division +3 PR
  • Runner up in the Ranked League Premier Division + 1 PR
  • Finish Bottom of Ranked League Division 3 - 3 PR

Colleges will also recieve +1 PR for every player they have in the All Competitions list at the end of every year. (This can be found on the Stats page)

PR can never drop below your current level and never below zero
PR can never go above 200

Colleges will gain bonuses depending on what their PR is.

6 PRPopular+1 Cheerleader
16 PRAcclaimed+2 Starting Fan Factor
(new teams only)
Tier 1 Stadium Upgrade
31 PRFamed+2 Starting Fan Factor
(new teams only)
+1 Cheerleaders
Tier 1 Stadium Upgrade
51 PRIllustrious+1 Cheerleaders
Tier 2 Stadium Upgarde
76 PRCelebrated+1 to College Event rolls
Tier 2 Stadium Upgrade
176 PRRevered+1 Cheerleaders
+1 to College Event rolls
Tier 3 Stadium Upgrade

Stadium Upgrades

When you PR increases you will be able to upgrade your colleges stadium.

Medical Facilities

Upgrading your clubs medical facilities allows you team to have a bigger team of apothecaries, more medical supplies and more room to rehabilitate players.
  • Tier 1 - Extra supply of Magic Sponges, free Bloodweiser Keg for every game and an extra bed for rehabilitation, allowing 1 more player to be treated every year.
  • Tier 2 - Upgraded Rehabilitation Clinic, a free Wandering Apothecary for every game, an extra bed for rehabilitation, allowing 1 more player to be treated every year and +1 to all rolls on the recovery table.

Training Facilities

Upgrading your training facilities will allow you to better ready your team for games.
  • Tier 2 - Upgrade Tactical bloard, your college gains 1 extra team reroll.
  • Tier 3 - Hire an Assistant Head Coach, your college may hire a Level 1 Coach.
    (see Coaching Staff)

Recruitment Center

Upgrading your recruitment center will allow your team find talented players faster.
  • Tier 1 - Local Scout - +1 to all scouting rolls and you can reroll one roll to determine a talented players position, at the start of every college year.
  • Tier 3 - Global Scout - +1 to all scouting rolls and your college gains +1 Talented Player immedietely, raising the maximum amount of Talented players your college is allowed.

Gift Shop

Upgrading your gift shop will allow your team to field magical items.
  • Tier 1 - Extra stock - your college can buy a free Magic Item Card for every game in the Spring and Autumn seasons.
  • Tier 2 - Rare Find - your gift shop have managed to lay their hands on a permanent Minor Magic Item which you can give to a player. You can only have 1 permanent Minor Magic Item at a time.

Joke Shop

Upgrading your Joke Shop will allow your college to place traps around your FUMBBL field.
  • Tier 1 - Booby Traps - your college can buy a free Dirty Trick Card for every game in the Spring and Autmn seasons.
  • Tier 3 - Mine Field - a few games per season your college goes all out and places a large exploding mine on the field. Your college gets 450k in the Spring and Autumn seasons to spend on Wizards (Fireball only).