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Group managers: cowhead

Team Creation

Each team when created must have all of the positional and special players available on their roster, plus linemen making the team up to fifteen players.

Teams must also have two Rerolls, two Fan Factor and an Apothecary.
(As your CR and PR increases you will be able to buy more Rerolls, Assistant Coaches and Cheerleaders).

There are three available specializations for each of the three disciplines of player.

For each discipline, you must choose one of it's related skills to specialise in at the start of every college year.

All new players for each discipline, start with the same chosen skill for that year.

Teams will also start with one Talented Player (see talented players in the rules section).

The available skills for each discipline are:








Old World North

Old World South
Border PrincesStirlandAverlandWissenland

Far East
YuanjinFu ChowShang YangWeijin

CopherLashiekAl HaikkMartek

Averland College play out of Averheim on the Old Dwarf Road. Recently Halflings have been allowed into the College, giving the Team an extra dimension. You may also be lucky enough to see a Treeman take to the pitch for the college.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Halfling Youth25136Dodge, Right Stuff, StuntyA
Halfling Hefty130k5137Dauntless, Dodge, Fend, Stunty, Thick SkullG
Treeman1130k26110Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Take Root, Thick Skull, Throw Team-MateS
Special Rules: Chefs School
Every season Averland College gain 2 free Halfling Master Chefs.
Border Princes
Border Princes play out of Khypris. The College relies heavily on Mercenaries due to heavy Orc and Goblin raiding. This has lead to them having a wide and varied roster to pick from.
Strength170k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing140k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility140k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Dwarf Youth180k43210Block, Tackle, Thick SkullG
Halfling Youth15136Dodge, Right Stuff, StuntyA
Mercenary Sergeant150k5229Leader, ProG
170k6338Animostiy, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration, Wild AnimalGA
1130k45210Bone Head, Mighty Blow,
Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
Bretonnia play out of Parravon on the border of Athel Loren. It was set up there in a deal made with the Wood Elves, which sees some of their young prospects train and play at the College. What was given in return is not known at this time. Young Knights will often take to the field for the college, seeking a blessing from the Lady in the Lake, sometimes she may just grant one.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Wood Elf Youth250k7247Starting Skill (A)A
Specail Rules: Lady of the Lake
Each of your Knights receive a Random Blessing, (see Special Items/Abilities).
Estalia play dually out of both Bilbali and Magritta. This is due to a bitter rivalry between these two port cities. You will often find young upcoming Matadors on the field alongside their Toro's.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Matador190k6338Dodge, Fan Favourite, Side StepGA
Young Toro190k5418Frenzy, Horns, No Hands, Sure Feet, Wild AnimalS
Hochland play out of Hergig. Hochland is well known for its Hunters as well as it's famous long rifle. Young hunters and trappers will often be found playing for Hochland. And some Master Engineers in the hunters guild have donated some long rifles to the Team, which have been modified to fire balls long distances.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing140k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility150k7237Diving Catch, Starting Skill (A)A
Trapper1100k5428Prehensile Tail, TentaclesS
Long Rifle130k6238Hail Mary Pass, Strong ArmP
Vampire Hunter180k7338Stab, StakesG
Kislev play out of the Capital City of Kislev. They often take to the field wearing the skin of Bears they have killed in single combat. They also use the bears claws to rip their opponents armour to shreds.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Bear Warrior190k5427Claw, Thick SkullS
Wing150k7237Catch, Diving TackleGA
Specail Rules: Lycanthropy
When a full moon is up your Lyacn will turn into a Werewolf and it's skills and icons will be changed. *You will need to contact an admin to do this for you. See additional rules.
Werewolf190k8338Claw, Frenzy, No Hands, Regeneration, Wild AnimalGS
Middenland play out of Middenheim The City of the White Wolf. The College of Middenland is known for generating some great players over the years and draws in talented players from all around The Old World. As such you often see them starting with some highly talented young players.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Gifted Strength1100k5419BlockS
Gifted Passing150k6238Pass, Sure HandsP
Gifted Agility150k7237Catch, DodgeA
Nordland play out of Salzenmund. The people of Nordland are a hardy folk often battling raiding Norsemen from across the Sea of Claws to North. Although the positional players tend to refuse to wear armour on the pitch.
Strength280k7327Frenzy, Thick Skull, Starting Skill (S)G
Passing230k7237Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Brute190k5418Frenzy, Thick SkullS
Trawler160k3618Ball & Chain, Tentacles, Secret Weapon (6+)S
Apprentice Dockhand140k6228Grab, Thick SkullG
Ostermark play out of Bechafen. Young Troll Slayers can often be found playing at Ostermark College. This is due to Ostermarks close friendship and proximity to the Dwarf Hold Karak Kadrin, better known as "Slayer Keep". The Dwarves will sometimes allow a player on the team a tattoo made up of Dwarven Runes which gives the player some unlikely benefits.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Troll Slayer290k5318Block, DauntlessG
Specail Rules: Dwarven Rune Tattoo
Each of your Troll Slayers with a Random Tattoo, (see Special Items/Abilities).
Ostland play out of Wolfenburg. Ostlanders spend most of their time inebriated and you will often find many of their players take to the pitch in a drunken stupor. They are a resilient lot due to the harsh climate in the north.
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Drunken Ogre Youth190k4518Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Really StupidS
Mascot190k6328Break Tackle, Horns, Juggernaut, Thick SkullG
Reikland play out of Altdorf the Capital of The Empire. The Colleges of Magic take a strong interest in Reiklands Colleges Team and many a Magic Item can be found in the Teams dressing room. Also the Colleges positionals armour get enchanted before each game, giving them an extra layer of protection.
Strength280k63210Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6239Starting Skill (P)P
Agility250k7238Starting Skill (A)A
Magic Item270k????See Special Items/Abilities?
Sirland play out of Wurtbad. Most other Colleges dislike to come to this part of the Empire. Some say that Stirland has started to allow Vampires to play for them and the fact that they refuse to play during the day only gives more credence to the theory.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Vampire2110k????See Special Items/Abilities?
(Replaces 2 of the Linemen when you have a Blood Dragon or Von Carstein Vampire)
Skeleton25217Regeneration, Thick Skull
(Replace 2 of the Linemen when you have a Necrarch Vampire)
Grave Guard15218Block, Regeneration
(Replaces 1 of the Linemen when you have a Blood Dragon Vampire)
Ghoul26227Dodge, Thrall
(Replaces 2 of the Linemen when you have a Strigoi Vampire)
Dreg25227Thick Skull, Thrall
(Replaces 2 of the Linemen when you have a Vampire Lord)
Positional?????(2 of your positional players gain Thrall when you have a Lahmian Vampire)?
Talabecland play out of Talabheim. Talabecland brings in planty of trade due to it's position on the bank of the River Talabec. This brings in a lot of wealth allowing the college to bring in some rare and magical equipment.
Strength280k6329Pro, Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Magic Item170k????See Special Items/Abilities?
Exotic Armour180k????See Specail Items/Abilities?
Special Rules: Import/Export
Every Season Talabecland gain 3 free Magic Item Cards
Tilea play out of Remas in central Tilea. The College is said to have connections to the Tilean Underworld and there have been rumours of Thieves and Assassins learning their trade here. You can often find a young Gladiators from one of the many fighting pits in Tilea honing their fighting skills here.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Pit Fighter1110k5428Prehensile Tail, Tentacles, Thick SkullS
Assassin160k8237Shadowing, StabA
Dirty Player120k6228Dirty PlayerG
The Wasteland play out of Marienburg, the Largest city in the Old World. They are sponsored by the Merchants Guild and as such they have access to some rare and exotic equipment which can give their players an edge other teams only dream of.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Exotic Armour280k????See Special Items/Abilities?
Human Billboard130k23110Fan Favourite, Stand FirmG
Wissenland play out of Wissenburg. The College have managed to gain favour with the Engineers Guild in Nuln. This has led to rumours of Wissenland training with some rather dangerous machinery including a Chainsaw, a Bombadier with lethal explosives and a dangerously modified Lawnmower. No comment has yet been heard from any official at the College.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing140k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility140k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Springer140k7237Leap, Very Long LegsA
Chainsaw120k6228Chainsaw, Secret Weapon (8+)G
Sapper120k5238Bombadier, Secret Weapon (10+)P
Groundskeeper1140k35110Break Tackle, Dirty Player, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, No Hands, Stand Firm, Secret Weapon (6+)S
Specail Rules: Engineers Guild
Every season Wissenland get 3 free Bribes.
Al Haikk
With the introduction of college FUMBBL the Sheikhs of Al Haikk have created a new college. The college mostly specialises in the arts of the Circus. You will also find the deadly blade dancers of Araby learning their craft here.
Stength170k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing140k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility140k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Strong Man1110k5428Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Throw Team MateS
Juggler150k6238Catch, Kick Off Return, PassAP
Acrobat170k7337Leap, Very Long LegsA
Blade Dancer170k7237Dodge, Side Step, StabGA
Halfling Daredevil15136Dodge, Right Stuff, StuntyA
Clown140k5229Diving Tackle, Jump UpA
Bhallukha play out of the sprawling city of Delehi. The deadly Naga's can be found in attendance at Bhallukha college. What they seek to learn there is quite the mystery.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Snake Dancer160k6237Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Hypnotic GazeA
Naga1120k6428Extra Arms, Prehensile Tail, TentaclesS
Copher college has become home to the legendary Dervishes. And more recently they have struck a deal with the Viziers of Araby to supply the college with some magical carpets. What price the college paid for such a boon is as yet unknown.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Dervish160k5338Frenzy, Side StepGA
Carpet Rider170k7337Leap, Very Long LegsA
Special Rules: Magic Lamp
Copher gain 1 extra permanent Team reroll
The Daimatzu Clan college team play out of Izumo. The Daimatzu consider themselves to be the most honourable of the clans. They have a stricter view of tradition and many find the sport of Blood Bowl dishonourable. As such the ladies of the clan play a bigger role in the college team. Be it the ferocious Onna-bugeisha to the captivating Kabuki Dolls who weave an intricate dance around the field and not forgetting the beguiling Kunoichi who can bring any man to distraction.
Onna-bugeisha290k6329Guard, Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Kabuki Dolls170k7237Dodge, Frenzy, Side StepGA
Kunoichi170k6247Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Hypnotic Gaze, StabA
Fu Chow
Fu Chow college is situated at the mouth of the Red River. There is a large contingent of High Elves living in Fu Chow, who have their own trade quarter. Many of the younger High Elves will go against their families wishes and sign up to play for the colleges team.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
High Elf Thrower260k6248Pass, Safe ThrowAP
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Magic Item270k????See Special Items and Abilities?
Gandharva play out of the holy city of Purushapura at the foot of the Moutains of Heaven. Many Holy Warriors spend their youth training at the college. And even a young Kalite can found studying here from time to time.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Holy Warrior1130k5429Stand Firm, WrestleS
Kalite150k6337Extra ArmsG
The Horumi Clan play out Kumano at the base of the Kanto-sanchi mountain range. The Horumi are known for their piety and religious devotion, as such they prefer to play in their robes, trusting their faith to protect them. Warrior Monks can also be found playing for the college team and you can even find some of the younger and more impulsive Yokai drawn to the game by a sense of adventure and mischief.
Warrior Monks290k7327Claw, Side Step, Starting Skill (S)GA
Passing230k7237Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Small Yokai170k????See Special Items and Abilities?
Large Yokai190k????See Special Items and Abilities?
Kosala play out of Sravasti on the outskirts of Dandaka Jungle. The City of Sravasti have come to an uneasy alliance with Rakshaka that dwell there. A small contingent of the population have even taken to worshipping the proud beasts.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Tiger Cultists180k6338Claw, FrenzyG
Lakshana play out of the Capital of Lakshana not far from the Kamyak Jungle. Vanaras from the Jungle have recently been admitted into the college in an effort to boost relations. Some of the reclusive Ganeshans can sometimes even find their place here.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Vanara150k7237Dodge, Extra ArmsA
Ganeshan1130k4518Break Tackle, Horns, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Wild AnimalS
Lashiek college is home to the pirates of Lashiek. Seeing a chance to turn a great profit these Pirates have thrown in with the college. You can also find the explosive Naffatun displaying their deadly arts here.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Corsair1100k6338Block, Dauntless, StabG
Naffatun130k6238Bombadier, Nerves of Steel, Secret Weapon (10+)P
Special Rules: Barrels o' Grog
Lashiek get a free Bloodweiser Keg for every game.
Martek college is thought to be run by the deadly Hashishin a semi religious sect of assassins, no proof has ever been found. Although you would be wise to tread lightly when you pass through Martek, lest you draw their attention.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Dark Elf Assassin170k7247Shadowing, StabA
Hashishin1110k8337Dirty Player, Dodge, Mighty BlowGA
Shang Yang
Shang Yang is the most western city in Cathay and is the final destination for caravans coming from the Old World. Many Tilean mercenaries will often be found for hire here as they guard caravans and travellers up and down the length of the Silk Road. A section of the college has been given over the guild of the Nightblades. Who will often send their youngest recruits to play for the college team.
Tilean Mercenary710k5229G
Strength170k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing140k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility140k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Nightblade160k8237Shadowing, StabA
Ogre Mercenary1150k55210Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team MateS
Mercenary Sergeant150k5229Leader, ProG
Halfling Regular15136Dodge, Right Stuff, StuntyA
Magic Item170k????See Special Items and Abilities?
The Shinzei Clan play out of Kiroshima at the base of the great mountain itself. The Shinzei are a secretive and dangerous clan. They are well practised in the way of ninjitsu and have a long standing trade agreement with the Skaven Eishin Clan. This alliance has led to the Clan fielding an occasional Skaven on the college team. Many masterless Samurai come to Kiroshima seeking purpose and will often play for the college.
Ronin280k6329Fend, Starting Skill (S)GS
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Ninja170k7247Dodge, LeapGA
Eshin Assassin170k7146Claw, Dodge, Stab, StuntyA
Special Rules: Sabotage
Every Season Shinzei gain 3 free Dirty Trick Cards
The Uruchi Clan play out of Okakama in the subtropical west. The Uruchi are very aggressive clan, they respect only strength and bravery. Young Samurai warriors seek new ways of proving their strength and use blood bowl as a way to do this. Okakama is also home to the greatest Sumai dojo in Nippon and you will find many Sumo Warriors given their start in the Uruchi college team.
Samurai270k6329Starting Skill (S)GS
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Sumo Warrior1110k4418Grab, Stand Firm, WrestleS
Small Yokai170k??????
Weijin the seat of the dragon throne. The Celestial Emperor resides here and has taken a large interest in the cities college FUMBBL team. The college also plays host to some Celestial Dragon Monks in training, at the Emperors request.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Celestial Dragon Monk1100k7338Fend, Side Step, Thick SkullGA
Terracotta Warrior190k4419Stand Firm, RegenerationS
Yuanjin sits at the base of the Mountains of Heaven home to the dextrous and deadly Monkey Warriors. These curious creatures have shown great interest in the game of blood bowl and have made an agreement with the college to allow them to play for their FUMBBL team.
Strength270k6329Starting Skill (S)G
Passing240k6238Starting Skill (P)P
Agility240k7237Starting Skill (A)A
Monkey Warrior230k7137Dodge, Extra Arms, Right Stuff, StuntyA
Gorilla1130k4518Extra Arms, Grab, Kick Team Mate, Mighty Blow, Wild AnimalS

Special Items/Abilities

Some teams start with special items or abilities.

Special items and abilities must be replaced with the same item or ability during the college year.

Players with special items or abilities, that have played less than 5 games over the course of a year, will leave your team.

If after a year the player with the item or ability dies or retires a dice roll will be made to determine what new item or ability they will get.

1. Hope - Pro
2. Prudence - Fend
3. Justice - Leader
4. Honor - Stand Firm
5. Perseverance - Frenzy
6. Faith - Claw
7. Loyalty - Guard
8. Purity - Mighty Blow
9. Sacrifice - Dauntless, Thick Skull
10. Strength - +1 ST (S)
Exotic Armours
1. Blessed: 7 3 3 8
Extra Arms, Two Heads (GAP)
2. Chaos: 5 4 1 9
Horns (GS)
3. Dwarven: 4 3 2 10
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull (GS)
4. Elven: 7 2 4 7
Catch, Dodge, Sprint (GA)
5. Magic: 7 3 3 10
6. Vampiric: 6 3 3 8
Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration (GAS)
Magical Items
1. Cape of Speed: 8 2 3 7
Shadowing, Sprint, Sure Feet (GA)
2. Magic Carpet: 7 3 3 7
Leap, Very Long Legs (GA)
3. Cloak of Evasion: 7 2 4 7
Dodge, Side Step (GA)
4. Visor of Deflection: 6 3 2 8
Fend, Guard (G)
5: Glove of Holding 6 2 3 8
Catch, Diving Tackle, Sure Hands (G)
6. Mask of Illusion: 6 2 4 7
Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Hypnotic Gaze (G)
7. Crown of Inspiration: 6 2 3 8
Fan Favorite, Leader, Pro (G)
8. Mask of Terror: 6 3 2 8
Foul Appearance, Disturbing Presence (G)
9. Headband of Bravery: 6 3 2 8
Dauntless, Nerves of Steel (GS)
10. Shield of Pushing: 6 3 2 8
Fend, Grab (GS)
Dwarven Rune Tattoos
1. Rune of Fortitude - +2 AV
2. Rune of Shielding - +1 AV, Stand Firm
3. Stalwart Rune - Guard, Stand Firm
4. Rune of Warding - Fend, Guard
5. Rune of Parrying - Dodge, Fend
6. Rune of Preservation - Dodge, Regeneration
7. Relentless Rune - Frenzy, Juggernaut
8. Rune of Fury - Frenzy, Mighty Blow
9. Rune of Striking - Mighty Blow, Tackle
10. Rune of Might - +1 ST (S)
1. Blood Dragon: 5 4 2 9
Blood Lust, Hypnotic Gaze, Mighty Blow, Regeneration (GS)
2. Lahmian: 7 3 4 7
Blood Lust, Hypnotic Gaze, Dodge, Regeneration (GA)
3. Necrarch: 6 3 3 9
Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearence, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration (GA)
4. Strigoi: 6 4 2 8
Blood Lust, Claw, Frenzy, Regeneration (S)
5. Von Carstein: 6 3 3 9
Blood Lust, Hypnotic Gaze, Leader, Pro, Regeneration (GA)
6. Vampire Lord: 6 4 3 9
Blood Lust, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration (GAS)
1. Guhin: 5 3 3 8
Guard, Stand Firm (G)
2. Tengu: 5 3 3 8
Leap, Very Long Legs (G)
3. Kitsune: 6 3 3 7
Dirty Player, Side Step, Sneaky Git (G)
4. Jorōgumo: 7 3 2 7
Shadowing, Tentacles, Two Heads (GA)
1. Kudan: 5 4 1 8
Horns, No Hands, Sprint, Sure Feet (GS)
2. Nure-Onna: 4 4 2 8
Prehensile Tail, Tentacles (S)
3. Kappa: 2 5 1 10
Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Timmm-ber! (S)
4. Oni: 4 5 1 8
Claws, Frenzy, Wild Animal (S)

Minor Magic Item/Spell
1. Baphometh's GazeA selected player on your team gains +1 AG & hypnotic gaze for one game this season.
2. Beguiling BracersA selected player on your team gains hypnotic gaze, side step & bone head for one game this season.
3. Burdensome Shackles Of EthaA selected player on your opponents team loses -1 MA for one game this season.
4. Carpal's Obscene Studs Of StampingA selected player on your team gains dirty player for one game this season.
5. Debog's Codpiece of EvasionA selected player on your team gains dodge for one game this season.
6. Eye Of The EagleA selected player on your team gains accurate for one game this season.
7. Golradir's Gloves Of PushingA selected player on your team gains fend for one game this season.
8. Grasping Tentacles of AltansonA selected player on your team gains tentacles for one game this season.
9. Healing ScrollA selected player on your team loses MNG for one game this season.
10. Kelhoffer's Magic FootA selected player on your team gains kick for one game this season.
11. Knutt's Spell Of Awesome StrengthA selected player on your team gains +1 ST for one game this season.
12. Luck Rabbits FootA selected player on your team gains pro for one game this season.
13. Magic HelmetA selected player on your team gains +1 AV for one game this season.
14. Makepeace's Boots Of StridingA selected player on your team gains +1 MA for one game this season.
15. Mind BlowA selected player on your opponents team gains bone head for one game this season.
16. Rakarth's Bounding LeapA selected player on your team gains leap & very long legs for one game this season.
17. Rakarth's Spell Of Petty SpiteA selected player on your opponents team gains MNG for one game this season.
18. Skorpious's Spell Of DisintegrationA selected player on your opponents team loses -1 AV for one game this season.
19. Taku's Pauldron Of PowerA selected player on your team gains mighty blow for one game this season.
20. Utep's Invocation Of EverlivingA selected player on your team gains regeneration for one game this season.

Star Players

Star Players and Their Rosters can be found below.
(Click on a Team Icon to see it's Star Players)

Old World North

Old World South
Border PrincesStirlandAverlandWissenland

Far East
YuanjinFu ChowShang YangWeijin

CopherLashiekAl HaikkMartek

Tier 1Bruce Ling5237Block, Dodge, Jump up, Mighty Blow, Right Stuff, Side Step, Stunty
Master Bruce Ling hails from Yuanjin, after the death of his master he has found himself travelling to The Moot in the Old Wold, to visit his estranged sister. He can be found on occassion showing off his amazing talent for the Averland College team as well as for the Yuanjin College.
Tier 2Merradoc& Matilda7338Break Tackle, Dauntless, Horns, Juggernaut, Sprint, Sure Feet
Merradoc was the founder of the Order of the Ram. A group of stalwart Halflings, riding goats and posing as Knights. Tales of their bravery has stretched as far as the field after next. Seeking even more fame and spreading the word of the Order, Merradoc will occasionally be seen playing Blood Bowl at Averland College.
Tier 3Croot45110Grab, Mighty Blow, Multiple Block, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
The young Treeman Croot has always been an inquisitive soul and when not sitting idly in contemplation he can be seen tearing apart the opponents of the Averland College FUMBBL Team, just to see what they are made of.
Border Princes
Tier 1The Black Dwarf4329Block, Diving Tackle, Tackle, Thick Skull, Stand Firm
Not much is known about the Black Dwarf. He turned up one day blocking the Black Fire Pass. He would challenge those who tried to pass with the simple statement 'none shall pass'. How he ended up playing for the Border Princes College team is anyones guess.
Tier 2Tetraites5438Diving Tackle, Prehensile Tail, Tackle, Tentacles, Wrestle
The great Gladiator Tetraites is infrequently found playing for the Border Princes college team when not fighting in the pits. His master Bathus drags Tetraites with him everywhere as he seeks fame and recognition all accross the known world.
Tier 3Lobos45210Animosity, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
The Border Princes is home to the great Mercenary Ogre Lobos. For the right price he will do almost anything. Sometimes when the raiding is slow he can be found playing Blood Bowl for the Border Princes College team.
Tier 1Morrigan5338Dodge, Fend, Frenzy, Side Step
From deep within the borders of Athel Loren the Dryad Morrigan comes. She seeks to bring the wrath of the forest to bear on the masses who've cut down the trees to create the massive stadiums that FUMBBL is played in.
Tier 2Sir Artōrius5429Block, Disturbing Presence, Dodge, Thick Skull
Sir Artōrius is a famous Grail Knight who was first blessed by the Lady of the Lake where Bretonnias College Blood Bowl pitch now stands. He has now been blessed many times by the Lady of the Lake and radiates a fay light. Unlikely as it is he can sometimes be found playing Blood Bowl for Bretonnias College.
Tier 3Laurence de Araby7438Block, Catch, Dauntless, Dodge, Shadowing, Stand Firm
Breton war hero Lawrence spends his time split evenly between his homeland and Araby. He can often be found inspiring the local colleges and will sometimes take to the field.
Tier 1Sickario6338Dirty Player, Sneaky Git, Stab
The masked desperado Sickario will often be found playing for the Estalian college team as a show of rebellion against the upper elite of Estalia. Who is behind the mask is unknown, but some say he is the son of one of the wealthiest families in Bilbali.
Tier 2Vargas Vegas6437Dodge, Grab, Jump Up, Side Step
Still seeking the fame of his bull fighting days the great matador Vargas Vegas will take to the field for the Estalian college team, to the delight of his adoring fans.
Tier 3Inigo Montoya7348Block, Dodge, Fend, Guard, Jump Up, Side Step
After the murder of his father by a six fingered man, Inigo Montoya has devoted himself to becoming the greatest swordsman ever. He will often be found playing Blood Bowl for Estalias College team in exchange for training by the master swordsmen that reside there.
Tier 1Greta5338Jump Up, Stab, Stakes, Wrestle
Greta comes from a family of witch hunters. The oldest of three sisters with a penchant for the dramatic. She can occasionally be found playing Blood Bowl for a College or two in or around the Old World North.
Tier 2Hildegrad6438Accurate, Hail Mary Pass, Nerves Of Steel, Strong Arm
Hildegrad comes from a family of witch hunters. The youngest of three sisters she has been forced to attend Hochlands College. She is wild and unruly and a deadly accurate shot with her trusty long rifle. She can occasionally be found playing Blood Bowl for the College. When she's not out hunting witches with her two sisters that is.
Tier 3Maʊɡli and Bhālū5528Claw, Grab, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull
The Maʊɡli are a group of warriors raised by animals from the furthest reaches of Ind. Sent out to raise awareness for their tribe, a Maʊɡli can be found in many a college FUMBBL team. In Hochland one can be found found on the back of the great singing bear Bhālū.
Tier 1Maʊɡli and Akela6338Claw, Frenzy, Sure Feet, Tackle
The Maʊɡli are a group of warriors raised by animals from the furthest reaches of Ind. Sent out to raise awareness for their tribe, a Maʊɡli can be found in many a college FUMBBL team. In Kislev one can be found found on the back of their wolf father Akela.
Tier 2Zangief6438Grab, Stand Firm, Tackle, Thick Skull, Wrestle
Zangief is a master of grappling and is a teacher of hand to hand combat at Kislevs College. Sometimes to set an example to his students he will take to the Blood Bowl pitch for the college team to show off his skills.
Tier 3Iorek4528Claw, Grab, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Thick Skull
It is said the great bear Iorek one day left his home along the shores of the Frozen Sea and made his way accross the Worlds Edge Mountains, all the way to the gates of Kislev. Seeing this as a sign of great fortune and a honour from the God Ursun, Iorek was allowed into the city. A mighty parade formed around him as he made his way to the Kislev college arena, where Iorek made himself at home. He still resides there to this day and will on a rare occasions join the team, much to the delight of everyone.
Tier 1Ana Vass5338Chainsaw, Dirty Player, Secret Weapon 8+
Ana Vass is a friend of the Heidi von Braun the daughter of the great General Count Kaiser von Braun. She has trained with some of the best fighters in Middenland and has fought many battles. With the recent admittance of Heidi von Braun to Middenlands College, Ana has enrolled herself, she is often seen taking the Blood Bowl field with a short chainsaw in each hand.
Tier 2Uther 'the Arch Maimer' Hagg4439Block, Dirty Player, Grab, Mighty Blow
Half-Orc ex Captain of the Middenheim Marauders can be found hanging around the Middenheim college campus looking to impart his expert knowledge in maiming to anyone who will listen. Uther will rarely be found out of his highly recognisable helmet as he still clamours to relive his glory days.
Tier 3'The White Wolf' Keiner Reizfeld6438Block, Frenzy, Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm
Keiner Reizfeld is the youngest captain within the Knights of the White Wolf, a distinction that has earned him both the admiration and jealousy of his subordinates and rivals. Keiner was also the captain of the Middenehim college team in his younger days. Keiner is viewed as little more than a barbarian by most, and is prone to losing himself to bloodlust in the heat of combat, which has proven to be a bit hit with the colleges fans. Keiner will repay their adoration by showing up to play for the team, when he gets the opportunity to do so.
Tier 1Elsa Undermar4428Frenzy, Stand Firm, Sure Feet
Elsa was a once a fearv pirate from the decadent pirate principality of Sartosa. But one day her crew turned against her and cast her overboard. Amazingly, Elsa survived her plunge into the sea, and held for life onto a floating piece of debris. Seeing her survival as sign from Manaan, Elsa has since dedicated her life to his worship. She will often be found preaching the ways of Manaan all along the Northen coast of the Old World from Marienburg to Erengrad and sometimes even for the Nordland college FUMBBL team, on the rare occasions her ship travels down the River Salz, to Salzemund and beyond.
Tier 2Zarola Lelantos7257Accurate, Dodge, Dump Off, Nerves of Steel, Pass, Strong Arm, Sure Hands
Zarola is an elven ghost strider from Laurelorn Forest. He has left his home to seek out Chaos wherever it may be. His travels will sometimes bring him past the borders of Salzemund, where he has been known to drop in to help out an old colleague now working at the Nordland college. While there he will take time out, for his guilty pleasure of a game of FUMBBL.
Tier 3Fezzik6528Grab, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Wrestle
Fezzik is a hulking beast of an Ogre. But unlike most Ogres Fezzik has an almost gentle side. He still enjoys the thrill of the battle but will mostly just partake in a game of Blood Bowl to sate his appetite. As such you can sometimes find him playing for Nordlands College team.
Tier 1Greta5338Jump Up, Stab, Stakes, Wrestle
Greta comes from a family of witch hunters. The oldest of three sisters with a penchant for the dramatic. She can occasionally be found playing Blood Bowl for a College or two in or around the Old World North.
Tier 2Khargrim4718Ball & Chain, Grab, Mighty Blow, No Hands, Secret Weapon 6+
Khargrim was once a mighty slayer who is said to have single handedly killed a dragon. But after a powerful blow to the head Khargrim has started to lose his mind. While he still has most of his wits he seeks his death anywhere he can. You may even find him on the Blood Bowl field a whirling dervish of destruction.
Tier 3Bertha Bestraufrung5429Block, Juggernaut, Leader, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull
Bertha is the High Matriarch of the Sisterhood of Sigmar and when not gathering wyrdstone from the ruins of Mordheim, she can be found letting off steam playing for the Ostermark college FUMBBL team.
Tier 1Maʊɡli and Rakṣā6328Claw, Frenzy, Sure Feet, Tackle
The Maʊɡli are a group of warriors raised by animals from the furthest reaches of Ind. Sent out to raise awareness for their tribe, a Maʊɡli can be found in many a college FUMBBL team. In Kislev one can be found found on the back of their wolf mother Rakṣā.
Tier 2Josef Bugman3429Block, Tackle, Thick Skull (Free Bloodweiser Babe)
Josef Bugman is the creator of the most potent ale ever made, Bugman's Brew. After the destruction of his brewery Josef Bugman was given a large room at the Ostland college, as long as he supplies the booze to all college partys, as well as playing a game or two for the college team.
Tier 3Cowhead5528Break Tackle, Frenzy, Horns, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Piling On
Not much is known about the man who calls himself Cowhead. He will often mysteriously appear at Ostlands Blood Bowl games. Only to mysteriously vanish again afterwards.
Tier 1Thom Parsival Caruse6247Dodge, Fan Favourite, Side Step
Star of the stage, Thom Parsival Caruse is a thespian who has become a firm favourite of the people of Reikland. He is currently involved in a play about FUMBBL and can be found researching his role at the college in Altdorf.
Tier 2Leonardo4429Block, Claw, Grab, Stand Firm, Thick Skull
Not much is known about the half man, half machine man at Altdorf college. Legend has it that he is the long dead engineering genius Leonardo da Miragliano. His body kept alive by a mixture of necromancy and science.
Tier 3Oberwald7438Block, Dodge, Fend, Sprint, Sure Feet
The name Oberwald is synonymous with Reikland. You can often find a young Oberwald attending the college. As you can expect they will often play for the Colleges Blood Bowl team wearing the trademark Oberwald armour.
Tier 1Quasimordor5329Fend, Jump Up, Thick Skull
Quasimordor serves at the pleasure of the great scientist Dr. Frankenhammer. Always looking for new parts for his master, Quasimordor will often be found at the FUMBBL field. He has developed quite a love for the game and will take to the field, if an opportunity presents itself.
Tier 2La Llorona7247Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearence, Hypnotic Gaze, Leap, Regeneration, Side Step, Very Long Legs
It is unknown whether La Llorona is alive or dead. All that anyone knows, is that when the moons are high and light shines just right, La Llorona will appear wailing into the night. It has earned her the name 'The Weeping Lady' and she has been the cause of many a young mans nightmares.
Tier 3Frederick Von Carstein6448Block, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration
Frederick is the youngest descendant in the von Carstein brood. He has been attending the Stirland College for years preying on the unweary. He can sometimes be found playing Blood Bowl after the vampires recent rise to power in Stirland and the ruling that vampires can now play College Blood Bowl.
Tier 1Myrddin5238Bombadier, Hail Mary Pass, Nerves Of Steel, Pass, Secret Weapon 8+
Myrddin is a young wizard of some renown in Talabheim. He is often found studying at Talabeclands College. His love for Blood Bowl will often see him taking to the pitch for the College ready hurl fireballs at the opposing players.
Tier 2The Horned Hunter7337Catch, Horns, Nerves of Steel, Shadowing, Tackle, Wrestle
From out of the forest he came, a disciple of Taal, they say. People call him 'The Ghost', named after the Horned Hunter of legend. What his real name is no one knows, he will forever remain a mystery. For he appears, just as suddenly as he disappears.
Tier 3Adric 'The Hermit' Greenwood6448Claw, Foul Appearence, Frenzy, Leap. No Hands, Tackle, Very Long Legs
Adric Greenwood, 'The Hermit' as he is known. Can often be found in meditation in his run down shack, at the edge of Talabheim's shanty town. He is a known shapeshifter and when he feels threatened or angry will often take the shape of a Manticore. When this happens, two things are sure to happen. The first is, the offending party will usually be ripped from limb to limb. The second is, the Manticore will make it's way to the Talabheim college pitch and if a game is on it will endeavour to take part. No one has ever figured out why, but as long as it plays for the Talabecland team, no one seems to care.
Tier 1Gianluigor Gon'zola6137Disturbing Presence, Dodge, Foul Appearence, Hypnotic Gaze, Right Stuff, Stunty, Weeping Dagger
After a tragic accident involving a pit a vipers and a misspoken magical incantation Gianluigor Gon'zola went from being the talk of the Moot, to the star of Monty's Marvellous Circus. The circus would travel all over the world eventually settling in Tilea, where it remains to this day. Gianluigor became a big hit with the college community and has been found playing for the college team, to the horror of the rest of league.
Tier 2Tetraites5438Diving Tackle, Prehensile Tail, Tackle, Tentacles, Wrestle
The great Gladiator Tetraites is infrequently found playing for the Tilean college team when not fighting in the pits. His master Bathus drags Tetraites with him everywhere as he seeks fame and recognition all accross the known world.
Tier 3Johan the Knife8347Dodge, Jump Up, Multiple Block, Side Step, Shadowing, Stab
Master Assassin Johan the Knife will go to any lengths to kill his target. He will often get paid huge amounts of money to assassinate young upcoming Blood Bowl stars. Due to his theatrical nature he will strive to fulfil his contract in front of a large crowd on a blood soaked Blood Bowl field, while playing for Tilea College.
Tier 1Elsa Undermar4428Frenzy, Stand Firm, Sure Feet
Elsa was a once a fearv pirate from the decadent pirate principality of Sartosa. But one day her crew turned against her and cast her overboard. Amazingly, Elsa survived her plunge into the sea, and held for life onto a floating piece of debris. Seeing her survival as sign from Manaan, Elsa has since dedicated her life to his worship. She will often be found preaching the ways of Manaan all along the Northen coast of the Old World from Marienburg to Erengrad and sometimes even for the Wasteland college FUMBBL team.
Tier 2'The Butcher' Groff3429Block, Frenzy, Juggernaut, Multiple Block, Stab, Stakes
Butcher Groff is a friendly, heavy-set Marienburg man with an unkempt appearance and a booming voice and laugh. Behind this jovial mask, he is a cultist of Nurgle, dedicated to spreading the gifts of Father Nurgle far and wide. He will often take to the FUMBBL field for the local college team, in the hopes of spreading the rot across the land.
Tier 3Imrik the Dragon Tamer6348Block, Diving Tackle, Dodge, Jump Up, Side Step, Tackle
Imrik the Dragon Tamer is a rich High Elf with a love of Blood Bowl. Due to his families wealth and strong ties to the Wastelands College he can sometimes be found playing for the Colleges team.
Tier 1The Tenderiser2619Dirty Player, Mighty Blow, Multiple Block, No Hands, Secret Weapon 6+, Stand Firm, Take Root, Timberrrr!
Found broken and rusted deep beneath the Black Mountains. The Chaos Dwarvern death machine was lovingly put back together by a group of students at the Engineering Guild in Nuln. The machine is sometimes seen being tested on the Wissenland college FUMBBL field. Due to the machines weight only the strongest youths are allowed to man it and even they have a hard time getting the machine to move further than a few feet at a time.
Tier 2Hans 'The Boot' Lutzman6428Dirty Player, Mighty Blow, Piling On, Sneaky Git,Thick Skull
The dirtiest player ever to play for a College FUMBBL team. He will often be seen cheering on Wissenland, throwing the occasional rock from the crowd. If ever the mood takes him he will return to the team, bringing with him his own special brand of pain-giving.
Tier 3Johan the Knife8347Dodge, Jump Up, Multiple Block, Side Step, Shadowing, Stab
Master Assassin Johan the Knife will go to any lengths to kill his target. He will often get paid huge amounts of money to assassinate young upcoming Blood Bowl stars. Due to his theatrical nature he will strive to fulfil his contract in front of a large crowd on a blood soaked Blood Bowl field. He will sometimes appear playing for Wissenland College when his contracts take him down the River of Echoes.
Al Haikk
Tier 1'Mad' Chad McCann5338Chainsaw, Dodge, Leap, Secret Weapon 8+
Mad Chad is a former member of the Engineers Guild in Zhufbar. After a failed experiment Chad was put into a coma for six months. After awakening he was never the same and he became a bit of a thrill seeker. He left his Dwarven brothers and travelled the land seeking the next big thrill. After many years travels he wound up in Araby where he joined a travelling circus. He still travels with them to this day, juggling chainsaws and sometimes you might just maybe find him playing for the Al Haikk college team.
Tier 2Ishtar 'The Desert Rose'6347Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up, Side Step, Stab
Ishtar 'The Desert Rose' is head of the school of Blade Dancers in Al Haikk. She is as deadly as she is beautiful. On occassion she will take to the college FUMBBL field to demonstrate just how deadly a blade dancer can be.
Tier 3The Prince of Thieves8347Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Strip Ball, Very Long Legs
The Prince of Thieves will often turn up to play for Al Haikks college FUMBBL team in disguise. Only to reveal himself at the end of the game in an effort to taunt the local Shiekhs. Before disappearing into the crowd.
Tier 1Maʊɡli and Kaa5338Diving Tackle, Hypnotic Gaze, Prehensile Tail, Side Step
The Maʊɡli are a group of warriors raised by animals from deep in the jungle. Sent out to raise awareness for their tribe, a Maʊɡli can be found in many a college FUMBBL team. In Bhallukha one can be found found on the back of the beguiling snake Kaa.
Tier 2Karishma6338Block, Catch, Dodge, Pass, Sure Feet, Sure Hands
Karishma is a teacher at Bhallukha college and also Inds greatest hero. As a boy he was prophesised to defeat the greater daemon Djikah. Djikah sent many agents of chaos to kill him but Karishma defeated them all. Karishma finally slew Djikah to become the man he is today.
Tier 3Yamaja Mukha5438Block, Fend, Grab, Multiple Block, Two Heads
The holy man Yamaja Mukha lives in the great city of Delehi. He travels the temples and the schools spreading his wisdom and will sometimes even step out and play for the colleges FUMBBL team.
Tier 1Abhou6237Dodge, Extra Arms, Prehensile Tail, Right Stuff, Strip Ball, Stunty
Abhou is Allah'dhin's faithful companion and is always at his side. Sometimes Abhou will play for Cophers college team in Allah'dhin place, at the insistance of the local Satrap.
Tier 2Allah’dhin8247Dodge, Jump Up, Side Step, Sprint, Strip Ball, Sure Feet
Allah'dhin was an impoverished ne'er-do-well until he came into a fortune from some unknown source. Seeking to better himself he has offered to play for Cophers college team. In exchange he is allowed to study at the college whenever he desires.
Tier 3Djinn5538Leap, Pro, Regeneration, Very Long Legs
Due to a deal with some Viziers a Djinn can be found playing for the Copher college team. Much to the delight of the fans and the college staff.
Tier 1Mochi Zuki6247Block, Leap, Tackle, Very Long Legs
Mochi Zuki is the mistress of all Kunoichi in Daimatzu. She is a ferocious fighter and holds all the women who train under her to a higher standard. She trains with the college team at times and is an inspiration to all around her.
Tier 2O’Sagumi7247Claw, Disturbing Presence, Dodge, Foul Appearence, Hypnotic Gaze, Side Step, Weeping Dagger
O'Sagumi was an Orphan girl trained in the ways of the geisha. With the right connections and a quick mind she has reached a position of great power. And with her deadly razor sharp fans she is not a woman easily trifled with.
Tier 3Mistress Gozen6339Block, Guard, Leader, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Tackle
Legendary samurai Tomoe Gozen is a very remarkable women. She is held in high regard by all and inspires loyalty and bravery. Encouraged by the colleges dedication to female players, she will often aid them on the field.
Fu Chow
Tier 1Hua Youlan6328Block, Dodge, Strip Ball
Hua Youlan is the daugther of a famous FUMBBL star. In her younger days she was known to wear her fathers armour and sneak into games pretending to be his son. She has shown that she can more than hold her own and is accepted into the team for who she is. Although her father keeps a eye on her and won't let her play more than a few games at a time.
Tier 2Huan Bei6328Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Multiple Block, Stand Firm, Thick Skull
Huan Bei was a former soldier in the Cathay army. He is most famous for holding a section of the Great Bastion against the rampaging Hobgoblin hordes. He will occasionally make an appearance at a Fu Chow college game if requested.
Tier 3Imrik the Dragon Tamer6348Block, Diving Tackle, Dodge, Jump Up, Side Step, Tackle
Imrik the Dragon Tamer is a rich High Elf with a love of Blood Bowl. Due to his families wealth and strong ties to the High Elf community in Fu Chow he can sometimes be found playing for the Colleges team.
Tier 1Kalli Yan Neeli6247Disturbing Presence, Dodge, Foul Appearence, Hypnotic Gaze
The vengeful spirit Kalli Yan Neeli was killed by a stray rock at a college FUMBBL game and has now returned. She is known to appear at games playing for one of the college teams, seeking vengence.
Tier 2Peaceful Warrior7337Dodge, Fend, Foul Appearence, Hypnotic Gaze, Stand Firm, Wrestle
The Peaceful Warrior is famous throughout Ind for being able to bring any conflict to an end without the use of force. He occasionally turns up to Gandharvan colleges games in the hope of convincing others to follow his teachings.
Tier 3Vyn Ateya5538Claw, Leap, Mighty Blow, Very Long Legs
Vyn Ateya, said to be the legendary mount of one of the gods of Ind. It is said that he will turn up at the sound of a magic horn, which is said to be hidden somewhere in the Gandharvan college.
Tier 1Zaiden5338
Foul Appearence, Fend, Mighty Blow
Legendary warrior Zaiden has been gifted with the power of lightning by the holy men in Kumano. In return he is forced to play for the Horumi college team.
Tier 2Kendo6338
Block, Claw, Dauntless, Dodge, Side Step
Kendo the fearless monk never backs down from a challenge. He will rarely be seen making an appearance for the Horumi college team, in his time between travelling.
Tier 3Hitotsume5519
Claw, Frenzy, Horns, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull
The ferocious one eyed Oni Hitosume, has been seem frequenting FUMBBL games. It has been known, when his mood is right, for him to join in on a game or two.
Tier 1Kalli Yan Neeli6247Disturbing Presence, Dodge, Foul Appearence, Hypnotic Gaze
The vengeful spirit Kalli Yan Neeli was killed by a stray rock at a college FUMBBL game and has now returned. She is known to appear at games playing for one of the college teams, seeking vengence.
Tier 2Siva the Destroyer5428Block, Break Tackle, Frenzy, Mighty BLow, Two Heads
Siva the Destroyer can be found wherever blood is spilt. As such he can sometimes be found playing for the colleges team.
Tier 3Maʊɡli and Śēr Khān7428Block, Break Tackle, Claw, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet
The Maʊɡli are a group of warriors raised by animals from deep in the jungle. Sent out to raise awareness for their tribe, a Maʊɡli can be found in many a college FUMBBL team. In Kosala one can be found on the back of the deadly tiger, Śēr Khān.
Tier 1Maʊɡli and Alba4518Grab, Mighty Blow, Wild Animal
The Maʊɡli are a group of warriors raised by animals from deep in the jungle. Sent out to raise awareness for their tribe, a Maʊɡli can be found in many a college FUMBBL team. In Lakshana one can be found on the back of the mighty gorilla, Alba.
Tier 2Maʊɡli and Bagīdah6438Claw, Sprint, Sure Feet
The Maʊɡli are a group of warriors raised by animals from deep in the jungle. Sent out to raise awareness for their tribe, a Maʊɡli can be found in many a college FUMBBL team. In Lakshana one can be found on the back of the dangerous panther, Bagīdah.
Tier 3Hanu7428Block, Break Tackle, Catch, Extra Arms, Jump Up, Tackle
Hanu is a great Vanaran hero much loved throughout Ind. His dedication to the destruction of chaos has led him here. He seeks to secure an alliance with the Rajs of Ind, and an appearance or two for Lakshanas college team is a small price to pay.
Tier 1Em Dahab4428Dodge, Grab, Stand Firm
Laurence de Araby's faithful companion, Em Dahab was raised by the Viziers at Lashiek college. When requested, he will take to the field for the college team and is always a welcome addition.
Tier 2Sinba'ahadlbn7338Block, Jump Up, Multiple Block, Stab, Tackle
Sinba’ahad Ibn Martuk is one of the most notorious corsairs in Lashiek. He is always looking for a place to show off his skills. And will often turn up to games to the delight of the crowds.
Tier 3Laurence de Araby7438Block, Catch, Dauntless, Dodge, Shadowing, Stand Firm
Breton war hero Lawrence spends his time split evenly between his homeland and Araby. He can often be found inspiring the local colleges and will sometimes take to the field.
Tier 1Grand Vizier Jaffar5238Bombadier, Hail Mary Pass, Nerves Of Steel, Pass, Secret Weapon 8+
The disgraced Grand Vizier Jaffar can only practice his arts out of Martek these days. What he did to deserve such a punishment is unknown. As an added punishment he is forced to play a FUMBBL game or two for the college team, much to the delight of Martek's fans.
Tier 2Ishtar 'The Desert Rose'6347Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up, Side Step, Stab
Ishtar 'The Desert Rose' is head of the school of Blade Dancers in Al Haikk. She is as deadly as she is beautiful. She will sometimes travel to Martek to pick up a few techniques from the dealy Hashishin there and will on occassion take to the college FUMBBL field to demonstrate just how deadly a blade dancer can be.
Tier 3Malik Ibn La’ahad6347Block, Claw, Dodge, Fend, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Stab
Not much is known about Malik Ibn La’ahad. He will often appear from the shadows before a game only to disappear again afterwards.
Shang Yang
Tier 1Sam Seed5328Block, Diving Tackle, Dodge, Jump Up, Side Step, Thick Skull
Sam Seed is known as the drunken master and is regarded with fondness by all in Shang Yang. It is said the drunker he gets the better he fights which he has proved on many occasions. He will often be seen playing for Shang Yangs college team as long as they keep supplying him with drink.
Tier 2Tetraites5438Diving Tackle, Prehensile Tail, Tackle, Tentacles, Wrestle
The great Gladiator Tetraites is infrequently found playing for the Border Princes college team when not fighting in the pits. His master Bathus drags Tetraites with him everywhere as he seeks fame and recognition all accross the known world.
Tier 3Lobos45210Animosity, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
The great Mercenary Ogre Lobos, goes where the money takes him. For the right price he will do almost anything. Sometimes when the raiding is slow he can be found playing Blood Bowl for the Shang Yang College team.
Tier 1Mochi Zuki6247Block, Leap, Tackle, Very Long Legs
Mochi Zuki is the mistress of all Kunoichi in Daimatzu. She is a ferocious fighter and holds all the women who train under her to a higher standard. She will sometimes train in Shinzei with the Ninjas there, looking to hone her skills. The price? To play for the Shinzei college team when requested.
Tier 2The Red Ronin5428Block, Foul Appearence, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Tackle,
The mysterious Red Ronin, is said to have slaughtered his master and his masters family before making his way to Shinzei. Masterless and without honour, he will do whatever is asked of him, for the right price. Which includes playing for the Shizei college team.
Tier 3Sarutori Hanzo7347Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Strip Ball, Very Long Legs
Sarutori Hanzo is one of the great Ninja masters. Once in a blue moon he will make his way onto the colleges team to try to give them an edge.
Tier 1Zatō-no-Ichi5328Block, Dodge, Side Step, Stab
The blind warrior Zatō-no-Ichi has settled in Uruchi. Although unable to see, he is a formidable fighter with faultless character. Through noble deeds Zatō-no-Ichi has earned himself a place on the Uruchi college FUMBBL team, whenever and if ever he so desires.
Tier 2Mamoru 'Yōjinbō' Shīrudo5429Block, Guard, Stand Firm, Thick Skull
The fierce and loyal bodyguard Yōjinbō is reputed to have once been the bodyguard of the Nippons greatest Shōgun. It is said he, thwarted over two dozen asassination attempts, even stopping the mastern ninja, Sarutori Hanzo himself. He now finds himself babysitting young samurai at Uruchi college. An unusual punishment for some unknown slight, for such a renowned hero of Nippon.
Tier 3Hitotsume5519Claw, Frenzy, Horns, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull
The ferocious one eyed Oni Hitosume, has been seem frequenting FUMBBL games. It has been known, when his mood is right, for him to join in on a game or two.
Tier 1Cai Guo Qiang5338Bombadier, Nerves Of Steel, Secret Weapon 8+
Pyrotechnic master Cai Guo Qiang, has been studying explosives in Weijin as long as anuone can remember. He usually provides the fireworks at the end of every college FUMBBL game in Weijin and will sometimes take to the pitch to try out any new incendiary devices, that he's been working on.
Tier 2Foo Statue35110Take Root, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Sure Feet
Foo Statues can be found guarding the lands surrounding the Celestial Emperors Palace and the adjoining college. A few have been placed at the entrance to the extraordinary, extravagant stadium of Weijins college FUMBBL team. It has been known that when the Emperor is in attendence, they have been seen to take to the field in his honour.
Tier 3Cheng Lung6437Block, Dodge, Fend, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Stand Firm, Thick Skull
Chen Long was once the Grand Master of the Celestial Dragon Monks. But after offending the Celestial Emperor he was deposed and imprisoned in Cathays capital. Due his popularity the Emperor is unable to put him to death so instead he sends him onto the blood bowl field. In the hopes that Chen Long will face his demise there.
Tier 1Bruce Ling5237Block, Dodge, Jump up, Mighty Blow, Right Stuff, Side Step, Stunty
Master Bruce Ling hails from Yuanjin, after the death of his master he has found himself travelling to The Moot in the Old Wold, to visit his estranged sister. He can be found on occassion showing off his amazing talent for the Averland College team as well as for the Yuanjin College.
Tier 2Měi Hóuwáng7338Block, Dodge, Extra Arms, Leap, Prehensile Tail, Very Long Legs
'The Monkey King' Měi Hóuwáng is a most curious creature and like his fellow kinsman has taking a great interest in blood bowl. Due to a clause in the contract that was signed with Yuanjin college he has managed to find occasion to play for the college team himself. To his and to the crowds delight.
Tier 3Zhu Bajie5429Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Thick Skull
Zhu Jajie, a disgraced commander of Yuanjins military, was a gluttonous and cruel man. Cast out and forced into servitude for the Yuanjin college, forced to keep the college grounds emaculatly clean, until his debt has been paid. As part of his punishment he has been forced to play for the college FUMBBL team.