<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=1647">NL Raises from Ashes</a>
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Setted by a Prince of Tilea, Prince Leonardo Da Marvelli, this tournament is a way to show to the other Princes of Tilea how many allies he have in the Old World. The rules were disigned for it.
Basically, every coach need a teammate. The two teams are paired. They both will play a KO tournament, separated.
During the whole process, they have the right to do a "swap". A swap exchanges the place of the two teams. It can be done only once!
If team A face an opponent he can't managed (e.g. zons' faces dwarves) and the team thinks they better Swap, the tournament organizer exchange their places. You can even Swap between a disqualified team and one still in!
So teammates should better be tactical to optimize the Swap option.
Both teams gets in overall scoring 3 points per round passed in the tournament. e.g. team A passes 3 rounds, team B only one, then both earns 12 points.
You cannot make a team with yourself.