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Group managers: Rabe
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---BB7s Group Page

<a style='color:ivory' href="https://fumbbl.com/help:BB7sRosters">BB7s Team Rosters</a>

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<a style='color:ivory' href="http://fumbbl.com/help:BB7s2012">2012 Season Schedule</a>

<a style='color:ivory' href="http://fumbbl.com/help:BB7s2012Rankings">2012 Rankings</a>

<a style='color:ivory' href="http://fumbbl.com/help:BB7sSmackWinners">2012 Smack Winners</a>

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<h3>Tournaments</h3><a style='color:ivory' href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=4008">Mini Leagues</a>

<a style='color:ivory' href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=7856">Gathering of the Brotherhood 2012</a>

<a style='color:ivory' href="https://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=7725" title="Snots Rule!">BB7s 2012 Home Field Kickoff</a>

<a style='color:ivory' href="https://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=7712" title="Have you been good?">BB7s Christmas Classic</a>

<a style='color:ivory' href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=7200" title="Are you ready to get Smacked?">BB7s SMACKS</a>

<a style='color:ivory' href="http://www.fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=7599">BB7s 2011 CRP Kickoff Tourney</a>

<h3>Forum Pages</h3><a style='color:ivory' href="http://fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=7967">BB7s Main Thread</a>

<a style='color:ivory' href="http://fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=495227#495227">Match Reports</a>

<a style='color:ivory' href="http://fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=21330">Drafted Players</a>

<a style='color:ivory' href="https://fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=21294">Rules & Roster Discussion</a>

<a style='color:ivory' href="https://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=messages&op=new&to=captainmalkor,%20ahalfling,%20FreeRange,%20Rabe,%20bghandras,%20Asgovic,%20marcellus&subject=BB7s:">Contact BB7s Admin</a></td>

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<b>Group Rules</b>
<font color="#FF0000">BETA STATE
Any rules can be subject to change in the near future. Changes will be announced via PM.</font>

<b>§0 League rules technically enforced by the client</b> <font color="#FF0000">NOT WORKING YET!</font>

1) Only 7 players can be set up on the pitch for kick-off.

<font color="#FF0000">IMPORTANT! <u>Temporary fix</u>: If you have more than seven players, set up seven of them as you like and put the rest into your endzone. Those players may neither actively participate in the match, nor blocked/blitzed by your opponent! Move them out of the way on your opponent's behalf. Stay away from the ball. If one of them gets the ball, hand if over or pass it to one of your active players.</font>

2) The minimum of players on the LOS on kick-off is reduced to 2. <font color="#FF0000">NOT WORKING YET!</font>

3) Players committing a foul without being in a opposing player's tacklezone receive a +1 bonus to the armor roll. The refs are no pros either.

4) Players rolling a double while using the Piling On skill knock themselves out and end up in the KO box. Piling On is not for everyone!

5) Players with the Sneaky Git skill assist on a foul with a +1 bonus to the armor roll even if in an opposing players tacklezone.

<b>§1 Site rules</b>

1) Coaches participating in BB7s are expected to have read, understood and accepted the FUMBBL <a href="https://fumbbl.com/help:SiteRules">site rules</a>.

2) In particular, team and player names have to follow the naming policy. A helpful collection of name generators can be found <a href="https://fumbbl.com/help:PlayerNames">here</a>

<b>§2 Division and league affiliation</b>

1) All teams in BB7s must be members of the <a href="https://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=3433">main group</a>.

2) Teams must be new and in the [L]eague division to become BB7s group members.

a. Exception: If your team has played up to three games, and both you and your opponent have followed all the BB7s group and team creation rules, then allowing them in is usually not a problem (don't overuse this tolerance, it's mainly granted when group staff is too busy to accept teams into the group!).

b. Clarification: Teams from other league formats (even if cut down from 11 or more players) are NOT permitted.

3) Playing against teams that are not member of the BB7s group is only acceptable if both teams follow all the BB7s group and team creation rules.

4) To participate in formalized competition (tournaments, mini-leagues, championship title matches etc.) teams have to be group members.

5) Teams should show their affiliation to the league by putting the BB7s logo on their biography.

a. Example: The following HTML code can be copied and pasted:
&lt;a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=3433"&gt;&lt;img src="https://fumbbl.com/i/346633"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

<b>§3 Team size/composition and additional players</b>

1) Teams may have a maximum of 7 permanent players on the roster.

a. Exception: Some rosters (goblin, halfling, lizardman and ogre) are allowed one or more extra base players, see "team creation" section and <a href="https://fumbbl.com/help:BB7sRosters">BB7s Team Rosters</a>.

2) All teams must furthermore follow the positional limits according to the <a href="https://fumbbl.com/help:BB7sRosters">BB7s Team Rosters</a>.

3) A team roster may include no more than 4 non-base players (i.e. players with a limit of less than 0-7).

<font color="#FF0000">a. Exception: Old teams that carry more than four non-base players on the roster may keep them, but may replace them only within the four-player limitation. However, such teams won't be accepted into any formalized competition!</font>

4) Missing (MNG) players do not count against these limits and may therefore be replaced by journeymen or new players.

a. Clarification: If a non-base player is missing you may buy a new one from the same or another type and let him play the next match. After the match you can pick freely who to keep and who to fire, as long as you stay within the limits outlined above.

b. Exception: A chaos team including a minotaur is not allowed to use journeymen as substitutes for missing players, but may buy new players as described above.

5) Each BB7s team may use two additional journeymen to help them out on the LOS or as reserve. These rather unreliable players are usually just eager to try Blood Bowl or dedicated fans of the team.

a. Clarification: These journeymen are optional, do not count towards the limit of seven player on the roster and may be taken in addition to those who temporarily replace missing players.

b. Exception: A chaos team including a minotaur is not allowed to use journeymen.

6) Each BB7s team can use free inducement cash to hire up to two mercenaries from any position regularly available for its roster, disregarding the limits stated above.

a. (Extreme) example: A lizardman team consisting of three saurii and five skinks, using two additional journeymen (as in no. 5 above) and with enough free inducement money could hire two more saurii, being able to bring to the game a team of 12 players including 5 saurii!

7) Additional players gained during the match (for example raised players or FUMBBL birthday zombies) can be used freely. The team has to be brought back into the limits of the rules after the match though, if necessary.

8) Accidentally hired journeymen may not actively participate in a match under any circumstances. They still effect the teams' TV difference and resulting free inducement money though.

a. Clarification: If there a legal and illegal journeymen on a team, their player numbers determine which of them may be used, starting with the lowest.

9) A match with a newly created team of 11 players may be played to get rid of the unwanted players in the post match sequence. Alternatively the team can play against a dummy team and forfeit immediately to get into post match sequence quicker.

<b>§4 Team re-rolls and staff</b>

1) No permanent team re-rolls may ever be bought.

a. Clarification: Re-rolls from other sources (kickoff results, a Halfling Master Chef, the Leader skill) may be used freely.

b. You may also induce ONE team re-roll via "Extra Team Training" (see "Inducements and Petty Cash" below).

2) Assistant coaches and cheerleaders are limited to 0-3 each.

3) There are no restrictions on fan factor and apothecaries.

<b>§5 Inducements and Petty Cash</b>

See <a href="https://fumbbl.com/help:BB7sInducementListBeta">BB7s Inducement List</a>.

1) No free Petty Cash. In BB7s, teams don't earn money by playing matches. Money for Petty Cash can only be earned by selling players to the pro leagues and participating in tournaments and is administered in a virtual bank (see "The BB7s Bank").

a. Exception: Halfling teams always allowed to use Petty Cash to hire a Halfling Master Chef. They have the connections.

b. Exception: Goblin teams are allowed to use Petty Cash to buy Bribes. They know to use their weapons not only on the pitch.

2) No Star Players, no Wizard, no Halfling Master Chef, only one Extra Team Training. The low standard of play means that no Star Player, Wizard or Master Chef worth his salt would ever want to be seen with "that lot of losers!". Getting the team together for a training session is not easy either. At least it's not hard to find some lunatics jumping in for a match...

a. Clarification: All other inducements may be taken after your liking (<a href="https://fumbbl.com/help:BB7sInducementList">a list of all inducements allowed</a>).

b. Exception: Halfling teams are allowed to hire a Halfling Master Chef.

c. Exception: Halfling and ogre teams are allowed (but not forced) to hire certain Stars instead of mercenaries (for details see <a href="https://fumbbl.com/help:BB7sRosters">BB7s Team Rosters</a>).

<b>§6 Draft System</b>

1) During formalized competition (tournaments, mini-leagues, championship title matches etc.), a player who earns an MVP award and fulfills the drafting criteria specified for the event, has to be retired after the last match his teams plays in this particular competition. (An MVP award means a headhunter has scouted the player and made him an offer - and no BB7s player ever rejects an offer from the professional leagues! It even boosts his ego to an extend that it might lead to harder training and improvement of his skills.)

a. If you accidentally get your team "ready to play" without retiring a player who was due for the draft, please <a href="https://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=messages&op=new&to=Rabe&subject=BB7s: Accidentally kept scouted player&message=Dear BB7s staff, I accidentally clicked 'ready to play' even though I should have retired a player on this team:">contact the BB7s staff</a>. Make SURE you don't play the team without staff approval!

b. If you suspect someone of misusing the system by keeping players that should have been drafted, please <a href="https://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=messages&op=new&to=Rabe,%20Asgovic&subject=BB7s: Possible MVP system abuse&message=Dear BB7s staff, I'm not sure if keeping the following player is legal since he has earned more than 3 MVP awards:">contact the BB7s staff</a>!

2) If a player earns a second MVP award in the same event, he has to be retired immediately. (The scout came back, alluring the player with a rather big bag of money.)

a. + b. Same as above!

3) The scouting of a player should be announced in the according forum thread. Rewards for the player's coach might come in the future!

<b>§7 Concessions</b>

1) Concessions are strictly forbidden.

a. Clarification: Giving up is of course totally legal, as is trying to save one's players. Ending a game by conceding is just not the way to go!

b. Exception: A newly created team may concede in its first turn in a match against a dummy team. This way it enters post match sequence and can quickly get rid of the four unwanted players.

c. If you witness or receive a concession, please <a href="https://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=messages&op=new&to=Rabe,%20BlizzBirne&subject=BB7s: Illegal concession&message=Dear BB7s staff, the following match has been illegally ended with a concession:">contact the BB7s staff</a>!

<b>§8 Breach of the rules and punishment</b>.

1) Violating any of the above rules may result in a permanent ban (of teams and/or coaches) from the league. Milder punishment can be applied as well.

<b>§9 Fun & sportsmanship</b>

1) This is a fun easygoing league, if you lack social skills, then maybe this isn’t the league for you .<img src=http://fumbbl.com/modules/PNphpBB2/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif>
