CTV 1000k Necromantic
Goblin CTV 1000k
#4 The loneliest wolf on malta – Smashed Knee (NI)
#4 Captain Goblin – Smashed Knee (NI)
#1 Fat Bozo – Dead (RIP)
#7 Cannonneer – Dead (RIP)
#13 When Goblins Attack – Dead (RIP)
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So it begins, all goes well, I get the ref ("Woooooooo! YES!"), my goblin AV holds up against the pounding on the LoS, I KO a wolf turn one (once more - "Wooooooooo! YES!"), but then the bad stuff strats. First off, Nobbla tries four turns to get his saw started, fails every time, and ends up being sent off after the Necro TD comes in. A goblin dies and the apoth is consumed in heroic failure (got to love them apoths, especially when used with the thought "Trolls have AV 9, ST 5 and Regen, what's going to happen?" - see later). Another goblin dies. A goblin gets niggled.
I block a lone wolf deep in my half - MNG! Wow! I managed toi hurt him. Then he ups and MNGs another goblin and even goes so far as to kill one of my trolls. Then I foul his wolf pretty uselessly since the game is pretty much decided in his favour at that point, and niggle it. I think "Wow he's going to be PISSED at me now", while secretly rejoincing that I managed to do some real damage back.
Strangely enough other than a T16 foul and two more BH goblins, BooAhl was extremely pleasant in the post-match wrap-up conversation, a very pleasant surprise. I guess we both walk away from this one thinking "what the fudge, man, what was that game all about?" At least BooAhl only faces Gnomes next with his vaguely depleted team. I'm up vs Khemri! Eeeyugh.”