“There is nothing you can do when Nuffle decides you are to lose.
We didn't get virus, so the High Elves had one more player than us. We finished the half winning 3-2, but prospects were bleak for the second half. We had 1 BH and our ST4 lineman was knocked out and never returned to the game (despite 5 attempts).
We had to burn rerolls because even blocks were not working. The High Elves, on the other hand, used a single reroll in the entire first half. Oh, I forget, they had 2 perfect defenses and 1 blitz. And when we had recovered the ball, we rolled snakes when trying to dodge away. I was so mad by then that I threw a pass and a passblocker intercepted it (6).
With that kind of help it is impossible to lose, isn't it?
Perhaps next game luck is more balanced and I can be a challenge. As is now, the result of this game was never in doubt.”
We didn't get virus, so the High Elves had one more player than us. We finished the half winning 3-2, but prospects were bleak for the second half. We had 1 BH and our ST4 lineman was knocked out and never returned to the game (despite 5 attempts).
We had to burn rerolls because even blocks were not working. The High Elves, on the other hand, used a single reroll in the entire first half. Oh, I forget, they had 2 perfect defenses and 1 blitz. And when we had recovered the ball, we rolled snakes when trying to dodge away. I was so mad by then that I threw a pass and a passblocker intercepted it (6).
With that kind of help it is impossible to lose, isn't it?
Perhaps next game luck is more balanced and I can be a challenge. As is now, the result of this game was never in doubt.”