CTV 6220k Dark Elf
Chaos Chosen CTV 2570k
#13 Hurkon Venomspite – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#1 Rhazgul Black VIII – Dead (RIP)
#4 Viserys Black XI – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#4 Viserys Black XI – Smashed Knee (NI)
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This match report may contain language that you find distasteful.
If you are easily offended, sensitive, have no sense of humour, or have had something tragic happen to yourself or a loved one then look away now in case you have a reaction to something in the report.
The following terms may or may not be used in the following match report:
Bad coaching
Bad luck
Dice rape
The Judgement were hoping to maim some Falcons players but it was they who got mauled by the crazy crowd.
The Judgement started in defence and chose not to field the freebooted Nobbla in case of a quick Falcons score.
The Falcons pushed players deep but quickly lost one to the RSC Claw Warrior (Miss Next Game). The Falcons pushed the ball down their right wing and used their rookie Witch to push a Judgement Chaos Warrior with Claw to the sideline, then used a RR to push him out of bounds where he was torn apart by the crowd (RIP)!!!
Valdrek with the ball then failed his Bone Head roll and was stranded with the ball two squares short from the end zone!
Valdrek was blitzed and lost the ball. The Falcons used their rookie Witch and her frenzy skill to push the Judgement Warrior with Claw/RSC out of bounds and the crowd niggled him!
The Judgement had the ball, but could not hold onto it as another player was pushed out of bounds. The ball was thrown to the lino of scrimmage where the Falcons were able to recover it and toss it to open ground beyond Judgement reach.
The Judgement did a few fouls, causing a Badly Hurt before their DP was sent off, and with two other players KOd soon only had five players facing nine Falcons. The Falcons delayed scoring till the last moment forcing the Judgement to field Nobbla for a 1 turn drive!
With the ref on the Judgement, they did a turn 8 foul and the offender was sent off along with Nobbla who did not even get to use his Chainsaw :)
The Judgement started the second half with 9 players. A foul by the Judgement reduced the Falcons to ten players (-1 MA and the apothecary failed of course heh) but the ball was not very well protected in the backfield.
The Falcons stole the ball, badly hurting the Judgement's remaining DP with a block. The Judgement with the ref on them went for a foul on Valdrek Bloodgaze, causing a stun, but getting their player sent off.
9 Falcons vs 7 Judgement players.
The Falcons used their Wizard and knocked out a Judgement player with a fireball. The Judgement then badly hurt one of their players on a failed dodge! 9 Falcons vs 5 Judgement players with 5 turns to go.
Fould were exchanged and the Judgement were down to 4 players.
The Falcons KO'd another Judgement player and then badly hurt another with a foul. 9 Falcons vs 2 Judgement players with 2 turns to go.
The Falcons KOd one then fouled the Judgement Troll causing a niggle. The Troll didn't regenerate, making Naama uses his apothecary.
It was very tempting to do a turn 16 foul against such a team killer, but I wanted the SPP for my Witch elf (ref was on me) so I chose the score instead.
A very satisfying match. Naama had been wanting to kill some of my stars for a while and it was great to deal him the pain instead. I certainly had some nice luck with a stack of KO rolls, but my opponent also was not playing to score/draw anyway, he was going for kills/maims and so he was easy to beat as I got great field position due to his players getting sent off, his Troll being on the ground due to Piling On etc.