#3 Michel – Dead (RIP) #14 Klitschi – Broken Ribs (MNG) #14 Klitschi – Serious Concussion (-AV)
“Another really hard match for Ratz und Ruebe. AV- injury- and casuality-rolls were on side of my opponent. Apo saved a vermin from death so couldnt help poor Michel when the great defensive-runner was taken over good old river of smut. Game was decided in the last turn by a short pass, a 1-tz-catch and a rr-dodge. Luck then was on my side.
Worth mentioning: His Ogre did a great job. The guy didnt miss a single bonehead in the hole game. And he really HAD an-action every turn cause there were no turnovers. Doped him with a wisdom-potion before the game, hu, Livebait?
GG, cya next time.
Worth mentioning: His Ogre did a great job. The guy didnt miss a single bonehead in the hole game. And he really HAD an-action every turn cause there were no turnovers. Doped him with a wisdom-potion before the game, hu, Livebait?
GG, cya next time.