“Another game vs the Robbers! Always close affairs against them, but the way things started I thought i was gonna be slaughtered in this one. My oneturner got It Wasnt Me, and early i Got a SI. Then Don Tomaso got fouled (BOOO!) to SI also. As a revenge the hated DP got gangfouled by Tomasos teammates to BH. The fouling rat got send off, for as in real life, the ref never sees he first foul play, but always picks up on the revenging move :-). With a bit of luck we pulled of a tie in this one, now to lick our wounds. GG Soul, cu in 10 games or something ;-)”
“Another game vs the rugrats, and probably the closest we have had so far! it could of gone either way at the end because of a BLITZ kickoff result and with a dropped pick up from my star zombie it could of been easily 3-2 to the rugrats! BUT when the BANK ROBBERS are desperate they cool for the wolves and a wolf managed to Blitz and stun the Gutter Runner making sure the game was a draw!
Another Great Game SergeiBautin!
Rematch anytime! ”
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