“"Bob Johnson for Cabal Vision here. Reporting from the Sapiens Cruento stadium after the team pulled a crushing 3-0 victory over Magic Potion Time. I'm standing next to one of the key players of the match, Mr. David Hume. So tell me David how do you feel about breaking a few bones and scoring a touchdown today?"
"Well. I'll tell yiz, laddie. It jist feels wunderfull ta score against them stupid haggises from the wee Northlands, I tell yiz. Blinking bastards! Also, the rain helped us quite a bit. Y'd expect then bloody Northerners would prefer snow, wouln't ya?"
"Right! [Finally a comment the viewers at home can understand]. How did you think Thomas Hobbes, the teams new thrower fared?"
"I dunna giva a shite about that wee git. Nah. The reel important player in this match was Nietzche. He had the Ogre on the uther side completely convinced that that daft Nuffle-bastard wuz dinna exist. This made the stupid haggis mess up often enough for us ta pull thru'."
"Ah yes...Anyway do you expect to go through to the next division? After all the team needed a four point win over Magic Potion Time to be sure to ascend."
"Screw the ascention. I'm off to write a new thesis on how there are no blinking miracels on the Blood Bowl field. Only bloody 'ard work!"
"Well. I'll tell yiz, laddie. It jist feels wunderfull ta score against them stupid haggises from the wee Northlands, I tell yiz. Blinking bastards! Also, the rain helped us quite a bit. Y'd expect then bloody Northerners would prefer snow, wouln't ya?"
"Right! [Finally a comment the viewers at home can understand]. How did you think Thomas Hobbes, the teams new thrower fared?"
"I dunna giva a shite about that wee git. Nah. The reel important player in this match was Nietzche. He had the Ogre on the uther side completely convinced that that daft Nuffle-bastard wuz dinna exist. This made the stupid haggis mess up often enough for us ta pull thru'."
"Ah yes...Anyway do you expect to go through to the next division? After all the team needed a four point win over Magic Potion Time to be sure to ascend."
"Screw the ascention. I'm off to write a new thesis on how there are no blinking miracels on the Blood Bowl field. Only bloody 'ard work!"
"Allright....Ehm...Back to the studio."”