#5 Father Pablo Ramirez – Broken Ribs (MNG) #5 Father Pablo Ramirez – Broken Neck (-AG)
“One of those games where everything fails for you, comes off for your opponent, near enough, and more proof these dice aren't fair - but hey - sometimes you get all the luck, sometimes you get jack shit, and jack was definitely tipping his hat and wafting his ass at me today.
It started with double skulls, and the first half got 3 more double skulls, plus on the rare chance I risked a 1db, skulls on those. With that in mind I figured the best way to reduce my opponents greater numbers was to crowdsurf, but nothing worse than sitting on the bench came of that.
1st TD came courtesy of throwing the ball whilst in a tz, catching in a tz, then running off, whilst the humans pulled off 1db after 1db, leaving my players on the floor.
2nd TD came from throwing in a tz, catching in a tz, and dodging away, whilst the humans pulled off 1db after 1db, leaving my players on the floor.
You see a pattern here?
I had more rerolls, but they never made much difference, and the humans got a couple of free ones from the kickoff.
The AG drop came from a dodge (3Ag runner) fail, reroll, fail, break armour and -ag. Other than that the AV9 was no better than AV8, and the crowdsurfs (I think I resorted to about 6 or so overall?) didn't do jack, meaning the crowd had no luck either.
Coupled with the 1FF opponent getting more cash, an extra FF, winning by 2-0 and pulling off near enough everything they tried, and you have a one sided shit fest - such things are team retirements made of.
Best o luck with the side grant85 - you played well, the dice pretty much figured from the kickoff where the win was going though, and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.
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It started with double skulls, and the first half got 3 more double skulls, plus on the rare chance I risked a 1db, skulls on those. With that in mind I figured the best way to reduce my opponents greater numbers was to crowdsurf, but nothing worse than sitting on the bench came of that.
1st TD came courtesy of throwing the ball whilst in a tz, catching in a tz, then running off, whilst the humans pulled off 1db after 1db, leaving my players on the floor.
2nd TD came from throwing in a tz, catching in a tz, and dodging away, whilst the humans pulled off 1db after 1db, leaving my players on the floor.
You see a pattern here?
I had more rerolls, but they never made much difference, and the humans got a couple of free ones from the kickoff.
The AG drop came from a dodge (3Ag runner) fail, reroll, fail, break armour and -ag. Other than that the AV9 was no better than AV8, and the crowdsurfs (I think I resorted to about 6 or so overall?) didn't do jack, meaning the crowd had no luck either.
Coupled with the 1FF opponent getting more cash, an extra FF, winning by 2-0 and pulling off near enough everything they tried, and you have a one sided shit fest - such things are team retirements made of.
Best o luck with the side grant85 - you played well, the dice pretty much figured from the kickoff where the win was going though, and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.