“A palmed coin gave the Dodgers teh ideal starting positong; recieving the bball with 3 catchers ready to run downfield waiting for the throw... a sure score surely. For a moment things didn't look that bright when Jonvellin missed his simple dodge to come down crashing violently. Turn one was over, and he was out. Luckilly the chaos players of the Holocausto team weren't totally awake either. The play resumed and ended as planned 1-0.
Reciving was going to get tough... But the Dodgers kicked deep, and were able to send Gaellin forward. assisted by the two dragon warriors who lept over the players on the line of scrimmage. Under pressure the beastmen failed to get the ball away. Hilvillin, one of the throwers mannaged to run over to the ball, get it and dodge away from the two flabergasted beastmen. A quick assist and Gaellin scored 2-0. This was looking good!
Unfortunately, rather than breaking the chaos players' morale this made them push their game up a level. And they did more than just push! By the end of the half some more elves were hurt ans the KO box was getting crowded as well. Holocausto was slowly outnumbering the Dodgers...and they even scored by turn 8...2-1.
Second half was...erm... quick. Elveskept on being carried away to the hurt or KO box. There were more elves off than on the pitch. and the 2-2 was scored with only a few more turns to play.
Even outnumbered the Dodges could win, if they made a quick and flawless play like the one they started the match with. Unfortunately another dodge went wrong (the catcher obviously hadn't seen the chaos warrion, because he could have gone around...at least one more square and only dodge once). It resulted in Holocausto reorganising their defense, crowdpushing the vital dragon warriors. after a small fight the ball landed in the audience, which threw it somewhere near the middle of the pitch. With 5 players left, the Dodgers had none standing close enough. Holocaustos bestmen secured the ball while the warriors continued clearing the field of elves. Only 1 was left on the pitch when the 2-3 was written on the score-board turn 8...
good tough game Avatarrj...(and thx for not seriuosly damaging the team! *lol*)
(PS: oh yeah, Gaelling , scorere of 2 TD's and MVP of the dodgers ... aged on first skill =/...great)”
“A great game. One of the best i've ever played and against a coach that really make the game more fun. i got a lot of luck in the end of 1st half sending half of this players to injure or Ko box...and for a chaos team this is all that matter ....1st eliminate all the oponent players and then start making Tds. Fom my luck that time this worked. Anyway, a lot of fun...hope i can give him a "revanche".”
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Reciving was going to get tough... But the Dodgers kicked deep, and were able to send Gaellin forward. assisted by the two dragon warriors who lept over the players on the line of scrimmage. Under pressure the beastmen failed to get the ball away. Hilvillin, one of the throwers mannaged to run over to the ball, get it and dodge away from the two flabergasted beastmen. A quick assist and Gaellin scored 2-0. This was looking good!
Unfortunately, rather than breaking the chaos players' morale this made them push their game up a level. And they did more than just push! By the end of the half some more elves were hurt ans the KO box was getting crowded as well. Holocausto was slowly outnumbering the Dodgers...and they even scored by turn 8...2-1.
Second half was...erm... quick. Elveskept on being carried away to the hurt or KO box. There were more elves off than on the pitch. and the 2-2 was scored with only a few more turns to play.
Even outnumbered the Dodges could win, if they made a quick and flawless play like the one they started the match with. Unfortunately another dodge went wrong (the catcher obviously hadn't seen the chaos warrion, because he could have gone around...at least one more square and only dodge once). It resulted in Holocausto reorganising their defense, crowdpushing the vital dragon warriors. after a small fight the ball landed in the audience, which threw it somewhere near the middle of the pitch. With 5 players left, the Dodgers had none standing close enough. Holocaustos bestmen secured the ball while the warriors continued clearing the field of elves. Only 1 was left on the pitch when the 2-3 was written on the score-board turn 8...
good tough game Avatarrj...(and thx for not seriuosly damaging the team! *lol*)
(PS: oh yeah, Gaelling , scorere of 2 TD's and MVP of the dodgers ... aged on first skill =/...great)”