“If I have 3-4 lucky turns in a row, that doesn't make me a bad coach, now does it ivs? :P Especially when I noticed myself too that I was having some good luck, there is no FUCKING reason for you little wanker to start judging my skills as a bloodbowl coach...
Anyways the match itself was pretty tight and fun until my opponent started whining. Oh and I weren't lucky for the whole game, I stunned my gutter with ball at his td-line with a gfi and so on... I hope ivs understands that we all have our share of good and bad luck in matches.”
Anyways the match itself was pretty tight and fun until my opponent started whining. Oh and I weren't lucky for the whole game, I stunned my gutter with ball at his td-line with a gfi and so on... I hope ivs understands that we all have our share of good and bad luck in matches.”