#6 Heidric Eagleson – Dead (RIP) #10 Kaled Thivald – Dead (RIP)
“Pleasent Chaps managed to KO a fair number of players early on making defending the ball pretty difficult, nearly got away with a pass and a run at one stage but our clumsy blitzer failed to get away. Half the problem was the whole team was in shock after our Mino actually knocked someone over. Well played, we'll be back for that rematch!”
“Incantrix is being very polite. he never really made a mistake in the match. his rerolls were burned on blocks and allthough we both had skulls the norse coach had the greater number. i also think he must have really upset the lord nuffle. nearly every knock i made broke armour and the norse just kept leaving the feild
this made it easy for the chaos just to walk up the field and score. i would not i out played the norse just beat themm up a fair bit. but how else do chaos play?
Incantrix is a fine coach who stayed well humoured through out the match and i wish all coaches were like him. i have added him to my buddy list as he is a pleasure to play and also a challenge. its these kinda guys that make bb fun
when we play again i would hope for more even block dice so the match would be closer and maybe his norse could beat some of my elves up so he could have suitable revenge
:-) ”
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