“Once again a really poor game from a team I find hard to coach. Weak bashers not really my forte. No regen or apoth for the beastman seems like such a disadvantage. Anyhoo.. to the game at hand. This game joined a bunch of terrible games in a really bad coaching week for me where I found a way to lose every game of note. Poor offensive caging... Beast "Gangrene" was a little better this game.. picking up a casualty and throwing a few more successful blocks.. but I have to remember he's really stupid and not just boneheaded.. couple of rookie blocks which opened my cage up badly im sad to say. Erikekers did what he had to do.. playing a strong Chaos Dwarf game. Even my relatively well constructed last gasp play at the end for a consolation TD failed on the 3+ catch. Really wasnt my day. Good Luck to the LWD's.”