CTV 1430k Human
Skaven CTV 1520k
#4 Maximilian Greenbaum – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#4 Maximilian Greenbaum – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#11 Finkel Wehrman – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#11 Finkel Wehrman – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
He paced up and down the room, every now and then stopping to stare out at the playingfield. Ragnar didn't know what foot to put his weight on, and shifted back and forth. Perhaps the "Touchdowns-brandys" were taking their toll.
"Erh..." he began. "They are called skaven."
"Why?" Johann asked. "What's the point? Why not 'rats' or even 'big rats'?"
Ragnar didn't have an answer and kept quiet.
"Remember a while back?" Johann continued. "We had just played those giant frogs..."
"Lizardmen." Ragnar corrected.
"... and I said I would file a report to the board. It must have lead to some restrictions. I like it that the animal-teams are now limitied to seven players."
Limited, Ragnar thought. If only that was the case. He was worried. If they could almost be beaten and severly injured by a severly battered team of rats, imagine what a full team of these beasts could do... He shivered, and not even another brandy seemed to warm him up.”