Foiled, the server crashed and durring the replayed turn Jimmy scored both times! Fair enough but the score went up twice! Ouch! 2-1 should the score and now it reads 2-2. Jimmy got 6 SPP out of it too!
For the first time I managed to get a move - hand off - move - pass -catch - move - TD sequence together and then fumbled the throw!
This was my worst game by far for casualties, and my first death. Most of the injuries were me failing dodges! I think I tried about 6 dodges in the match, made one! Very poor, more training required.
Still a really good game, must get the replay working and watch a double touchdown in turns 8 and 9 of the first half.
Well that's Blood Bowl : A blood bath with added mirth!”
“Da stinkin umie is spreadin more lies about uz, wez neva pulled the plug on de 'puter just so wez got 2 turnz and 2 TD's. Jimmy got em both fairz and squarez and we'll bash any wun who sez uver wize!!
The ferret iz still under deaf threat and iz to be bashed gud an proper on site, cos he iz more sneaky than a grot an wez all know how sneaky theyz are!! Not had much luck yet but we iz gettin closer every game.
Wez tried a new tic-tac this game and it sorta worked, we took outs all da umie catcherz (they iz soo squidgy) and then bash what else waz kickin around.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Foiled, the server crashed and durring the replayed turn Jimmy scored both times! Fair enough but the score went up twice! Ouch! 2-1 should the score and now it reads 2-2. Jimmy got 6 SPP out of it too!
For the first time I managed to get a move - hand off - move - pass -catch - move - TD sequence together and then fumbled the throw!
This was my worst game by far for casualties, and my first death. Most of the injuries were me failing dodges! I think I tried about 6 dodges in the match, made one! Very poor, more training required.
Still a really good game, must get the replay working and watch a double touchdown in turns 8 and 9 of the first half.
Well that's Blood Bowl : A blood bath with added mirth!”