“The adepts thrid game was against their fellow bretheren, which was amazingly enough their first ever game against a fellow CD team. This tough battle was won in the threnches with the Adpets eventually overpowering their less experienced counterparts. Not without loss however ad Stalwart Yu Wa rejoined the circle of life with a heroic sacrifice against a rampaging BC
3pts: Kre'l Goldenhoove - This rookie without block played a tremendous game, highlighted by a dodge blitz into the Adepts backfield that could have turned the match
2pts: Tarlil Kry'ir - This BC was all over the pitch and was responsible for Yu Wa's demise
1pts: Zahr'il Trih - Stronger than your average CD Zahr'il was an everpresent force dominating the weaker CD and making an annoying roadblock”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
3pts: Kre'l Goldenhoove - This rookie without block played a tremendous game, highlighted by a dodge blitz into the Adepts backfield that could have turned the match
2pts: Tarlil Kry'ir - This BC was all over the pitch and was responsible for Yu Wa's demise
1pts: Zahr'il Trih - Stronger than your average CD Zahr'il was an everpresent force dominating the weaker CD and making an annoying roadblock”