“Nasty game against a nasty coach. Turn 1 began like this.. Alavilla whatever niggles a dwarf (apothecary was used on niggle at start of game) and proceeds to laugh with glee, then promptly fouls another longbeard knocking him out.
It's at this point that I realize Emberglow is out to destroy my team, and continues to do so throughout the entire match. I tried to foul back with no success, as my players were leaving the pitch one after another.
I'd recommend not playing Emberglow unless you have PO/MB/DP players who do not fail. He seems to enjoy retiring teams, and admitted so during the match. "np, my pleasure"
Take that as you will.
EDIT : What DP are you talking about? I don't have any DP, nor have I on any of my teams. Get your facts straight buddy. ”
First of all, i have to agree with Aequitas that i was out of line with the comment "wee" when i got out his first dwarf on the very first turn. I want assure that was only due to my surprise over my lucky blow.
Statistically, one can knock through av 9 and cause an injury only on slim 1/36 chance, without using any modifiers. And you have to knock the opposing player down first, which is difficult if there's only 3 block skills versus 10 or so.
So, fouling was necessary to reduce the number of dwarves: less dwarves -> more healthy elves.
If i had waited Aequitas to foul first with his DP (which probably wasn't there as a fashion accessory), i would've lost my initiative. If i had reacted to his fouling, retaliating with my own foul, he'd been able to foul again with his DP.
In addition, i am not playing to destroy opposing teams, my admitting comment during the game was purely sarcastic.
The luck was on my side from the beginning but that is not my fault.
no hard feelings.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
It's at this point that I realize Emberglow is out to destroy my team, and continues to do so throughout the entire match. I tried to foul back with no success, as my players were leaving the pitch one after another.
I'd recommend not playing Emberglow unless you have PO/MB/DP players who do not fail. He seems to enjoy retiring teams, and admitted so during the match. "np, my pleasure"
Take that as you will.
EDIT : What DP are you talking about? I don't have any DP, nor have I on any of my teams. Get your facts straight buddy. ”