An awesome match - luck swung back and forh all the time and both Nobbla and Silibili delivered (Nobbla by taking out 2 Sauri early on and Silibili by steady performance).
Illegal drugs resulting in a most annoying Blodge Str. 4 Orc Blitzer.
The match had it all - Blitz! Perfect Defence, Thrown Rock, blood, tension and f ortunately few fouls as that would have been devistating to the Prophets. After a BO got MNG on the opening Blitz! the Prophets managed to score quickly while KO a Blitzer.
This was followed up by a Rock KO a Saurus and Nobbla taking care of some pesky Sauri (the 2 Break Tacklers were soon out) and the Orcs trounced down the field and managed to score on turn 8 after they had gotten all the SS/DT skinks out of the way - either BH or SI.
An attempt at a One Turn Chainpush score was foiled by a Perfect Defence - and a KO DP Orc Lino.
2nd half commenced with the Lizards recieving and it took alot of waving back and forth until the very last turns that proved to be an epic struggle for the ball that I can't really describe in detail - has to be seen. Heck - it should have been seen!
Qaz was an excellent and challenging opponent and good fun to play. Recommend at any price.
Tak for kampen, knægt. Omkamp til hver en tid ;)”
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An awesome match - luck swung back and forh all the time and both Nobbla and Silibili delivered (Nobbla by taking out 2 Sauri early on and Silibili by steady performance).
Illegal drugs resulting in a most annoying Blodge Str. 4 Orc Blitzer.
The match had it all - Blitz! Perfect Defence, Thrown Rock, blood, tension and f ortunately few fouls as that would have been devistating to the Prophets. After a BO got MNG on the opening Blitz! the Prophets managed to score quickly while KO a Blitzer.
This was followed up by a Rock KO a Saurus and Nobbla taking care of some pesky Sauri (the 2 Break Tacklers were soon out) and the Orcs trounced down the field and managed to score on turn 8 after they had gotten all the SS/DT skinks out of the way - either BH or SI.
An attempt at a One Turn Chainpush score was foiled by a Perfect Defence - and a KO DP Orc Lino.
2nd half commenced with the Lizards recieving and it took alot of waving back and forth until the very last turns that proved to be an epic struggle for the ball that I can't really describe in detail - has to be seen. Heck - it should have been seen!
Qaz was an excellent and challenging opponent and good fun to play. Recommend at any price.
Tak for kampen, knægt. Omkamp til hver en tid ;)”