“Outnumbered again... the lizzies fought bravely (with one pathetic exception, see below) and nearly scored twice, reaching deep into undead territory before the comedy of errors began. Once we even made it to the one yard line with a side-stepping skink, but alas it was not to be.
Dishonorable mention to the Krox in this game, for failing three Break Tackle rolls and no less than FOUR bonehead rolls. How many ones can a single player roll in one game?? He better snap out of it for the next game!
Props to Plorg who played a good game, and had just the right luck to score on the last turn (twice, actually, thanks to my stupid PC locking up again--sorry man, it wasn't on purpose!). Who knew an AG2 Thro-ra could come through in the clutch like that...”
Dishonorable mention to the Krox in this game, for failing three Break Tackle rolls and no less than FOUR bonehead rolls. How many ones can a single player roll in one game?? He better snap out of it for the next game!
Props to Plorg who played a good game, and had just the right luck to score on the last turn (twice, actually, thanks to my stupid PC locking up again--sorry man, it wasn't on purpose!). Who knew an AG2 Thro-ra could come through in the clutch like that...”