“Pouring rain the entire game.
First half, I'm on Offence. Blitz. 8 turn scrum. lovely.
Second half. Opponent scores in 4.
I should have tied the game, but #3, Mangle Meyers, single handedly lost me the game by doing a nosedive on the endzone. Go figure.
AND, the only player who got a skill off this game niggle from aging. Fuck you aging. I'm GLAD you're gone in the new rules.
I knew I should have retired this team after the first game, and gone with my own good advice to never play in ranked again. Nothing but trouble and aggravation.
I guess i should throw in a lighter side here.
my opponent played a good, clean game, and I recommend him for a match to anyone.”
First half, I'm on Offence. Blitz. 8 turn scrum. lovely.
Second half. Opponent scores in 4.
I should have tied the game, but #3, Mangle Meyers, single handedly lost me the game by doing a nosedive on the endzone. Go figure.
AND, the only player who got a skill off this game niggle from aging. Fuck you aging. I'm GLAD you're gone in the new rules.
I knew I should have retired this team after the first game, and gone with my own good advice to never play in ranked again. Nothing but trouble and aggravation.
I guess i should throw in a lighter side here.
my opponent played a good, clean game, and I recommend him for a match to anyone.”